
Gloria / Chapter 4

I dragged my feet up the stairs, taking my time.

Gloria was home. I knew she was, I saw her car...Gloria wasn't home much anymore and I knew it was not a good thing that that she was.

All the excitement that had happened that day left my mind as I thought about her. Maybe she would be too drunk to care.

I doubted it.

I was late.

I was supposed to do a million things before she got home, various chores. I didn't bother most times, since it was pointless to clean our unused microwave everyday. Etc.

Besides, Gloria was never home. And how could she care if she wasn't home...?

I reached the door. And just stood there, trying to think of some way out of this.

This was ok. I could just call Harley to come get me...yeah, he could just pick me up.

I took out my phone to text him. My hands were shaking. I was so angry at myself for being this scared of my mother.

Alex: Hey Harley, Gloria's home. Any way you could pick me up? Don't stress I'm fine.

Harley: Don't go inside, I'm on my way.

He obviously didn't buy the, don't stress, thing.

I turned to go back downstairs when the door flew open, I held in the urge to scream in shock.

Suddenly a tight fist closed around my arm and I was pulled into our apartment room, the door slammed shut.

"Why weren't your chores done?" Gloria screeched at me, her tone held the same dangerous edge I had learned to fear.

"I-I'm sorry, I-" she cut me off,

"WHERE WERE YOU?" She demanded.

"I just stopped to e-eat-" I was cut off again, but this time by a sharp slap. I whimpered and barley managed to stay upright from how hard she had hit.


I wanted to hide. I wanted to get away from her. But even if I'd had the courage to run, her hand was clasped so tightly around my arm, I knew it would bruise. Her manicured nails dug into my skin, I had to hold in the urge to cry out. I wasn't getting out of her grip.

"ANSWER ME!" She yelled.

"I'm s-sorry G-Gloria, I didn't-" I was cut off, yet again,


Then quit asking, I thought furiously.

I suddenly felt pain explode against my left cheek, I could tell that would be another bruise.

I stumbled back, but a was held by Gloria's firm hand.

She was drunk.

I could see almost all of the beer gone from the cabinet it was typically stored in.

Oh god, I was in for it.

She grabbed the belt from the drawer. This belt was reserved for...well beating me.

I tried to jerk away from her, but Gloria held tight.

I gasped in pain as I felt the first of the hits, a hard slap of leather against my side.

I knew it would be the first of many.

I tried pointlessly to pull away from her, but she was stronger than me, and she knew it.

I tried to hold in my cries of pain as I felt the belt hit my skin hard, over and over.

After merely seconds my whole body burned with pain.

I felt as though I had just jumped off a building into a pool of water and landed wrong.

It all hurt so badly...

I was having a bit of trouble standing now, she was pretty much holding me up by my arm.

I saw the belt come towards me and turned my face away, but it still hit my already bruised cheek hard, leaving a red mark.

She let go of me then, probably so she could watch me fall to the ground.

Which I did.

I immediately tried to back away, but Gloria stepped on a piece of my shirt. Keeping me from backing up any further.

She pulled back the belt, then brought it down on my face, I tasted blood in my mouth. I didn't even know where it was coming from...

She hit me again. And again. And again.

By this time I was crying and begging her to stop.

Blood covered my arms where old cuts had re-opened, my mouth had blood leaking from it. I figured I'd lose consciousness soon.

She pulled back to hit me again, when suddenly the belt was grabbed from her.

It was ripped from her hands and thrown on the ground,


"THIS IS MY HOUSE AND SHE IS MY CHILD!" Gloria yelled back,

My vision was a bit blurry, but I could see him, he held both her wrists tightly, to keep her from doing anything else.

She struggled but Harley was stronger.

Gloria was pushed back, "DON'T YOU DARE TO TAKE MY CHILD!" She yelled,

I wished I was strong enough to yell at her. I was not her child.

"She is not your child." Growled Harley,

I loved him.

I felt his gentle arms lift me from the ground,

He had that same look in his eyes.

How could I let this happen...

Gloria was screaming and yelling the whole time. He tried his best to ignore her.

He hurried out and slammed the door,

"Oh god sis...I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner...I-I'm so sorry.." he looked down at me.

"Harley it's ok..." I mumbled, "t-thanks.." I wiped my mouth where blood was still dripping. I mostly smeared it.

Harley wiped the blood with his sleeve and quickly got to the car. He set me in the passenger seat, and buckled me in.

"Ok, we are going to my apartment. You'll be ok sis.." he held my hand with his right hand and drove with his left.

I swallowed my pain, "Harley I'm fine....d-don't freak out.." I said in a voice that I forced to sound firm.

Honestly I was used to this. I could handle it.

Just repeat it over and over, I told myself,

"Yeah, I know sis. Just shh..." he said, not buying it at all.

I knew he felt awful. Don't think he hadn't tried to keep me away from her.

He had tried to get the police involved, he had tried many times. But, Gloria had some connection. Like I said, it was pointless.

He took me to his apartment a lot, but he wasn't my legal guardian. Gloria was. And since she wouldn't let me go with him willingly, it was technically kidnapping. Harley could go to jail if Gloria told the police, as she had threatened many times.

That's why I tried to assure him I was fine, and Gloria was getting better and he didn't need to check on me so often.

He never listened.

I knew for a fact he had left his job to get to me. I was really hoping he wouldn't be fired for it.

"Stop it. I'm fine," Harley said. Reading my expression perfectly.

"I didn't s-say anything.." I tried,

"Yeah but you feel all bad for "burdening" me. And your not." He assured.

Uhg. Why'd he have to be so nice? Annoying.

He ran a hand through his whitish hair. His dark green eyes glittered with anger. I could tell he was furious. Absolutely furious.

Not with me, of course. With Gloria. And himself, as you might have guessed.

We got to his apartment and walked up, well he carried me. I told him I could walk but he wouldn't listen.

A lot of bandages and salves later, I was laying on Harley's fold-out couch.

Watching Toy Story 3.

I don't know why but I was super emotional and felt about to cry when Andy left his toys.

"Alex...it's Toy Story." Laughed Harley.

"Toy Story 3!" I argued as though this meant something.

Harley laughed, "ok Alex. I'll get you some tissues." He teased.

I smiled, "yeah you better."

One week later

I hadn't been to school all week. The red welts all over my body were almost gone, thanks to Harley.

He had gotten a lot of practice with healing.

I was getting dressed for school that morning.

Harley had written me a note as to why I was absent.

"Ok sis, if anything hurts just call me, I'll be there." He said.

"Harley you've told me that like ten times." I said annoyed.

Harley sighed, "I don't care. Don't worry about what Gloria will do ok? Just call. Ill come pick you up at-" my brothers voice faded in my ears as I looked out the window.

Case was there. I was hoping he had forgotten about me. I was hoping he didn't care about the fact I'd been absent for a week because of it


"And so I can come." Harley finished his lecture/rant.

"Ok Haley. Bye," I waved a little as I opened the door and got out. Walking towards the school.

I was late for class, so I hurried along.

Then it all happened so fast.

I felt my wrist being grabbed, The scars hidden under my bracelet burned from the pressure. I was pulled into an empty classroom,

The bang of the slamming door echoed through the room.

It was pitch black.

And I...I wasn't alone.


Ok so here's this chapter! Just so you know, the character Harley was originally the character of one of my internet friends, @sawyer3000 I changed him up some, but main credits to her.

Next chapter is coming out Wednesday!!


Pic-Alex's mom, Gloria.