
Chapter 18: An Intriguing Individual

Su Yuxin had assumed that even with the potash stone in hand, it would take a couple of days to summon the peculiar physician. Unexpectedly, it all transpired so smoothly. Her uncle had invisibly done her a great favor. When her uncle returned to the capital for official duties next time, she must express her gratitude properly. Su Yuxin emerged around midday and returned to the General's Mansion by the late afternoon, a mere few hours, barely four in total. To have managed to invite the peculiar physician, Song Jie, within four hours, a feat that others couldn't achieve in several days, would undoubtedly astound many.


Setting aside the general public, even Zhou Zheng and Dr. Sun were left speechless, their admiration uncontainable. Especially Dr. Sun, who couldn't reconcile this display with the previously perceived insolent and crude individual; Song Jie demonstrated not only courage and wit but also unmatched intelligence.


"Is this the patient?" Song Jie glanced at Xia Zhi lying in bed, gaunt and frail.


"Yes," Su Yuxin nodded affirmatively.


"Is it worth exchanging the life of a servant for an heirloom from your mother?" Song Jie inquired, a request for a servant's medical treatment being unprecedented for him.


"It is," Su Yuxin replied earnestly. "Once he is fully recovered, the object will be yours."


"Simple," Song Jie remarked, extracting a needle case from his attire. "Bring a bowl of strong liquor," he ordered, prompting Qingque to fetch the liquor.


Song Jie passed the golden needle through the flames and then roughly peeled back Xia Zhi's coverings and clothes, his fingers moving as swiftly as petals in the breeze. Even the last needle was still swaying as he inserted the next.


"A pen," Song Jie beckoned, rolling up his sleeves. Zhou Zheng had already prepared ink, presenting it before Song Jie. Dr. Sun personally ground the ink. Witnessing the peculiar physician prescribing medication and writing, something he had longed for, was a stroke of immense luck, something he would gladly do again, even if it meant cleaning latrines. Song Jie's calligraphy was resplendent, the strokes almost piercing the paper, yet Su Yuxin found it oddly familiar.


"Are you a physician?" Song Jie, upon finishing writing, glanced at the ink-grinding Dr. Sun.


"I am but a humble physician at Ren'an Hall," Dr. Sun immediately humbled himself. Ren'an Hall was the largest medical institution in Shengjing, and he was the esteemed chief physician. Yet, before Song Jie, he modestly behaved like an apprentice.


"Do you know why this prescription was used?" Song Jie asked again.


"I am ignorant. I beseech the senior to enlighten me," Dr. Sun respectfully bowed, performing the standard medical courtesy with utmost deference.


Song Jie was typically indifferent, but today, in high spirits, he indulged in a few more words. Those few remarks became a lifetime's worth of enlightenment for Dr. Sun. Subsequently, whenever Su Yuxin encountered troubles, regardless of size, Dr. Sun spared no effort, considering it the blessing Su Yuxin brought him.


After listening to Song Jie's teachings, Dr. Sun repeatedly expressed gratitude before taking the prescription back to Ren'an Hall to prepare the medicine. Once Dr. Sun returned with the medicine, Song Jie removed the golden needles from Xia Zhi's body. Looking at Xia Zhi, his face, previously flushed with fever, gradually regained its natural hue, and his pallid lips exhibited a trace of color. Despite how high the fever had raged, Song Jie managed to dissipate it with just a few needles. Truly, the foremost miraculous physician in Daliang.


"Drink another dose of the medicine, and all will be well," Song Jie stowed away the golden needles, advising.


"His leg..." Su Yuxin was still worried about the matter.


"What's this? Do you doubt my skills?" Song Jie cast a sharp glance at Su Yuxin.


"Certainly not," Su Yuxin hurriedly smiled, "The senior is bound to succeed. I'm just concerned."


"Give it here," Song Jie extended his hand.


"Though I am young, I comprehend the value of a promise. I won't go back on my word," Su Yuxin handed over the potash stone that had been put back into its case. "Although our agreement involves precious items, they are lifeless and cannot equate to a human life. I will forever remember this act of grace. If you ever require assistance in the future, I will spare no effort."


"Very well, I'll remember your words," Song Jie tucked the case into his attire, stroking his beard with a smile. "This young lady, like her uncle, is eloquent yet not off-putting. She's both intelligent and intriguing."