

Francis entered the huge building with his bodyguards. The workers and office clerks looked at him and murmured slightly. Walking out of the elevator with hefty men gained him the fears of the workers.

They all gave way.




Everyone greeted with a bow. He took his left and barged into the first floor, the CEO's floor.

"Sir." The secretary of that particular floor stood and ran after him, trying to stop him. But then he still made his way into the office.

A woman wearing a light blue flay gown turned, her eyes showed no emotions. She stood with files in her hands.

Francis eyes went everywhere, he smirked.

"What are you doing, Vione?" He asked as his eyes settled on the still bending man bedside her. Francis almost scoffed.

The secretary behind Francis looked at the head secretary.. The one with the blue dress.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I tried to stop him"

"It's okay. You can leave" Vione said and the letter left.

"What do you think you're doing, Vione?" Francis asked again.

"—" Vione sighed silently and put a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Whatever do you see I'm doing?"

Francis scoffed. His eyes narrowing at her carefully, Vione was a real deal.

" You still don't know your place, do you?"Francis asked.

"What gave you the right to come in here and do as you like?"

"I'm his Secretary. It's s my work"

"Was, Vione, Was. Your CEO is already on his death bed. Your time and work is no longer needed"

Vione was quiet, she looked Abit shocked as she slowly turned to the man still bending. Pretending that nothing was heard. The man who was bending looked at her with a sigh and she gave him a questioning brow. He stood, dropping the files in his hand to the floor. He turned to Francis with a noticeable smirk and a hidden frown.

"It took you long enough to come here."

Francis laughed. "I bet I'm early. Too early at that."

Vione and the smirking man by her side exchanged short glances before looking back at Francis.

"Alex, You need to stop this.You're a man right? Then man the hell up!" Francis gritted his teeth.

"Oh, I'm being a man alright, but why are you being a traitor?"

"Please..." Francis drawled and almost rolled his eyes. "My sister is not in her right mind for now, and her son? Probably going to finally give up by the time I have a word with his doctors. I'm only doing what a good family member would do"

"He's not going to die" Vione shook her head slightly. " You just want that to happen" she added.

Francis smiled widely. An evil grin boldly shown on his damn good looking face. His smile was directed to Alex.

"You didn't tell her?"

Vione frowned. " He didn't tell me what?"

Francis laughed.

"Your boss won't last till next week"

Vione looked at Alex who avoided her gaze–


" You can deal with that later. For now, just pack your belongings and help me out with the changing of the office statuses."

Vione scoffed.

"No." she softly said and shook her head. " I won't do that. You don't even deserve it"

"Look at who talks about what's deserving" Francis taunted.

"She's right" Alexander agreed. " Even if what you're saying is right and that my Friend isn't going to last, he isn't yet dead or even buried. So, please- give him some respect"

Is this what this is about?" Francis arched a brow.

"Yes" Alex nodded. His hands in his pants pocket. " The board also has to confirm on giving you the seat. it's not exactly your inheritance."

Francis scoffed but slowly smiled.

"The board you say? That's only a piece of cake. "

" Great! " Alex smiled. " Deal with it "

Francis nodded and smiled darkly " Oh, I will. " He glanced at Vione and winked at her. " My most beautiful, you can't keep on on your race. Think about us.... okay?"

Vione remained speechless but maintained her frown. He laughed and left.

The two sighed.

"Bastard" Vione cursed and put her get hand through her shoulder length hair. Alex starred at her, she was definitely worried yet she looked so_ beautiful.

"What's his real condition?" She asked turning to face him.

" Is he really..." she paused.

"The doctors said he has less than a week. He won't last long."

Vione sighed softly, " You should've told me. Now Francis won't stop at nothing till he gets what he wants"

_ _ _

Friday night came slowly and by midnight,the store was open for the dead. A couple had left after having their desert, it was remaining a young man who kept his eyes glued on the laptop. Soon later, he stood and paid for his coffee and left.

