
Chapter 36: Venomous Intentions

Upon hearing this, Su Yuxin couldn't help but furrow her brow slightly. It reminded her of the compelling and domineering manner Su Yuxin had displayed that day in the General's residence, starkly contrasting her usual demeanor. It was as if she had undergone a complete transformation, abruptly gaining insight. Observing Su Yuxin's faint frown, Lu Shiyuan inquired, "What's the matter?" Su Yuxin pursed her lips, feeling somewhat hesitant. She hadn't been entirely honest with Lu Shiyuan about the events of that day. When Cui Liu was brought back, she had only mentioned that Cui Liu had been struck because of her unintentional offense against Feng Yao. Known for his title as the "Living Yama," Lu Shiyuan hadn't questioned further. However, Su Yuxin harbored deep displeasure towards Su Yuxin, pondering over her protection. She had considered imparting a lesson or two upon Su Yuxin when she returned to celebrate her birthday in a few days. The reason Su Yuxin dared not disclose the truth to Lu Shiyuan was not only due to the embarrassment but also another factor. Since childhood, Lu Shiyuan had always demanded that she, under all circumstances, suppress Su Yuxin. Su Yuxin was raised to feel exceedingly superior in front of Su Yuxin, who Lu Shiyuan had nurtured as a pampered favorite. She often found ways to make Su Yuxin turn around just within a few words. But on that day in the General's residence, not only did she fall into a disadvantageous position, but she also received a slap from Su Yuxin. If Lu Shiyuan knew, not only Cui Liu was hit, but Su Yuxin also bore Su Yuxin's slap, Lu Shiyuan would likely be furious. That's why she concealed it.


"Is there anything you can't talk to your mother about?" Lu Shiyuan softened her tone, asking gently. "You...," Su Yuxin twisted her fingers, still somewhat hesitant. "You were born from your mother's womb, flesh of her flesh. The one who loves you most in this world is your mother," Lu Shiyuan held Su Yuxin's hand, speaking tenderly. "I didn't mean to deliberately hide anything from you, but I was afraid you'd be upset," Su Yuxin pursed her lips. "In fact, Cui Liu's injury that day wasn't inflicted by the General's orders but at Su Yuxin's instruction to the maids." "Su Yuxin?" Lu Shiyuan widened her eyes. Her usually composed demeanor couldn't contain her raised voice, "What happened?" "It's like this," Su Yuxin recounted the entire experience at the General's residence to Lu Shiyuan, word for word. Lu Shiyuan's complexion instantly turned ashen and grim. Her expression, no longer merely angry, now bore a contorted fury, even bordering on sinister. Her fingers that touched the white cat couldn't help but exert force. The sharp nails deeply dug into the cat's flesh, causing it to meow in pain and scratch a few bloodstains on her hand. Lu Shiyuan's eyes revealed a deep-seated animosity, and her delicate fingers ruthlessly choked the cat's neck. Her sharp nails pierced deeply into the cat's throat. The unfortunate cat struggled only a couple of times before succumbing entirely. Lu Shiyuan had always been composed, exhibiting grace and magnificence in all her actions. This behavior was unprecedented. Su Yuxin and Tao Hong paled, holding their breath, afraid that Lu Shiyuan's anger would be unleashed on them and they would face the same fate as the cat. Lu Shiyuan carelessly tossed the dead cat aside and picked up a nearby handkerchief to gently wipe her nails. The distortion on her face had faded away, but her eyes still burned with layer upon layer of rage, reddening her eyes. There was only one thing she couldn't tolerate in this world—her elder sister, Lu Shiyuan. From the time she was a maiden, she was always inferior. No matter how hard she tried, she lived perpetually under the shadow of her elder sister. The city's top talent and the city's most beautiful woman - such accolades blinded everyone to her. All she heard were praises for her elder sister. When she went out, people addressed her as Shiyuan's younger sister, never using her name. She was squeezed into a dark corner, unable to bask in the sunlight. Her life seemed bleak. From that moment on, she vowed to remove her elder sister and take her place. She exerted tremendous effort and finally succeeded. Not only did she eliminate her elder sister, but she also seized everything her elder sister had. Her sister's husband, her sister's position as the General's wife, and even her sister's daughter... She deliberately raised Su Yuxin to make her a laughingstock. She also wanted her elder sister to witness it from the heavens. Not only did she defeat her sister, but her daughter also surpassed her sister's daughter. She was the ultimate winner in life. However... Lu Shiyuan bit her lip. If what Yuxin just said wasn't false, then Su Yuxin... she didn't seem like a worthless person. Her words were sharp, accurate, and even... she accused her of 'coveting her sister's husband'. Could it be she had known something all along? So, over the years in the Su Residence, was she pretending and deceiving herself? If that were the case, her scheming was deep and somewhat frightening. Her elder sister was indeed her elder sister, her daughter was extraordinary, and she had been hoodwinked by her. But it didn't matter; there were plenty of days ahead. Just as she removed her elder sister back then, she could do the same to her daughter now. If she didn't want to live like a waste, she would accompany her dead mother. Lu Shiyuan dangerously narrowed her eyes, instantly conjuring up a dozen venomous schemes. Venomous designs on every life. As Lu Shiyuan's expression gradually softened, Su Yuxin timidly called out, "Mother." As Lu Shiyuan came to her senses, she affectionately patted Su Yuxin's head, a faint trace of a gentle smile playing at her lips. It was as if the person who had just strangled the white cat barehanded was not her. Remembering that Lu Shiyuan had just killed the cat using that same hand, Su Yuxin couldn't help but instinctively shrink her neck. "In consideration of your relationship with Cui Liu, from now on, you will serve alongside Yuxin," Lu Shiyuan raised her gaze, looking at Tao Hong. "Yes, I will serve Miss Yuxin wholeheartedly and with no ulterior motives," Tao Hong immediately kowtowed. She had been thoroughly frightened by Lu Shiyuan, with no further thoughts or hidden intentions. "Please rise," Lu Shiyuan waved her hand. "After all this commotion, I feel rather fatigued," Lu Shiyuan patted Su Yuxin's hand. "You may leave now


." "Then, Mother, rest well. I will come another day," Su Yuxin was eager to leave. The earlier Lu Shiyuan not only felt unfamiliar but also scared her. Once out of Qinghui Garden's gate, Su Yuxin finally heaved a sigh of relief. Tao Hong looked as if she had been rescued from drowning, sweat streaming down her forehead and neck. She even began to ponder whether being purchased by the Madame from the Yamen was a blessing or a curse.