
The Genius Prince

In a realm where kingdoms rise and fall like the ebb and flow of the tide, one young prince embarks on a journey that will shape the destiny of his people and his land. James Vi Heisenberg, the third prince of his kingdom, finds himself thrust into the forefront of leadership as he sets out to govern the coastal region of Heisenport.

Daoist8g69MA · ファンタジー
27 Chs

The Parade

As the parade wound its way through the Capital City, citizens from far and wide gathered along the streets, their faces alight with excitement and anticipation.

Families stood together, children perched on their parents' shoulders to catch a glimpse of the procession.

The air was filled with a sense of unity and celebration, as the people of Heisenberg came together to honor their royal family and the valiant knights.

The procession moved gracefully through the city streets, banners fluttering in the breeze and the sound of marching footsteps echoing off the cobblestone roads.

Knights in gleaming armor rode atop majestic steeds, their noble bearing a testament to their dedication and valor.

Nobles adorned in their finest attire followed suit, their regal presence adding to the grandeur of the event.

As the parade reached the heart of the city, the crowd parted to reveal a vast expanse of open land, centered around a tranquil lake.

The sight took their breath away — the vibrant hues of pink blossoms on the trees, the shimmering surface of the lake reflecting the clear blue sky above.

It was a scene of natural beauty that captured the essence of the kingdom's splendor.

Amidst the awe-inspiring backdrop, the parade came to a halt, and the royal family, accompanied by their honored guests, stepped forward to address the gathered citizens.

Their voices carried across the open space, filled with gratitude for the unwavering support of their people and hope for a brighter future for Heisenberg.

As the festivities continued, laughter and music filled the air, mingling with the joyous cheers of the crowd.

It was a day of celebration and unity, a testament to the enduring spirit of the kingdom and its people.

As the day drew to a close, James stood before the gathered crowd, his voice resonating with determination and optimism.

"My fellow citizens," he began, his words carrying over the crowd, "Today marks a significant step forward for our kingdom.

We stand on the cusp of a new era, one defined by progress, innovation, and unity."

Cheers and applause erupted from the crowd, echoing through the streets as James continued to address the people.

"Together, we have laid the foundation for a brighter future," he declared, his gaze sweeping across the sea of faces before him.

"With your support and dedication, we will build upon this foundation, shaping Heisenberg into a land of opportunity and prosperity for all."

A voice rang out from the crowd,

"What are your plans for the future, Your Highness?"

James smiled, his eyes alight with determination.

"Our journey has only just begun," he replied.

"In the coming years, we will continue to invest in education, infrastructure, and industry.

We will forge new partnerships, explore new frontiers, and ensure that every citizen has the opportunity to thrive."

Another voice chimed in, "What can we do to help, Prince James?"

With a grateful nod, James responded, "Your unwavering support and commitment to our kingdom's ideals are invaluable.

Together, we will overcome any challenge and seize every opportunity that comes our way."

The crowd erupted into cheers once more, their voices united in a chorus of hope and determination.

As the day came to a close, James knew that with the people of Heisenberg by his side, anything was possible.

James after the Parade tried summoning the system countless times but to no avail the system still did not respond....( he always says the wrong command)

7 days after the parade the Queen had summoned the 3rd prince again intending to enjoy a day before his son comes back to his territory.

James!! Intoned by Queen Xayah as his son enters the Royal House... Come my dear the maids had prepared a very wonderful meal...

As they sat down to enjoy the meal, James couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving his mother's company once again.

Nevertheless, he savored the moment, relishing in the warmth of their conversation and the delicious food prepared by the maids.

"Mother, I wish I could stay longer," James confessed, his tone tinged with regret. "But duty calls, and I must return to Heisenport to attend to the affairs of my territory."

Queen Xayah nodded understandingly, her expression softening with maternal affection.

"I know, my dear. Your responsibilities as governor must come first," she replied gently.

