
Safe / Chapter 18

Alex's P.O.V.

I woke up, gasping from my nightmare. For one, wonderful second, I didn't remember all that had happened. My plan was to go see Harley, knowing he would comfort me. Tell me it was just a bad dream....like he used to when I was much younger.

But, looking around, I realized I was still in that room. I was still cuffed. And I was still alone.

"Ah she's awake.." said a voice outside the door.

I held in a whimper, looking around the room and wishing I could hide.

Leaning back into the corner, I pretend to still be asleep. A desperate attempt.

The door cracked open, my heart was beating out of my chest.

"Come on Beautiful, we know your awake. Don't make this harder..." a gruff voice mumbled,

Mentally battling myself, I decided to just listen. That's what Mr. Dark Eyes had said.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the men.

Three. I didn't recognize any of them. Swallowing hard, I waited.

A feeling of excessive venerability came over me as they looked at me.

Just looked at me.

Their eyes glancing over as though I were on exhibit.

"Stand up." One ordered,

Stumbling to my feet, my arms still behind my back, I kept my head down.

Speaking of my head, it throbbed where I had been slammed against the wall. But the pounding in my temples was probably a mix of things. Fear, stress, fear, anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, pain, and fear.

"Come on Alexia. We've got something for you." Said who I assumed to be the leader. His voice was amused, smirking at me.

"It's Alex.." I mumbled out of pure instinct.

It all happened so fast I didn't process what had happened until it was over.

A hard, sharp slap to my face, My back was suddenly slammed against the wall, my arms pined behind me, and that man was suddenly inches from me.

"You will not speak unless spoken to." He growled, his hands clenched around my arms, pressing them to the wall.

"I-I'm sorry..." my voice came out as a soft whimper.

His demeanor changed completely, it went from harsh anger, to an immediate calm. He was looking at me as though I were a toy. Which, in his eyes I guess I was.

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "What beautiful hair..." he crooned, his voice breathy "we might have to do something about that.." he laughed in a husky way.

Before I had too much time to think about the fact he just threatened to cut my hair, I was taken to a different room.

It was small and dark, nothing significant to describe really.

Flashes from a million different movies went through my head. It was all set up so cheesily. The chair in the middle of the room. The light. The terrifying duffle bag full of who knows what in the corner.

Finally for once, something was how I expected.

Now they would tie me to the chair and yell at me for information I didn't know, I'd start crying, someone would slap me...

I realized I might need to cut back on the TV.

They pushed me into the chair, tying each of my wrists to one of the the arm rests.

One of them went back to the duffle bag, while the other two just kind of watched me.

Then it hit me. What did they want to know? I didn't know anything they didn't.

If it was about Case, or his gang, I didn't know anything significant. He never told me anything about it.

I now see why....

I snapped into alert due to a sound that could only be described as electric. I looked up. My eyes widened as they landed on what the guy, who walked from the duffle-bag, was holding.

A taser.

Oh. Shit.

That was going to hurt.

I wanted to cringe at how weak I was. My hands were shaking for crying out loud.

"P-Please don't.." I whimpered, losing all my courage in seconds.

Let me assure you, however tough you think you are, that toughness? It will melt away in this situation.

Trust me, I know. It's happened to me.

"Do you know Case Woods?" Asked the guy with the taser,

"Um, y-yes." I replied. They already knew that.

"How much does he care about you?" He asked.

This felt like a game of truth or dare from the third grade.

I suppose they wanted to know so they could figure if he would bother to try and get me back. I hoped he cared enough.

"Uh h-he...we're f-friends..." I was a stuttering mess. God, fear is a powerful thing.

"Friends? And how much does he care for his pretty little friend?" The guy holding the taser stepped closer.

He's literally my bodyguard. We fake dated for like two days. He beat up a few people for me.

I thought about the truth. But instead:

"H-he doesn't care much...f-friends with b-benefits." I made up quickly.

I felt like if I told them the truth, which is what they wanted, it would be bad.

So there. I guess I'm Cases' friend with benefits.

The taser guy laughed. "Really? And how's that?" He smirked.

He knew I was lying.

I could tell from his tone...he knew I was lying.

Maybe I shouldn't have made up such lie so far from the truth.

