
Chapter 88: GABRIEL

I stayed awake long into the night after she’d fallen asleep, listening to her breathe and the cute little sounds she made in her sleep, with my mind full of worry and concern for her. That seems to be the norm these days. There was nothing on the buyer in Calhoun’s files, and I’d left the face recognition machine running since we had yet to get a match to the composite to tell us who this strange man was.

Fear for another person is new to me. This wasn’t your everyday worry but a deep-rooted fear and dread that something could happen to her. The feeling left me weak and angry at the same time, and since I have no experience with such things, it was keeping me awake.

I’ve thought of every screwed-up scenario and imagined everything that could go wrong, but funnily enough, the thing that scares me most of all is the thought of what might’ve happened to her had I not come here. Where would she be now? What would she be going through now had I not been here to save her?