
Chapter 157: GABRIEL

“Why are you so angry? Is it because of Bella?”

“Who says I’m angry?”

“Your body vibrates when you’re mad.”

“It what?” How the hell could she know that? I was doing my best to keep my thoughts well hidden from her, and as far as I know, not even the most well-trained operatives have ever been able to read me.

She lifted her head off my chest and looked at me. At least she was no longer crying. “It’s like the ground after an earthquake, like little aftershocks.” Her innocent response left me speechless, and all I could do was look at her, almost dumbfounded.

“Don’t be upset; it was just a freak accident. I still don’t understand how she did that. I was sure I left the door to her pen open when I left the room just in case she woke up, but…” She was this close to blaming herself for something she had no part in, and I was second-guessing my decision not to tell her the truth.