
The Gamer: Multi-Dimensional Chat Group

Cyril Bane had had a pretty regular life, something he was tired of. An archaic sense of justice at the age of twenty, combined with the existence of human rights, made Cyril a rather pragmatic person. Someone who didn't fit in the current mould of society. But what if life suddenly threw him a bone? Would he chase after it like a starved dog? ----------------- [] System messages "Spoken speech." 'Thoughts.' D*I*S*C*O*R*D Link: https://discord.gg/yg4z5HZsjk

AmateurTrainer · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Inter-Dimensional Texting!

I'm kinda sad nobody commented about the references I made to IRL people. I need comments, feedback and interaction with the readers of else all the effort I put into writing is pretty much for nothing, since I write for you guys :'c


Eight hours after Allen left, inside the Zombie ID.

[Clear the Zombie ID: Completed!

Rewards issued.]

"That... was really one hell of a task." Cyril said as he allowed himself to fall on the floor. He wasn't physically tired, but there were a lot of reasons for him to feel exhausted mentally. First, he had to kill around five hundred zombies for the Boss to spawn... and when it did, Cyril regreted not having prepared better for the battle that ensued.

Patient Zero wasn't a particularly hard boss on its own. The problem were two skills that it had which made it extremely hard to kill. First, it could heal itself by consuming the virus inside other zombies. As if a boss that could heal itself wasn't enough, Patient Zero had a Passive Skill that summoned a zombie every minute the battle went on. To make things worse, Patient Zero was a Lvl. 15 unique monster, with 1,100 HP, 42 STR and 34 END. Cyril had to worry about hitting the boss as hard as he could while using Momentum Frenzy to stack more and more damage on a monster he could barely leave a scratch on, all the while killing the zombies it summoned before it could heal itself. The battle itself had taken around an hour, with Cyril reaching a whopping +135 DMG per hit and Momentum Frenzy growing 2 levels on the Boss fight alone.

"Stats." Cyril called while on the ground.

[Name: Cyril Bane Level: 14

Class: The Gamer Title: Undead Slayer

EXP: 980/6000

HP: 97/610 MP: 230

STR: 22(+4.4) AGI: 25->35(+7)

DEX: 23->33(+6.6) END: 21(+4.2)

INT: 23 WIS: 19

CHA: 17(+1.7) LUK: 50

SP: 0 Coins: 15,723]

"'Momentum Frenzy' reached Lvl. 7 and 'Observe' hit Lvl. 20... that's good..." Cyril said as he spent his SP on AGI and DEX, which he realized where the most important for him currently, since they would greatly compliment his fighting style. "I need at least one ranged attack though... being up close and personal is fun but too dangerous when abused."

Once he had checked the outcome of the battle, Cyril felt extremely happy. He had come close to a possible death, but he had managed to come out on top of the challenge, acquired a lot of money, gone up 4 Levels and acquired a new title that would surely come in handy for the third ID he had available, the Undead ID.

"Well... I just really want to sleep this off now." Cyril said while standing up with newfound vigor. "'Gamer's Body' really is a cheat... ID Escape."

After leaving the Zombie ID, Cyril headed towards the bathroom to take a showerd and then left towards the land of dreams.


The following day, Cyril woke up to the sound of his alarm, exactly eight hours after he fell asleep. Checking his phone, he realized he had message, so opening the notification he realized it was from the MDCG.

"Finally! I have been waiting an entire week for this!" Cyril exclaimed in excitement before hurriedly reading through the message on his phone.

[After 432,000 seconds of scanning the multiverse, the MDCG has finally chosen individuals who are likely to fit in with the Admin. Does the Admid accept the new members in or does he wish for the MDCG to re-scan the multiverse? Choose 'CANCEL' to re-scan.]


Tapping on 'ACCEPT', Cyril had no doubts about it. He had been waiting for the past five days –since the MDCG appeared for the first time– for it to finally get some members to join the chat group. Of course he would accept it, since a second scan might take even longer when he rejected the group's first choice.

['The Fog's Enemy' has entered the chat group.]

['Fifth Generation Trainer' has entered the chat group.]

['Kougouryuu' has entered the chat group.]

['The Demon' has entered the chat group.]

"... Who are this people?" Cyril thought as he read the nickname's given to each of the new members. "Did I get scammed just now?"

[Fifth Generation Trainer: Who are you people? This weird message popped up asking if I wanted to be the best Pokemon Trainer ever, so I accepted the invitation, but it seems to be a texting app?]

[The Fog's Enemy: What is this weird name? Do you know about the other side and Shadows? Also, what is a Pokemon Trainer?]

[The Demon: I don't understand how this works... are you people from a Dark Guild?!]

[Kougouryuu: Other side? Pokemon Trainer? Dark Guild? I don't know what you people are talking about! I entered this chat group because it said I could fight strong people! Oy Admin! Get in here and explain what is going on!]

[Fifth Generation Trainer: That would be helpful, could you please explain, The Gamer?]

[The Fog's Enemy: As a now member of this group, I would also like to know how you know about Shadows and the TV World, The Gamer-san]

[The Demon: I don't like this name... and I still don't trust you... but please explain what is going on, this thing said I could get my sister back if I accepted.]

