
The Genius Mage Was Reincarnated Into A Swordsman Family

(MASS RELEASE ON AUGUST 30, 2024) Klaus had spent his entire existence as a puppet, bound by the strings of fate. However, a miraculous turn of events granted him a fresh start. The remnants of his former constraints smoldered in the ashes of his past. Now, unshackled and determined, he resolved to forge his destiny according to his own desires. No one, not even a deity, would be spared if they dared obstruct his path. Klaus was ready to wield the sword of vengeance and carve his own fate in the annals of history.

Thierry_Scott · ファンタジー
117 Chs

Chapter 5

"Here it is, my lady," Lina, the head maid of the bed chambers, presented a steaming white bowl to Elisabeth.

Elisabeth, now equipped with her expanded knowledge, accepted the bowl with a mix of determination and concern. Inside it rested a warm elixir, eagerly awaiting her beloved son, Klaus.

"Thank you," Elisabeth acknowledged Lina's assistance with a grateful nod.

With the elixir cupped in her hands, Elisabeth gazed at Klaus, who lay nestled in his crib, fast asleep. His cherubic face was framed by locks of silver hair, and the sight filled her with a sense of both maternal warmth and responsibility.

Lina, a seasoned aide who had accompanied Elisabeth since her childhood, watched them both. She spoke softly, understanding the challenges of motherhood. "Do you anticipate any difficulties feeding him this elixir?"

"Children often detest the bitterness of medicine," Lina reminded her, her voice carrying the wisdom of experience. "You, too, my lady, had your reservations about taking bitter remedies during your youth."

"I did?" Elisabeth's eyes twinkled with a hint of amusement at the memory.

Lina nodded with a knowing smile. "There was a time when you rebelled, running away, claiming you'd have nothing to do with it."

"Hey, Klaus might be listening." Elisabeth chuckled, her worry momentarily forgotten.

"Indeed, most children despise medicine. And given Klaus's tender age, he might find it even less palatable."

"But, my lady..." Lina's voice held a note of caution.

Elisabeth's resolve remained firm. "I understand. Klaus must take it."

With newfound awareness of her family's intricate relationships and the importance of her son's future, Elisabeth knew she had a responsibility to protect Klaus at all costs.

Raphael, who had been approached with her plea, had come by  again and given her three high-quality elixirs with light properties. She knew these elixirs held the key to Klaus's well-being.

As she gently smoothed Klaus's hair, Elisabeth couldn't help but wonder how her son had slept. Klaus stirred, flexing his fingers as he opened his eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" Elisabeth whispered tenderly.

Klaus responded with a soft, incomprehensible sound, his innocent eyes filled with curiosity.

"There is something you must do from today onwards, Klaus," Elisabeth explained gently. "You must drink all of this."

She scooped the elixir up with a small wooden spoon and brought it to Klaus's lips, her heart brimming with maternal concern.

'He will drink it, but will probably cry right after,' Elisabeth thought, anticipating her son's reaction.

"Now, let's drink," she encouraged, carefully pouring the elixir into Klaus's mouth, ensuring that it didn't spill.

"Ooh-aah…" Klaus's face contorted in response to the elixir's bitterness, and Elisabeth braced herself for his inevitable tears.

But to her astonishment, there were no tears. Klaus, rather than crying, waved his small hands in the air, as if asking for more.

"Huh?" Elisabeth's eyes widened in disbelief.

Klaus's nonchalant response left her speechless. He seemed to be signaling that he wanted more of the elixir, despite its bitter taste.

"Lina. This..."

"Y-Young master seems to be asking for more?" Lina inquired, equally surprised.

"Right? Is that correct?" Elisabeth sought confirmation, still in awe of Klaus's unexpected reaction.

With newfound determination and a sense of pride, Elisabeth scooped a larger amount of elixir than before and poured it into Klaus's mouth.

"Ooh-ooh!" Klaus's eyebrows shot up, forming a comical mountain on his forehead. Yet, he remained unfazed by the bitterness, his hands gesturing for even more.

"Oh…" Elisabeth's lips parted in amazement.

"Do you think Klaus understood my intentions?" she wondered aloud.

"Definitely! It seems that the young master recognizes your intentions and is enduring it," Lina observed, her eyes reflecting the extraordinary nature of this moment.

It was obvious that Klaus found the elixir bitter, yet his understanding and resilience were striking.

"Klaus!" Elisabeth couldn't help but hug her son tightly, her heart swelling with pride and affection.

'Just give me more of the medicine. Faster,' Klaus signaled as he tapped on Elisabeth's shoulder.

'Even if it is a little bitter, this is nothing. I cannot miss this opportunity.'

Klaus was determined to seize this chance, his eyes shining with purpose.

It wasn't just any normal medicine. What he needed the most was an elixir with light properties. Although the elixir was bitter and hot, to the point that his tongue felt numb, he was resolved to finish it all.

"Look at Klaus! Don't you think he eats like such a sweetheart?" Elisabeth marveled at her son's resilience.

"Of course!" Lina agreed, their bond growing stronger with every shared moment.

Klaus paid no heed to their conversation, swallowing the elixir with unwavering determination.

'Though I don't know what it is, the effects are extraordinary.'

The moment he consumed the elixir, a radiant energy ignited within his stomach, as if kindling a brilliant light. This energy flowed through his mana circuit, driving out the darkness that had plagued him.

'The effect and concentration of the medicine are perfect.'

Klaus knew that a potent elixir could be harmful to a child's fragile body. Yet, Elisabeth and Lina had ensured that the concentration of the elixir was just right, maximizing its benefits while minimizing any potential harm.


A small burp escaped Klaus as he licked off the remaining elixir on the spoon. He closed his eyes, a contented expression on his face.


"Yes. Let's leave him to sleep."

Elisabeth and Lina watched Klaus, their hearts filled with admiration and tenderness. Their eyes shone with shared understanding.


Klaus opened his eyes once they had left the room, realizing that he was alone.

'I don't think they will return for some time.'

And even if they did, they would not disturb him.

With both sustenance and medicine at hand, Elisabeth and Lina were unlikely to awaken him. It was the perfect moment to focus on his practice.

Klaus harnessed the warm energy coursing through his body and began his training with the Ten Eyes Mantra.

'It will be faster to utilize the 'Ten Eyes Mantra' and banish the darkness, thanks to the elixir.'

A mischievous grin played on Klaus's lips, an unspoken promise of the greatness he was destined to achieve.

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