
The Ghost Helper (English)

Many people says that I am weird. Why? It is because. . . I can see what others can't. I can also hear what they can't hear. I'm different among them because of this. They say wierd, scary. But I'm already used to it. I'm already used to see ghost wandering around me. They scared the sh*t out of me, but, I don't have a chance but to face them. This is my story and this is how it goes.

Leziel_Canonigo · ホラー
10 Chs

Chapter 5

The impostor


I mentally cuss because she hit me in the head. Godd*mn with this! She's really pain in the ass!

It doesn't mean that were cousin she'll gonna bully me.

"If I can revenge. . . " I said in a low voice.

"Ows really, you can revenge on me huh? Sure, here hit me in my face!" She tease. Encouraging me to do so. My face went sour. Tsk!

"Ah, what a lame!" She said and put her hand in her pockets. I eyed at her. "What did you say?"

"Whatever," Then, she leave me. I tightly close my eyes and controlling my temper. You're really annoying, Haile! Argh!

I followed her and enter the Ghost Hunt Club.

Tsk! She looks like Dora, wtf with that face!

"Good morning everyone! I am Vince. I am the president slash coordinator of ghosts hunt club, so before we could start. . .I formally inform you the rules and the regulations of this club,"

I didn't listen and put my headphones in my ear. It's the early to start, well I don't care. . . I'll get to sleep instead because Haile didn't let me.

She exhaust me last night. But, hey wait! It's just a training in case you're thinking of something.

D*mn it! I think I can't even move my whole body.

But well, I'm just thinking though, Haile's life is not easy huh! Poor her! Because try to think that she will experience a near death training just to be strong. I just didn't listen to them and sleep. I don't care, Haile is the one chose this club so she'll gonna take responsibility.


I was awake when she woke me up. She didn't even content of me and she pinch my nose. I sigh angrily and annoyed. I really want to ask, why is this girl so mean?

I glared at her.

"Don't look at me like that stupid! Vince calling you yet you're sleeping. Dumb*ss!" She said then role her eyes.

I look in the front.

" LHi can you introduce us your name?" Said by Vince. I just introduced my name and put my earphones back when I know notice that it's not in the place anymore.

This girl!

She's chilling I'm vibing huh!

"Hey that's mine!" I stole my earphones back from her. If she wants to listen music, then she should buy her own earphones!

She just glare at me. "Here, tsk!"

"Buy your own you know,"

"Why so greedy!"

"Guys let us all welcome our new member. Miss please come in." We stopped from arguing and sit properly.

A chinita girl entered the room. She smile to us showing her parentheses like dimples.

Wait, she's familiar?

"She's kinda look familiar. . ." I said out of nowhere.

"Hello guys I'm Acey Grace Henares new member of the club, or you can call me Acey. Nice to meet you all!" She said with an angelic voice while smiling ear to ear.

I hear my seatmate tsked.

But, I'm still confused though. She's really familiar.

Acey. . .

Acey. . .

Acey. . .

If I'm not mistaken she's. . .s-he's Gracey?

St*pid Carl! That's her name idiot!


When I look at them, they're already staring at me."What?" I ask.

"Acey is asking you if she can sit beside you," said by Von. The other member of the club.

I scratch my neck. D*mn, how embarrassing!

I just nod a little.

"I didn't expect that I'll gonna meet you here, Carl." She said. I just smile at her shyly. Trying to act cool. "Hey, it's me. Don't you remember?"

Eh, what?

My brows knitted while looking at her. I still didn't get it.

Wait. . .

"Yes your Gracey, remember?"


We stop midway form our revelation when Ash interrupt. Wait, what is she doing here? I thought the officers aren't allowed to join?

"Hi miss I'm Ashley Joy Perez, best friend of Carl. So can you please move aside so I can sit beside him?" She said with a sarcastic smile.

Acey just also smile sarcastic and raise her brows. But before she speaks, she look at us.

"No," She said. Our jaw drops. Well, uhm it's awkward.

The other member of the club cuss. Just wtf right?

"I don't take 'NO' as an answer, miss newbie." She raise her brow and cross her arms. "Move."

Vince panicked while looking at the two of them. The tension inside the room makes us uneasy.

"Uhm, vice there's so many chairs that you can sit-"

"I want to sit beside him." She said with a finality in her voice. He shut his mouth and didn't say anything.

Ash was about to say something when the bell rings. I stood up, I want to approach them when Haile drag me with her.

"Hey, wait!"

"Shhhh." She said, still dragging me with her. Her face was emotionless and I am quite scared with her actions.

"You're not even handsome for petes sake." I hear her whisper. I just act as if I didn't while still following her.

"I want to get jealous then I remember that we're cousins!"


I stop from my trance and look at her with wide eyes. Wtf?!


I was still confuse about what Haile said. I don't want to make it big deal. . . but f*ck it! I can get it out my head.

It's our last subject and Haile is sitting beside me. Yes, Acey and Ash is also our classmate. But, they can't come near me because Haile didn't let them. Well to be specific, she threatened those two. Wow! Thats really impressive.

*Bell rings*

4:45 pm

"Let's go Carl," I nod and follow her. When we reach the parking lot I notice something. I don't know if I was seeing things but, I sense that there's something wrong. I think we're in danger.

D*mn, how the hell can I protect myself?


To be honest right now the training is useless because I forget everything we trained. Godd*mn it!

I didn't notice the next thing happened. There's someone who attack us, but I manage to fight with them though.

"Carl, at your back!" I was too late to avoid it. I just close my eyes and-

I wait a second but I didn't feel any pain. When I open my eyes, the guy who was about to hit me is already unconscious.

When I look at Haile, she's panting so hard. Her hands was covered with blood.

Suddenly, a man was about to attack her when I change our position and hug her.

I didn't know what did I do but I manage to fight with them. But, I was also hit too. I lost my balance and fall.

I close my eyes because of pain in my back. I embrace the impact of our fall.

"Are you okay?" Haile ask after a few seconds. I tightly closed my eyes and feel the pain.

She stand and call someone in her phone. But, before my consciousness loss she said something that makes me stunned.

"You're so lame you know! But, even though you're lame and stupid. . . I still f*cking love you."