
CHAPTER 7: Another Handsome Jerk.

Nichole breathed in the finally free as she entered the cafe.

Luka was already there, it was an hour passed her shift,

" Good day, Nichole" Luka greeted with her delightful smile. Nichole nodded and looked around for someone.

"If it's Jason you're searching for, he went for basketball practice"

"Oh right" Nichole sighed and looked at Luka.

A beautiful young teenage girl. Same class with Jason but.... They didn't quite get along. Jason was a huge snub including to Nichole herself. He only busies himself with his school work and basketball. Luka liked Jason, it was very obvious but Jason wasn't into anyone- or not just into her.

Luka, brown shoulder lengthened hair. Chocolate orbs, small pointed nose and full lips. She was beautiful and smart. Nichole felt sad for her, it was tough getting ignored and snubbed by the boy you liked.

"You're okay, right?"

Luka giggled, "Why wouldn't I be "

Nichole smiled softly and nodded, "Get to speak to Jason at class?" She asked as she sat on the stool facing the counter.

Luka sighed softly and looked the cafe, the customers were served so she had spare time to gist-

"I gave him his socks like Aunt Pamella had told me-"

(Aunt Pamella is grandma Pamella. Grandma to Nichole and Jason.)

Luka had walked into the boys changing room, it wasn't allowed but she wasn't the first to break it. Boys whistled as she passed until she reached him- her long time crush - Jason Davis. He was searching for something in his blue bag, his brows knotted as he kept his eyes inside the bag still searching and ignoring the presence beside him.

"Hey, Jason" She called and the shirtless teen boy turned. it wasn't her first time to see him shirtless but, this was too close. His hot abs could blind her.

His face paled abit in anger and frustration, "Why are you in here, Louisa?"

Louisa? Her name wasn't Louisa.

"Ur_ I came to give you this" She somewhat stammered and brought out his socks from her school bag.

"You forgot this at home. Aunt Pamella asked me to give it to you." She paused and allowed him to collect it from her, he released a sigh.

"I guess that's what you were searching for?" She concluded to his earlier reaction.

"Thanks" He murmured.

Luka smiled softly, if she wasn't mistaken, it was the first time he thanked her.

"You're welcome" She beamed with her never ending smile and whispered.

She stood and watched him wear his jersey and socks, he was tying his shoe lace to his canvas when his eyes drifted to her.

Luka smiled again _

"Is there something else, Louisa?" He arched a straight brow.

Luka snapped out slowly_

"Oh no, sorry" She apologized and turned to leave but then turned back_

"It's Luka"

He looked at her again, confused.

"Luka Elliot_Thats my name. Louisa is the fat cheerleader's name." She said and left.

Jason only shrugged and continued his shoe lacing.

"Hey, Luka" Some boys called her and came around her before she could leave the boys changing room. Their leader stepped forward, one of the hottest boys in their school. Ralph.

"You didn't come to Nessa's party as planned" He said, his tiny lips lifting upwards as he starred down at her beautiful figure.

Luka sighed, " I was quite tied up with stuff"

Ralph smiled. "Give me your number, I'll call you when I have Free time"

Luka paused Abit _ " Are you sure that's necessary?"

"Necessary?" He smirked exposing his side dimple. " It's more than a must Luka."

Luka looked at all the boys with him, Clerk O'thanor, Max Versos and Naman Jutts. She let out a soft sigh and slowly looked at Jason conner. She wasn't really sure about it. But Jason was exchanging words with his friend.

"Give him your number!

Give him your number!

Give him your number!"

Because of the chants, attention was drawed to her. All eyes, including, Jason.

Ralph put his hand and the chants stopped.

"So, what'cha say Elliots?.... Your digits?" He asked as he brought out his iphone 13 pro max to her. She slowly took it and typed her number, "Here" She gave it back to him.

He smiled at her, "Thanks, Lovely"

She nodded and peeped Abit at Jason, their eyes met but he quickly looked away_following the back door with Xavier, his only friend.

Luka left, Raph pecked his phone and smiled making the whole basketball team howl and shout in excitement.

"I don't think he was angry, right?" Luka asked Nichole.

"Urrh..." Nichole drawled as Luka waited for her answer.

"No. I don't think so too" Nichole agreed.

"I knew it" Luka sighed out. "I mean, We've only said a maximum of thirty words to each other" She paused Abit_

"Giving my number to Raphael wouldn't hurt Even a fly" She murmured Abit-

Nichole smiled, "Give up already, Luka" She advised.

Luka sighed and but her lower lip softly- in s childish way.

"You've been crushing on him since_" Nichole paused not knowing or forgetting the certain time. She concluded with a strong release of breath.

"I don't think Jason is going to ever, you know spare you glance. Not that you're not beautiful, you're so beautiful that I ask my self if I'm up to your standard"

"Nichole-" Luka called softly and sighed.

"I know what you're getting at-"

"You do?" She asked to be sure.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I understand"

Nichole smiled softly. "I'm sorry it had to be like this but- thank goodness you understand" She said out.

"I have my count down. I'll soon give up"

Nichole nodded. " I'm sorry, Luka"

"It's okay," She sighed and smiled mildly.