Cyril was overwhelmed by the sudden influx of messages, as he was used to his phone being quite besides a random call from his father and some texts from his friends. Lately it had been more active since he began taking his Pictagram seriously, uploading more content of him working out and practicing Taekwondo, while at the same time uploading more professional photos. Still, he had a duty as the Admin of the MDCG, so he had to fulfill his role. Cyril smirked when he saw his nickname, which he found to be the most fitting for the current him.

[The Gamer: I don't know who any of you are, neither do I know what a Pokemon, a Shadow, the TV World or a Dark Guild are. I was chosen as the Admin for this 'Multi-Dimensional Chat Group' on a whim from whomever created it, as were you chosen as members. I didn't invite anyone. So... sorry, but I don't know how to help you with those things. What I CAN do is explain how this Chat Group works, if you would like. Also, don't feel disappointed, since as far as I know, this thing might actually be able to help you achieve your goals.]

[The Fog's Enemy: That is quite... disappointing to read, to be honest.]

[The Demon: So you don't know about my sister... and from where on Earthland are you? It is impossible for someone not to know what a Dark Guild is! Also, how do I change my nickname? It... brings bad memories back.]

[Kougouryuu: You better get to explaining now or I will find you and beat your ass, you hear me?!]

[Fifth Generation Trainer: You guys don't know what a Pokemon is?! Do you all live under rocks?!]

Sighing at the response he got from the members of the Chat Group, Cyril couldn't help but finding the overall situation and their personalities quite funny. The Demon seemed to be going through some trauma –based on how much he hated her nickname and what he said about his sister–, and couldn't find a proper way to express himself freely, so instead resorted to being angry. Fifth Generation Trainer seemed to be a naturally innocent and honest person, probably very young too. The Fog's Enemy seemed to be a chill guy who just rolled with things as they came, perhaps around Cyril's own age and of Japanese origin based on his way of addressing him with the '-san' suffix. Kougouryuu was just a hotheaded person with a huge obsession with strength and fighting, probably also of Japanese origin. They were all weirdly unique in their own ways, and Cyril actually thought that the MDCG did a good job in finding people that he would fit in with.

[The Gamer: This is mainly a Multi-Dimensional Chat Group. As the name itself implies, it a Chat Group that allows people to talk with each other from different dimensions. I will throw caution to the air since you have all done so already and ask you this: does any of you know what The Abyss is?]

[Kougouryuu: No f****** idea.]

[The Fog's Enemy: +1]

[Fifth Generation Trainer: +1 and that is not appropiate language.]

[The Demon: +1]

Cyril laughed seeing their small interactions amongst themselves. He felt like the only adult in a group of kids with very different personalities and he had the task to make them like each other.

[The Gamer: Well, seeing how we all don't know anything about each other's worlds, as unlike and as impossible as it sounds, we are clearly from different worlds. I live on Earth, the current year is 2022 and I am from the US. Won't give you info about myself just yet, but if you want to change your nickname, you have to find the small gear icon on the top right corner of the screen. There you will see your own nickname and if you tap it, you can change it to whatever you please.]

[Mirajane Strauss: I am Mirajane Strauss, an S-Class Mage from the Guild Fairy Tail, I live in Earthland and the current year is X783. Please... please explain how can this help me get my sister back?]

[Touya: I am from the Pokemon World, and the current year is 2012.]

[Kougouryuu: I won't tell you my name until you prove yourselves worthy of it. And I am also from Earth, Japan specifically, but the current year is 2013,]

[The Fog's Enemy: I don't feel like revealing my name, but I am also from Japan, though the year is 2011.]

[The Gamer: See? There is no way that we all are making all of this up. Anyway, on to how this can help each of you reach your goals... it is quite simple. This Chat Group has a 'Quests' feature through which it will assign quests to us, the members. These quests will in turn give us rewards of different natures, from power to items of extreme value. That is how it might be able to help you all. Also, I'd recommend getting to know each other and trying to get along well, since we will be doing those quests together, more likely than not.]

The members of the group remained silent for a while after Cyril's last words, before agreeing with him about getting along well... at least, as well as they could. Kougouryuu –whoever he was– proved to be a handful to deal with in a conversation, since half the time she was picking a fight and low-key looking down on the rest of the members. The rest were pretty easy to talk to when one ignored the gaps in knowledge from the differences between their worlds.

[The Gamer: Well guys, I have to get on with my daily training. If you need anything though, just @ me. I will make sure to answer as fast as I can.]

[Kougouryuu: I also need to get on with my training, so bye.]

[Kougouryuu has left the chat.]

[Mirajane Strauss: I will study this... chat group, was it? For a while longer, but goodbye to you both and good luck in your training.]

[Touya: I need to get on with my journey, or else Cheren will get ahead of me!]

[Touya has left the chat.]

[The Fog's Enemy: I had made an appointment with my friends to explore the TV World, so I must also retire.]

[The Fog's Enemy has left the chat.]

[The Gamer: I will also get going now... but before I leave, I wanted to wish you the best of luck in getting your sister back, Mirajane. I really do hope you manage to achieve your goal.]

[The Gamer has left the chat.]

[Mirajane Strauss: ... Thank you.]


If anyone manages to tell me who 'The Fog's Enemy' is, I will give that person the right to choose which world the first quest will take place in. I don't ask about 'Kougouryuu' since it is pretty much obvious, but please do tell if you already know.