
Chapter 64: Zhou Shan's Interest in Learning

"I've come to see if you've been studying diligently," Su Yuxin smiled gently at Xia Zhi.


"Yes," Xia Zhi blushed, nodding vigorously. "I've been studying diligently every day. The Master even praised me."


"Is that so?" Su Yuxin's smile widened, raising her hand to compare Xia Zhi's height. "It seems you've grown taller in these few days of absence."


"The Master not only teaches me to recognize characters but also trains my body in martial arts. He says one should not be limited to book learning alone," Xia Zhi added.


"Then you must heed the Master's advice," Su Yuxin nodded in agreement, thinking highly of young Master Jiang.


"Yes," Xia Zhi nodded emphatically again. "Madam, rest assured, I will definitely study diligently under the Master's guidance."


"Zhou Shan is here too," Su Yuxin glanced at Zhou Shan, her voice attempting to sound gentle.


Observing the child's awkward demeanor, she knew he was still apprehensive around her. After all, she hadn't left a good impression on him previously.


"Greetings, Madam," Zhou Shan approached, bowing before standing there somewhat perplexed.


"Do you also enjoy reading?" Su Yuxin inquired.


"Yes," Zhou Shan nodded, gripping the book tightly. He wanted to ask Su Yuxin to allow him to study as well, but the words stuck in his throat and he swallowed them back.


"Madam, could Zhou Shan also study with us?" Xia Zhi asked, lips pursed.


He knew he shouldn't ask, considering his status as a servant. But Zhou Shan truly loved studying and was quite intelligent. Subconsciously, he felt Su Yuxin would agree because, in his heart, she was the best person in the world, bar none.


In the tense and nervous gazes of the two children, Su Yuxin nodded and said, "Very well. Later, I will personally accompany Zhou Shan to the Master's place."


Zhou Shan suddenly raised his head, unable to conceal the glimmer in his eyes. He had thought Su Yuxin would be angry when she found him studying with Xia Zhi. After all, the son of a servant had no right to study. Although his father was the steward of the General's mansion, he was still enslaved. But he never expected this kind of result.


"Thank you, Madam," Zhou Shan swiftly knelt down, kowtowing to Su Yuxin three times. He was genuinely thrilled.


"Please rise," Su Yuxin helped Zhou Shan up and asked, "I heard you are skilled in accounting?"


"I'm not that skilled, just a few calculations on the abacus, learned from my father," Zhou Shan replied with decorum.


"In that case, help me with a calculation later," Su Yuxin said.


"My father is a hundred times better at accounting than me," Zhou Shan remarked, puzzled.


"We won't need your father. Just you. I want to see your skills," Su Yuxin smiled and said.


"Yes," Zhou Shan nodded, asking, "Shall I get the account books from Madam's Yimei Garden later?"


"Let's wait for a couple of days," Su Yuxin said. "Today, I'll take you to study under the Master. Yesterday, the Emperor issued a decree, and my father has already sent over the deeds of the lands and properties under my mother's name at the General's mansion. Steward Zhou and a few overseers are cross-verifying them. Once Steward Zhou finishes, I'll randomly pick an old account book for Zhou Shan to review. If the accounts tally as expected, I want Zhou Shan to gradually take over these responsibilities in the future. However, I respect Zhou Shan's wishes. If he's not interested, I'll find someone else. After talking with Zhou Shan, Su Yuxin turned to Xia Zhi. "Does the Master assign a lot of tasks?"


"The Master believes in a balanced study schedule, so the assigned tasks during normal days are minimal. I can usually complete them in half an hour," Xia Zhi replied.


"Could you assist me with a favor?" Su Yuxin asked.


"Madam, please command," Xia Zhi said.


"The medicine pouches you made for me last time, can you make some more? Just the medicinal beads inside," Su Yuxin requested.


"Of course," Xia Zhi nodded repeatedly. "Madam, how many do you need and when would you like them?"


"At least enough for a dozen people to wear," Su Yuxin said. "But there's no rush; take your time. Don't let it interfere with your studies."


Su Yuxin initially considered offering help to Xia Zhi, but then remembered that Doctor Li had mentioned he couldn't produce such pouches himself. This thought dissuaded her from the idea.


"Alright," Xia Zhi nodded, planning to buy medicinal herbs after class.


"Write a list for me later, and I'll have someone buy them for you," Su Yuxin said.


"These are just the most common herbs and won't cost much," Xia Zhi scratched his head, feeling a bit embarrassed.


"I will need more in the future. Do I have to pay for all of them?" Su Yuxin smiled and said, "Be obedient, write me a list, or else I might not ask you for help next time."


"Madam, please wait, I'll write it quickly," Xia Zhi handed the book to Zhou Shan and hurried inside.


Soon, he came out with a sheet of paper stained with ink, blowing on it while walking.


Su Yuxin took the paper and examined it. It indeed listed a few extremely common medicinal ingredients, some of which could barely be considered medicinal. She hadn't expected that the pouches, highly praised by Doctor Li, were made from such ordinary herbs and possessed remarkable effects. Xia Zhi was indeed a medical genius. Thinking this, Su Yuxin became more determined to persuade the eccentric doctor to take Xia Zhi as his disciple.


Su Yuxin handed the list to the maid behind her. After drying it, Maizi carefully folded it and put it in her own pouch.


"You continue studying. I won't disturb you any longer," Su Yuxin took a few steps, then turned back to Zhou Shan. "Remember to bathe and change after breakfast. I'll take you to meet the Master."


"Yes," Zhou Shan nodded busily, exhibiting a respectful demeanor.


Su Yuxin smiled and left. Steward Zhou always maintained a composed and formal posture, and Zhou Shan, as his son, emulated the same demeanor. At such a young age, he seemed remarkably mature. Perhaps spending more time with Xia Zhi would eventually make him more lively.


When Su Yuxin returned to the Yimei Garden, Feng Yao had already come back. Seeing Feng Yao, the slight unease she felt from waking up early disappeared instantly.


"General," Su Yuxin ran to Feng Yao, tilting her face slightly upward, her eyes reflecting his visage.


"Up so early?" Feng Yao habitually flicked Su Yuxin's small nose. "Why not sleep a bit longer?"


"I couldn't sleep," Su Yuxin sympathetically touched the dark circles under Feng Yao's eyes and


 asked, "General, you didn't sleep all night. Are you tired?"


"I'm fine," Feng Yao held Su Yuxin's hand, pulling her into his embrace. "You couldn't sleep because you were worried about me?"


"Mmm," Su Yuxin pursed her lips, nodding earnestly. "Those two are despicable, and I'm afraid..."


"Don't worry," Feng Yao chuckled, drawing Su Yuxin closer. "I won't let anything happen to me."


After all, only by keeping oneself well could one better protect the little girl.