
The Ghost Orchid

It focuses on two main characters One is a guy who is 24 years old, has no job, no skills, and no degree named Reggie Rockwitz. Due to circumstances, he is forced to leave his parent's house and live independently, and he chooses to do so. He receives a severe hammering from reality, regrettably. and hopefully, as the beginning of his life, he accepts the employment provided by an elderly bruiser who runs illegal automobile races. The second main character is a 28-year-old woman named Mayo Wiran, who also manages illicit race events and makes connections with the high-graded mafia, politicians, and drug lords by simply following in her father's footsteps, yes She is the daughter of the elder bruiser. Reggie Rockwitz is very withdrawn and awkward, and he lacks any aptitude for working in this line of work. However, he's got other unconventional abilities on his back which caught mayo rockwitz's eye story revolves around how she uses him to the fullest extent possible to grow the company and eventually become the lord of the underworld. In the journey, there are countless problems, never-ending rivalry, wars, mind games, and demonic villains. It is quite rewarding to see how the synergy between both characters develops, and how they level each other and expand their bond. cause its always about how you observe. To learn the baffling mysteries and spine-tingling excitement, hot spice, you got to read the novel.

Sudhanshu_Meshram · 都市
26 Chs

Using the Intimidator

Mayo Wiran

I was ready to fall asleep when I heard loud fights downstairs. It was 2:50 a.m., and my mother was going full on beast mode on my father for arriving at this hour.

"You already know my line of work, and I can't afford to squander time merely to get home early and leave my job behind."

"Why have you returned at this time? Why didn't you keep working outside all night?"

"Enough of this nonsense, I don't want to waste another second in this place, fuck you."

"Fuck you Ulrich, you sunuvabitch!! Please be cautious the next time you sneak into my room"

I heard a loud door slam, oh, again it's a messy fight between mom and dad. why don't they just behave like a normal couple?

they give a free daily dose of entertainment to our neighbors.

I slid the blanket and ran after my dad, as he was about to sit In his Volvo i opened the side door and sat inside.

"haven't you slept already ? oh I'm sorry who can sleep when a hag quarrels aloud, heeeh..ehee.ehe" said my dad giving out wheezy laughter.

"stop calling my mom a hag, she's a goddess, and where the hell were you."

"in the morning gave out the roles and explained everything, not everything to be honest."

"hmm.. can we go somewhere to get some fresh air, I'm feeling nauseated."

my dad started the engine and rolled the windows down.

"you should buy a mini cooper dad, this Volvo makes you look like a horrible mafia who is not scary at all".

"buying a mini cooper will make me look, like a retired old junkie with a loose bladder and arthritis".

"your jokes are still as bad as it was 28 years before". i said

I unwillingly called for a wave of guilt l, I was 28 and not married, don't have a job, nor degree, nor have any homemaking skills. I felt numb for a few minutes.

"how are you feeling now? we reached the cleo's place it has a lot of trees bursting to give oxygen."

"oh wow this is the place where we are hosting our opening ceremony and the grand opening race, this is heavenly," i said complementing dad.

i could see a colossal roundabout resting in the center, the road was high-quality bitumen graded and extended up to 2.5 kilometer's without turnings, so that was the track decided for the opening race.

dad was leaning against the street pole, taking drags of cigarette

"dad please dont smoke at this age, your bronchioles are already damaged. you were so perfect before and now you act like walter white". i said humorously

"when jinx and i were discussing with some managers of the 5th crew, Jeff called me and warned about the news of the grand opening broke out to olster."

"what! are you serious ? who on the damn earth has leaked the information."

I dont know dear, i made millions of enemies over the past years, I fuckin dont care who broke the news."

jeff is a lieutenant of PD and part of dad's alliance for decades, the one who saves us from abundant legal matters we fall into. holster muffins is ugly looking officer with a gorilla face holding a rank of deputy chief above Jefferey Now we are struck with a lethal blow came out of nowhere when everything was smooth as fuck.

"what are we gonna do? he will raid on us ruthlessly destroying everything we built from scratch". I said

"I'm thinking we shut this thing down, and shift to Australia for well and good, it also has some better universities for arts, English or whatever the subject it offers."

"no dad! I have invested so many hours and this kind of thing is what i can do best rather than listening to some wrinkled bald creature spitting sickening poetries and explaining the metaphorical meaning of it."

" we are doomed my little princess. he can drag us from our houses and make us pay for everything he wished all his life for." said dad

"I'm not going to let that happen dad, we have some badass gang each one is so much valuable jinx, jojo, alfred, yun they got our backs." I said

"you're right everyone of them is a lethal savage we can use up to any extent, except joyce and reggie they are inexperienced and dumb when it comes to our kinda work."

"yeah dad i agree, they are newbies but dont worry they will grind themselves in our environment, Reggie is quite good i mean, he's got good built, broad shoulders and even talks very politely." I hesitantly said dad.

"talking's all he got, he's the dumbest of them all." Said dad with angered expression.

"dad, he maybe awkward and clumsy but he's physically terrifying and even his face looks demonish, any man can lose confidence if he faces a guy like Reggie".

"so, what're trying to say"?

"dad i want you to use this asset effectively, what job did you gave him?"

"cash collecting and ticket printing". dad said questionably

"seriously ? is your wisdom gone for vacations or what? dad i want you to take him out

on your everyday tours of meeting with the enforcers, managers, the mafia, politicians, and every damn person involving with our business take him with you. the tone of voice is very deep and attention-grabbing. "

"now are you being serious mayo? he's of no use and will look like a raccoon between the lions." said dad.

"listen dad, its always just you, jinx, and that nerd lawyer you hired recently, take Reggie with you, his looks are intimidating and give out mysterious vibes, i will teach how to act so it will supplement to our negotiations, increase our savage levels, and even help us in winning the trust of managers."

dad shrugged "As you say but if he creates a problem because of clumsiness i will kill him."

"yeah sure, first lets go home and calm mom" i said