
Chapter 46: Addressing the Husband

"Am I late?" Feng Yao's voice, as cold and indifferent as ice shards in the bitterest of winters, seemed to penetrate one's marrow.


The maidservant involuntarily shuddered and glanced up to see Feng Yao, her pretty face instantly paling. She had been waiting here for a while, her mind preoccupied with how to publicly embarrass Su Yuxin. Therefore, upon seeing Su Yuxin, she hurried over in a frenzy. At that moment, she hadn't even noticed Feng Yao standing hand in hand with Su Yuxin; otherwise, she wouldn't have rushed up here, not even if her life depended on it. Who wouldn't fear the title of "King of Hell"? 


"No, no," the maidservant swallowed hard, her lips trembling as she stammered out. 


"The General has been occupied with military affairs lately and couldn't bring Xinxin early to offer birthday wishes. If Grandmother is displeased, the General will explain personally later." Feng Yao raised his gaze, scanning the maidservant with an icy demeanor. 


"N-no..." The maidservant waved her hands frantically, attempting to cry but also to wear a smiling face, a comical sight. 


"On the occasion of Grandmother's sixty-sixth birthday, why are you crying and making a scene?" Su Yuxin narrowed her eyes, bearing some resemblance to Feng Yao. Before Feng Yao, she was like an adorable and obedient little kitten, but if someone dared to bully her, she would extend her claws without hesitation, scratching their faces thoroughly. She vowed not to repeat her past, where she couldn't distinguish good from bad and ended up helping those who betrayed her. 


"Slave... Slave doesn't dare," the maidservant trembled, her legs giving way as she fell to the ground, pleading for mercy. "Forgive me, forgive me, Madam." 


She didn't understand herself. It was normal to fear Feng Yao in the Capital; no one dared not to. But why did she feel apprehensive toward Su Yuxin? Su Yuxin's voice was soft and gentle, yet it felt as if it were piercing her heart, inducing this sense of fear from the depths of her being. 


She didn't know that Su Yuxin had experienced life and death, an aura that had settled into her bones. 


Seeing this, Feng Yao felt content. For dealing with people like her, sharpened claws were necessary, scratching them until they no longer recognized their parents would be best. This way, when he was away on campaigns, he could be at ease. 


"What's happening here?" Su Yuxiang emerged from inside, donning a pink gown, exuding elegance and grace. However, upon seeing Su Yuxin and Feng Yao holding hands, a flash of hostility immediately crossed her eyes. 


"Is it because of Sister and the General?" Su Yuxiang struggled to suppress her jealousy, attempting to maintain a soft smile. 


"Ask me? I have no idea." Su Yuxin smiled innocently. "We just arrived with my husband, and this girl started crying and kneeling. I'm also confused."


The two words 'my husband' were intentionally emphasized by Su Yuxin. Feng Yao's eyes immediately lit up with joy. Su Yuxin used to address him as 'General,' carrying affection, but 'my husband' was more intimate and exclusive, reserved only for her. Hearing Su Yuxin crisply say 'my husband,' seeing Feng Yao's fond gaze directed at Su Yuxin, Su Yuxiang's face turned pale. Her hand, hidden beneath her sleeve, clenched into a fist, sharp nails piercing her palm, suppressing the jealousy growing inside her.


"It's been a few days, and Sister and the General seem to be getting along well." Su Yuxiang exerted herself to maintain a graceful smile, though it appeared strained.


"Thank you for your concern, Sister. My husband and I have always been very close," Su Yuxin said with a smile, a hint of shy happiness in her eyes and expression.


"That's good," Su Yuxiang pursed her lips, struggling to contain her frustration. She couldn't erupt publicly, as it would shatter the meticulously cultivated image of her gentleness over the years.


"The maid just mentioned that Grandmother was missing you. Shall we go? I'll accompany you," Feng Yao disregarded Su Yuxiang, playfully pinching Su Yuxin's nose.


Su Yuxin responded with a coy and sweet smile, exuding an air of sweetness between them.


Su Yuxiang was furious, her eyes reddening, wishing she could pull them apart, the farther, the better.


"What happened to Sister's eyes? They look alarming when red. Do you need a doctor?" Su Yuxin asked with feigned concern.


"Thank you for your concern, Sister, I'm fine. It's just that my eyes were accidentally irritated. Please excuse me, I'll take my leave." Su Yuxiang hurriedly covered her eyes and left. She had intended to put Su Yuxin in her place publicly, but unexpectedly, she ended up fleeing in embarrassment.


Su Yuxiang quickly returned to her room, locked the doors and windows, then angrily overturned the tea set on the table. Even so, her mood didn't improve, and her eyes became redder. She couldn't swallow this anger. 


Taohong cautiously spoke up, "Miss, don't be upset. We still have a plan, don't we?"


Su Yuxiang clenched her lips, her expression ferocious. Fortunately, she had a plan in place, one that would make Su Yuxin fall into a pit, never to rise again. When the General divorced Su Yuxin, it would be her chance. Once she became the General's wife, she'd make sure Su Yuxin suffered endlessly. With these thoughts, Su Yuxiang's rage eased slightly.


"Is everything arranged?" Su Yuxiang pinched her fingers, inquiring.


"Miss, rest assured, it's all set," Taohong reassured her.


"It must succeed, failure is not an option. If it succeeds, there will be rewards for you. If it fails..." Su Yuxiang's eyes turned crimson, and she glanced at Taohong, a hint of menace in her gaze.


Taohong couldn't help but shiver, hastily responding, "It won't fail. We've rehearsed it several days in advance."


"Good." Su Yuxiang nodded, then leaned back on the rosewood chair, closing her eyes to regain her composure.


When she opened her eyes again, the redness had faded, and her gaze returned to normal.


"Prepare me for grooming and changing attire." Su Yuxiang's voice was slightly husky.


"Yes," Taohong nodded and immediately got to work.


After the grooming and change of attire, Su Yuxiang appeared poised and graceful once again, her voice reverting to its usual softness.