Nichole sighed as she sat behind the counter reading a big book. A novel titled 'The Playa And I' she smiled at a scene and frowned instantly, looking up to behold someone standing outside the cafe glass door.

The man walked through the glass door, to her. His eyes found a door that had a writing 'Ghosts only' He scoffed silently and walked in through the door. Nichole stood and made sure to put a bookmark on the page of her book she was reading. She followed the same door after changing the open sign outside to the back: closed.

Opening a big book and sitting opposite him with a table in front of them.


"Sebastian" He answered

She looked up at him, "Sebastian, what?"

"Sebastian Gollians" He sighed and said.

She wrote it down.

He arched his brow.... She didn't recognize the name?


Sebastian hesitated Abit....

"I need all the information for the processing. No need to be shy about your age"

He sighed softly. He wasn't shy . He was sad. He died too early.

"27" He said and she wrote it down.

"Cause of death?"

"Gun shot"

She looked up again_

"Only that?.." She asked, sounding disappointed. Sebastian was abit confused. "Yeah, I only got shot" He answered.

Nichole sighed as her pen tapped on her wooden table. She starred at him muscular man Infront of her. ' After having such a bad ass face, great body building and for sure killer abs..... you died after getting shot!' Her mind screamed.

"Multiple times" He finally added after noticing her serious stare.

"What?" Nichole tried to come back to her reasoning.

"I was shot multiple times"

"Oh" She mistakenly voiced out and then bit her lower lip. He watched her slowly. She looked down and wrote it, she spent some time again filling the form without asking him questions. Sebastian guessed it was her own side to answer. After some time, she sighed and closed the big book.

"Okay, So we are done with your registration. You now need to complete some certain tasks so that I'll can send you away to peace"

"Wait,- "He cut in almost immediately...."Peace?" He asked somewhat confused. She looked at him with a brow up-

"What's peace"

"Afterlife" She said simply.

He scoffed and glanced away. "No" He said and sat up, leaning to her desk.

"No. I didn't come here for peace."

Nichole frowned abit, "Then why did you come here?- Didn't you read the info on the card I gave you ?" She leaned into her seat and her lips curved up in a disgusting smirk.

"Goodness. " she sighed and scoffed. " And I thought I was being rude to you. You aren't even ready to find peace" She said in one breath.

Seb sighed. "You are being rude. You talk as if I stole your happiness"

Nichole laughed. "Right, Just because I'm the dead lead or whatever doesn't mean that I can't have another wonderful life. If you don't know, my mates are partying right now. Having fun and fucking their brains out. And here I am..." She smiled softly yet something cold could be seen in her smile." Sitting across a dead person who's trying to annoy my less annoyed self."

Sebastian smiled and sighed. He couldn't help but smile. Everything she said was funny.

Nichole frowned and scoffed, "Are you smirking at me. Did I say something funny?"

"No" He said.

"Gosh!" Nichole covered her face with her palms in frustration.

"If you knew you didn't want to be sent the peace, you couldn't stayed with the other ghosts out there—" She looked back at him, " And ghost around" She stood to leave.re

" I want to come back"

Nichole stopped in her tracks. She turned slowly, not sure if what she heard. "What?" She asked to know if this handsome man had lost all thinking abilities. He stood and towered over her, surprising Nichole of how tall he was. She didn't know she'd look small Infront of him.

" I died prematurely. I was murdered." He stated.

Nichole sighed and rolled her eyes. "Many people that come here died that way"

"Maybe." Sebastian shrugged. "But I've got some unfinished business here on earth."

Nichole rolled her eyes again, her upper lip tugging in a disbelief smirk.

"Did you somehow hurt your head when you fell?" She asked and it was Sebastian's turn to look confused.

"Because, I don't see a reason why you would believe in such..." she paused looking for a proper word to add up. "Impossibility" She finally added.