
Aiko Yuki-san

I am at the dining area. Eating this wonderful meal. Though something is bothering me. Like seriously bothering me.

Why the heck is there a beautiful girl infront of me?! Where did she come from?! How?!

"Kagami-san? Are you okay?" She began to ask as she would stare at me.

"Yes! I'm fine! Totally!" Even though I said that, I am literally sweating buckets right now!

Though looking at her, she has the same appearance of that black ghost from my dream. Wait, then that would mean she is.....

"So...why are you hunting this area? Did you....d-die here?" Such insensitive move you did there, self!

"Yes....I killed myself"

My eyes widened and I was in shock. A highschool girl who has the beauty and gentle personality has killed herself...

"I see... I'm sorry for asking such a sensitive question" I bowed my head.

"It's okay!" she tried to tell me to not bow my head.

She really has a good heart but it seems like she died at the wrong place and at the wrong time. People who are kind shouldn't die and suffer like that. But then again, the reason why I also hate this world and life is because it's unfair. To the living and the dead.

"I'm Kagami Yuuta"

"Aiko Yuki" she smiled

After my meal, Aiko-san helped me with the dishes. According to Aiko-san. She died just two years ago and that she has been watching the people who lived here. I only moved in last month. She couldn't interact with any living being until last night.

So it was Aiko-san who talked to me last night. She apologized as well since she thought that I bothered and scared me. I didn't really get mad about it.

"It's okay! I was just concerned but everything is good! No need to worry!" is all I could say.

I took a bath as I wondered about how Aiko-san could be that gentle even though she must have experienced something worse.

"Why the heck am I thinking about her when I have my fear of people and such...but then again....she isn't a person but a ghost" somehow it is a weird logic.

I finished my time in the bathroom as I changed into my causal home clothes. Aiko-san is downstairs probably resting. I came downstairs as I saw her staring at the glass door leading to the backyard. She seems to be staring at the starry night sky.

I moved forward and stood by her side. I also stared at the sky and smiled.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes....it is quite beautiful...do you adore the stars Kagami-san?" She asked.

"Yes, I really love the stars especially when they shine brightly. I use to think that those pretty stars are gentle souls" I said.

"Oh? Is that so? Then do you think I belong there too?" She began to ask that kind of question.

I couldn't answer and I couldn't say anything. I do believe in God and I have my fair share in religion.

"You also don't think so huh? Because I killed myself....all of those suicidal souls should be in hell huh?...." She uttered those words as she smiled sadly.

I couldn't say anything because she is right. Though I don't think I can accept such thing as her being in hell because she had a horrible life that it killed her.

"But....for me I think you have a room in those spots...up there...as gentle you are...I know you deserve to have peace up there" I pointed at the sky.

She looked at me with her eyes widened and tears forming. She was trembling as if she was about feel relief or fear.

"EH?! Don't cry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" I kept apologizing.

"No! It's just...that the thing you just said made me really happy! Thank you Kagami-san..!" She smiled like a gentle person.

I blushed and chuckled nervously. She really is beautiful despite her being a ghost.

The next morning I woke up and the sun was not shining. I hear water drops as it seems to be raining. I stayed in bed and closed my eyes, not to sleep but to think. What should I be doing? What should I be thinking? What should I do with Aiko-san. Seeing Aiko-san's tears made me feel sad a bit. It is unusual for me to do that because I despise not only the world and life but people too. I wouldn't care less about other people. Basically I am called a "sociopath" though not to Aiko-san. It's weird...

"Good morning Kagami-san" Aiko-san appeared out of nowhere and greeted with a smile.

"G-good morning"

"Did you sleep well? What would you like for breakfast?" She asked.

A girl just greeted me and is now asking me if I slept well or what I would like for breakfast.... how shameless of me and how kind of her!

"Y-yeah I slept well! Though I can do the food myself so it's okay!" I said.

"That's no good Kagami-san! I want to do it so I can help you!" She pouted and insisted.

I sighed and just let her do what she wanted. Honestly I feel like I'm taking advantage of her kindness... I should tell her soon. She began to cook while I took a bath and wore my home clothes. I began to smell the scent of her great meals! I envy her though. She has a talent for cooking, maybe I can learn from her.

I went down as to see the food was ready. She seems to have prepared Tonkatsu for breakfast. Seeing the fresh and crispy pork meat and fresh sliced vegetables with mayonnaise on top of it makes my mouth drool.

"Thank you for the food!" I said cheerfully.

As I finished eating. I helped Aiko-san with the dishes to repay what she did for me. She didn't mind at all. Though suddenly the door bell rang. It was strange since nobody would ever ring the door bell. I wiped my hands dry.

"I'll go check it out" I said.

I quickly went for the door, preparing my heart and once I opened it. A girl in a similar uniform whose about my age. She had chestnut hair color and brown eyes. She was under an umbrella as she looked at me.

"Yuu-chan....." She called out my name as she had this sad worried face that her tears formed.

"K-k-Kanao?!" I was shocked. My childhood friend came to see me, Shimizu Kanao.