"It's g-good..." I said quietly.

"I'm sure it is sweetheart.." he grinned at me, glad that I had given him a reason I'm sure.

Blue electricity cracked over the top of the taser as he brought it towards me.

I struggled in the chair, trying to move away as he brought it closer. Before I had time to yell that I had been lying, he stuck it against my side,

A few years ago, for school we had to research a field of work, I chose Law Enforcement. Turns out as a part of training, the officers are tased. I only did brief research on this, but the long forgotten words came back to my mind when the pain struck.

The electrical weapon overrides the brain's control of the body by speaking the same 'language' as nerves. It achieves this by emitting electric pulses that match those used by neurons, which transfer information between the brain and muscles.

Electricity pounded through my head, I could feel every violent tendril of pain that shot through my body,

Everything sounded like it was underwater, I could barely register my own screaming.

How long had it been? It felt like a lifetime.

I had never felt pain so sudden, so direct, it threatened to burn my whole body.

Why weren't they moving the damn taser? It had been to long. Way too long. At least 30 seconds...right?

Maybe it had been 5...it felt like a forever

Somewhere in my barely conscious mind, I found myself thinking, this must be what the Crucio curse from Harry Potter felt like.

Poor Harry Potter.

My body was frozen in place, I didn't even try to stifle my scream. It would have been pointless, my eyes rolled back, just when I knew I couldn't take anymore...it was gone.

And a feeling of heavy exhaustion set over me, I slumped in the chair, my eyes barley open.

My whole body felt like it was asleep, every move was heavy, it didn't feel like my body.

I took deep, shaking breaths. The pain slowly residing.

"Well she lasted a full ten seconds." Laughed one of the men,

Seriously? It had to have been longer than that...

"Impressive." The other guy chuckled, "Now, little girl, would you like to feel that again?" Asked the man, I could hear his smirk.

Looking up weakly, I shook my head.

"Would you like to tell us the truth?" He smiled down at me, his voice sickly sweet.

I nodded, figuring thats what he wanted...

No matter how much it made me want to choke on my pride, I was going to do pretty much anything to keep that taser away from me.

He smiled and walked towards me, it seemed like slow motion as he leaned next to me.

Reaching out his hand, I felt chills spread through my body as his fingers caressed my face with misleading gentleness.

I bit my lip hard and looked past him. My hands tight on the armrests.

"Don't be afraid...I'm not going to hurt you.." he said softly.

Yeah. I thought, yeah you are.

This was so freaking trippy. Mind games or something...I swore to myself it wouldn't work.

"Leave her alone Travis. Get on with the questions," said Mr. Dark Eyes, who had walked in.

I looked up at him, relived.

He went to who I guess was Travis and shoved him away from me. "Did you guys tase her? I told you not to hurt her that badly! Idiots!" He yelled at them,

Travis glared at the ground. "She was lying."

"That gives you permission to disobey?" He snapped.

Travis shook his head "I'll let you handle it then." He walked out looking angry.

The other guy just kind of crept out after him.

Mr. Dark Eyes looked at me. "Are you ok?" He asked.

Why do you fucking care!? I wanted to yell, but since he seemed to be nice, I simply nodded.

"I'm sorry about all this Alex.." he said softly, I flinched at my own name.

He walked to me gently undoing the ropes on my wrists. "Don't worry i'll get you out of here.." he whispered in my ear as he undid them.

I moved my wrists as the ropes were removed. He helped me stand,

God everything was so terrifying at the moment. I wanted to sob, I felt my lip quivering.

Mr. Dark Eyes pulled my to him, "shhh it's ok.." he whispered,

He seemed to be the only comforting thing in all this, I knew he probably was as cruel as the others...but I just needed this comfort. Wrapping my arms around his midsection, because I'm that short, I cried into his chest.

The tears came easy thanks to the pain. Both physical and emotional...

He just held my, whispering assuring things in my ear, "it will be ok Alex.." he said softly.

For the first time in a long time...I felt safe.


Hey my WONDERFUL READERS! I have like 700 readers!! I'm literally running around screaming to my family about it! Just your reads make me so happy! Keep reading and tell your friends! If your reading this story it would be helpful if y'all followed and added my story to your library lol! Thanks so much guyyys!!

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