
Chapter 4: A Slap

It wasn't until Suyuxin heard the door closing that she emerged from under the covers, exhaling deeply. Her fair, delicate hand rubbed her flushed cheeks while the smile on her lips widened. This was a promising start. In the future, she would undoubtedly strive to become an exemplary General's wife.


As she pondered, she heard the door creak open again from outside. "Oh," Suyuxin thought it was Feng Yao returning and hurriedly retreated under the covers. Unexpectedly, it was the maid Tao Hong who entered. Her forehead was tightly creased, marked by an expression of concern. "Miss, are you alright?"


Suyuxin insisted on being addressed as "Miss." She used to detest being called "General's wife." Now, the term sounded particularly unpleasant. Seeing Tao Hong, Suyuxin couldn't help but feel a surge of burning rage inside her.


Tao Hong, misunderstanding Suyuxin's anger, assumed it was directed at Feng Yao, given her long-standing dislike for the General. Moreover, being forcibly taken advantage of by the General last night would surely make anyone furious. If she provoked her a bit more, given her arrogant nature, she might even cause a ruckus in the General's residence. When she truly angered the General, he would undoubtedly dismiss her. At that time, Miss Er (Suyuxin) would surely reward her handsomely. Thinking this way, Tao Hong continued with a furrowed brow, "How could the General behave this way? Ignoring your wishes and resorting to force, he truly is a crude and..."


Smack! Before Tao Hong could finish, she received a solid slap across her face, making her ears buzz.


"Miss..." Tao Hong covered her face, looking at Suyuxin in shock. She had been by Suyuxin's side since the age of six, and it had been thirteen years now. Although Suyuxin had a fierce and overbearing personality, she had always been close to her and never laid a finger on her until today.


"Are you so well-versed in criticizing the General behind his back?" Suyuxin suppressed her anger, speaking with a stern face. In her past life, she and Suyu Xiang cooperated in putting her in a desperate situation, resulting in a tragic ending for herself. Now, she was determined to extract double the retribution from them, making sure they had no way to live or die, relieving her pent-up resentment.


Tao Hong pursed her lips, murmuring somewhat defiantly, "Didn't you often say the General was coarse and vile..."


Smack! Another slap left Tao Hong momentarily seeing black.


"Daring to argue with me!" Suyuxin scolded sharply, "Get out and kneel down."


In everyone's eyes, she had always been arrogant and overbearing. This time, she would consider it a small initial return. Having been slapped twice, Tao Hong felt timid and didn't dare to speak further. She scurried out and knelt down in the corridor.


The other maids, seeing this, felt ashamed and humiliated, harboring resentment toward Suyuxin. Without Tao Hong's service, the previously assigned Qingque Ziyuan, responsible for tasks outside, entered to attend to Suyuxin's dressing and grooming.


Unfortunately, Suyuxin's life skills were nearly nonexistent, all due to the favoritism she received from her stepmother, Lu Shiyuan, over the years. Throughout the process, Qingque Ziyuan was cautious and spoke little.


Watching her, Suyuxin felt uncomfortable. Qingque Ziyuan was the personal maid chosen by her birth mother, Lu Shiyin, diligent and loyal. In her previous life, after Suyu Xiang falsely accused and imprisoned her in a woodshed, the two of them secretly brought her food and bedding. However, when Suyu Xiang found out, she ordered them to be publicly beaten to death before her eyes. Blood stained the ground, turning the bricks red. She regretted being deceived in her past life and trusting the deceitful Tao Hong while scolding and punishing them. It was truly unforgivable!


Fortunately, Providence granted her a fresh start, an opportunity for compensation. In this lifetime, no matter what, she would ensure their safety and prosperity.


After Qingque Ziyuan helped Suyuxin with her grooming, she was about to leave when Suyuxin stopped her. Qingque Ziyuan trembled. Over the years, whenever the ladies stopped them, it never ended well. Last time, she was wrongfully accused by Tao Hong of stealing earrings and was given twenty harsh strokes without a chance to defend herself. Her swelling hadn't even completely subsided yet.


Casting a comforting glance at Qingque Ziyuan, Qingque turned around, bowed respectfully, yet also distantly, "Does the Miss have any further instructions?"


Nervously, Qingque Ziyuan fidgeted with her fingers.


"Starting from today, both of you will attend to me by my side," Suyuxin gazed at them, her eyes filled with utmost sincerity.


Both Qingque and Ziyuan were astonished, not quite understanding the play Suyuxin was staging.