
Don't Move!

Vale woke up feeling thirsty. She sat up from the bed and reach for the water on the bedside table.

Glancing at the closed window, she noticed that it was already dark outside.

She was shocked when she saw a figure lying on the sofa.

Rubbing her eyes, she blinked several times to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming.

No matter how many times she blinked, the figure was still lying there.

She got up and was surprised to find fluffy sandal on the floor. She also noticed how her white feet were covered with a pair of socks.

Her mouth curled up, and she wore the sandal before she wobbled up towards him.

She sat on the opposite couch as she stared at his face.

However, she didn’t manage to stare for long. Her stomach grumbled in hunger and made Keith stir up from his sleep.

“Uh-You’re awake?” he sat up and yawned.


Keith saw her smiled and couldn’t help but frown.

“Why are you smiling? Is there something funny on my face?” he touched his face.