

Hope woke up in the motel where she had checked in yesterday it was still dark and that was perfect to slip away unseen and look for a new place to stay as soon as possible. She took a quick shower because it had been ages since she had felt any hot water running over her skin. It also reminded her of the comfort she used to have before the werewolves took over the world when she still had her parents and family but this was all lost and it was all the fault of those dogs. She hated all those mothballs, they had destroyed her life and were lucky she didn't have the strength to take revenge this was something she really wanted. Those dogs killing it made them pay.

After showering, Hope quickly put on some fresh clothes and put some of the food from the day before in her backpack. She looked at the cracked screen of her mobile phone and saw that it was fully loaded she saw the picture of her parents and together on her last birthday it was unbelievable if she thought that the week after that her life had been destroyed.

She came into the lobby and saw that there was no one there. Quickly she slipped through the door and again she imagined her way through the dark streets. Hope took a break at the edge of the small village where she was now she didn't even know the name.

The rain suddenly began to fall from the sky, "really the moment to open the water locks". She grumbled. She looked at the schedule and saw that in an hour there was a bus going to the big city she had to go there urgently, with the few clothes she had left and almost no food. She looked for her wallet and saw that she still had a good 35 euro's. Quickly she looked at how much a ticket costs and carefully held the coins in her hand.

It was only 6.30 am and the bus was only 20 minutes away she took all the preparations so she wouldn't stand out in the city.

She pulled her oversized black sweater over her head and put her big and thick grey scarf around her neck, pulled her brown locks out of her ponytail and so her face was hidden by the still elegant wilderness coming down to her waist. Her green eyes were more conspicuous but by keeping her gaze on the ground they wouldn't stand out either.

The bus arrived.

"That'll be 3 euro girl." Did the older-looking man say he noticed her short grey hair and deep brown eyes that still radiated life force.

Despite the frightening feelings in her underbelly. She answered kindly: "Thank you kindly".

Quickly Hope went to the back of the bus to take her last look at the small village and she saw a big brown wolf in the middle of the road. It gave her the shivers and made her feel just a little bit safer here in the bus, knowing that otherwise, she would only have been with the wolf who was now running away from the road and the bus shelter where she had just been.