"But remember, you always have a home here in the capital, and I will always be here to support you, no matter where your duties take you."

James smiled gratefully, touched by his mother's words.

"Thank you, Mother," he said sincerely.

"I will do my best to fulfill my duties and make you proud."

Their conversation continued long into the evening, filled with laughter, reminiscences, and shared moments of love and understanding.

As the day came to a close, James cherished the time spent with his mother, knowing that her unwavering support would always be his guiding light, even in the darkest of times.

The time for departure had come once again, and as Bahrian returned from her vacation to her hometown, she crossed paths with James in the Castle.

James, upon seeing her, felt a pang of longing, remembering her absence from the recent ball.

Curiosity and a hint of playfulness sparked in his eyes as he asked,

"Bahrian, where on Aetheria did you disappear to during the ball?"

Bahrian, catching the playful tone in James's voice, offered a sincere apology, her expression earnest.

"Your Highness, I'm truly sorry".

"I was stationed to guard the castle and couldn't find the opportunity to attend the ball," she explained, her voice tinged with regret.

James, understanding the duty that Bahrian held as a knight, nodded understandingly. "No need to apologize, Bahrian.

Guarding the castle is an important duty, and I appreciate your dedication," he reassured her, a warm smile gracing his lips.

Yet, despite his understanding, a trace of disappointment lingered in James's expression as he recalled the missed opportunity.

"I must admit, I did miss your presence at the ball," he confessed, his tone softening.

"It would have been a pleasure to share a dance with you."

Bahrian's cheeks flushed slightly at James's words, her gaze meeting his with a mixture of surprise and warmth.

"Your Highness, I... I didn't realize you wanted to dance with me," she admitted, her voice softening with genuine affection.

James offered her a reassuring smile, his eyes reflecting his sincerity.

"I would have been honored to," he replied earnestly.

"But perhaps there will be another opportunity in the future."

Bahrian's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with gratitude.

"I would like that very much, Your Highness," she replied, her voice filled with warmth and appreciation.

With a shared nod, they mounted their horses, the sound of hooves striking against the cobblestones echoing through the courtyard.

As they rode side by side, the rhythmic clip-clop of their steeds provided a steady backdrop to their conversation, a reminder of the journey that lay ahead.

Together, they set off towards Heisenport, their voices mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft whistling of the wind.

***** Heisenport***

Lord Frederick. A messenger shouted getting the attention of the Count.

What is it? said the count as he asked what could be the problem...

Messenger; Lord Frederick... The situation is like this... Huff Huff... Lord Frederick...

Count Frederick; Stop stammering and say it properly...Maid get this man a water, please.

Count... The thing is a large vein of Red crystals has appeared just near the Heisenport Military Reserve Regiment Academy... the vice-captain sent me to notify you of this...

Ha? What, red crystals? alright.. this might be trouble or fortune but let's first go and check it out.

Ready my horse... 

As Count Frederick and his men rode towards the Heisenport Military Reserve Regiment Academy, the urgency of the situation weighed heavily in the air.

With each gallop of their horses, the tension mounted, fueled by the mysterious discovery of the red crystals.

Upon their arrival, the Count wasted no time in assessing the situation.

"Where are the crystals located?" he demanded, his voice commanding authority amidst the flurry of activity.

The vice-captain stepped forward, his expression grave.

"My Lord, the vein of red crystals lies just beyond the eastern border of the academy grounds.

We've sealed off the area to prevent any unauthorized access."

Count Frederick nodded in approval, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Good. Let's proceed cautiously.

Send a scouting party to assess the size and nature of the vein.

We need to determine whether these crystals pose a threat or an opportunity."

With a determined nod, the vice-captain relayed the orders to his men, who swiftly moved into action.

Meanwhile, Count Frederick surveyed the scene with a mix of apprehension and excitement, knowing that the discovery of the red crystals could herald either fortune or peril for Heisenport.