
The Gamer Insane edition

You Know while i may have been mentally unstable in my earth getting superpowers has made me even more unstable i mean why else would i like fish food?

wizardoggo · ゲーム
4 Chs

CH.2 Well this is horrible as fuck

Mount and blade Warband a very good game, at least in my opinion but realistically it was chaotic as well Xcom just medieval style and no aliens probably it was also incredibly dangerous considering the plagues that will now exist since it became a reality instead of fiction. Anyway continuing on our brave Gamer Thomas now had found himself in a black plane with another big blue gamer screen in front of him.


Customization. Hello Gamer since this is your first world we have decided to give you a little gift combined with this starter screen, you can customize your new body that you will forever live in unless you don't want to off course continuing on this starter screen is where you will pick some Mount and blade warband centered perks for some extra starting survivability. Since this is a very dangerous starting world you shall start with a 100 tp (trait points) and can pick some disadvantages if you want more so have fun min maxing and maybe breaking some rules so we can fix it in the future good luck.


After Thomas finished reading the notification screen it disappeared and another screen appeared in front of him it was a perk list and it was incredibly long and so Thomas got to min maxing as hard as he could


trait limit: 6

Traits chosen:

(100TP)Chosen one: You are destined for glory for your birth right to rule the known world to control everything to know everything to face battles win them and become more. You have been chosen for destiny and you cannot run from it: +100% XP bonus for all skills +100% luck events bonus +100% reputation gain +100% loot quality bonus +Special quest line +100% Quest activity +100% class bonus +100% chance of experiencing events

(+50TP) +Emotionless: You are not one for emotions you do not love or hate or feel bad you just live you only want to progress and understand to find the secrets hidden under long lost mystery's: If the user does not have the acting skill you will lose reputation with everyone except special people you unnerve even the depraved and wicked special quest line (Understand that he will lose reputation with everyone until he has the acting skill high enough that's incredibly bad he will have no one)

(+20TP) Love? what is that: You do not understand love it is confusing you do not feel it either as such until you find a way to feel it or understand it you will never find love people can love you but you will not love them back: +Special quest line

(40TP) Born A Emperor: You were born an Emperor you were regal, commanding, smart, generous and intelligent because of your charisma you have gathered a band of loyal and strong friends that listen to your every command: +Special quest line +2 CHA every lv +Start with a loyal band of friends +Skill: An Emperors Burden lv.1: As an Emperor you have the need to be smart ruthless and generous all at the same time as such you know how to act and when to act understanding your Empire better than anyone else you know everything needed to be an Emperor

(+20TP) Danger is right there: You were born in a dangerous land and as such you will be hounded by danger everywhere in your home kingdom you can off course eliminate them but the job will take a while but you can try :) : In your homeland you will face lots of enemies

(TP 50) A Master in the making: You have been born with talent not seen in trillions of years (in this multiverse) and as such you will easily learn everything you desire from fighting to cooking to even politics and seduction the world is at your finger tips: +1000% XP bonus to all skills +100% chance of gaining a high quality class +Special quest


After finishing his traits Thomas went onto another screen and started to modify his new body making him 6,4 because he was insecure about his height and then he made himself very regal looking, well as regal as Thomas could think he gave himself nice clean muscles a sharp chin and a clean black beard as well as black hair that went under his ears then he gave himself sharp bronze eyes looking like an eagles.

After that Thomas admired his fine work wondering how his first journey would go not really thinking about the consequences of his traits just thinking Gamers mind would help him with most of it while it would be helpful it wasn't omnipotent.

But we shall get to the consequences later, Thomas was currently looking at a screen wondering if he was truly ready for his journey wondering if this was all a weird dream or a convoluted way to make himself suffer from some beings pleasure but after stewing in his emotions for so long he git his balls back and pressed finish.

He was twisted by an unknown force and slowly but surely left the void into another world where he would establish a legend one for the history books the legend of the World Taker.

(HAHA im so bad at writing :) im suffering anyway here's chapter 2 and some stuff do know hell have some challenge but he wont die instantly just slowly so ye prepare for stupid)