
The Gamer [Naruto]

Jack King gets his soul transferred into a new world with an RPG system. Jack gets put into the body of an 11-year-old civilian boy named Ryu.

New_Hiro · その他
2 Chs


I open my eye and see the room I woke up to yesterday and sigh. I am going to the academy today and I will show my worth and try to get into Class A. I am first going to allocate my stat points. '

' Stats ' I thought.


[ Strength: 20 ] [ Agility: 20 ] [ Endurance: 20 ]

[ Perception: 20 ] [ Integence: 20 ] [ Wisdom: 20 ]

[ Charm: 25 ]

[ Stat points: 20]

This world is based on strength, speed, and stealth. Plus endurance will help my stamina. I put 5 into the following stats: Endurance, Agility, Perception, Intelligence. After that, I was thinking about something and focusing on something.

[ Gamers Observation- [Level Max]

Description- Gives a brief description of the Person or object and Stats, health, and Chakra.

I do not need the description I will be fine without the information because it is easy to guess when I can see what it does.

[ Table ]

- Durability- 7/10

An old but well-kept table.

Well, I look at the clock on the wall and know it is time to go but before I do that I want to check my status.

[Name: Ryu *****] [Age: 11] [ Level 2 ] [ Rank: Low Genin]

[ Health: 250/250 ] [ Stamina: 250/250 ]

[ Unknown Magic energy: 2500/2500 ]


[ Strength: 20 ] [ Agility: 25 ] [ Endurance: 25 ]

[ Perception: 25 ] [ Integence: 25 ] [ Wisdom: 20 ]

[ Charm: 25 ]

[ Stat points: 20 ]



I wonder if can choose the last name and name for the energy?

[ Would you like to choose the last name ]


"Yes," I say.

[Last name: Insert]

" Kazuki," I said.

[ Confirmed ]

"Show me my name," I said.

Name: Ryu Kazuki

[ Would you like to name The " unknown magic energy " ]


" yes," I said.

[Name: Insert]

" Qi," I said.

[ Name Taken ]

" Fuck this is exactly like an RPG," I said while laughing a little.

" Pure Magic," I said. [ Could not figure out a name... ] Now that I am done I will be going now.

*5 mins later*

" Ryu!!!" Some feminine voice said to me before I got tackled from behind.

[ -10 health ]

Oww. That hurt pretty bad.

[ Skill learned: Pain resistance -level 1/100- 1% less health taken from physical attacks]

I tried to Rack my head and remember who this girl was. After a few seconds, I finally remembered. Her name was Alexis Hisoka. She had black hair and blue eyes and Inuzuka markings on her face. She had a body that would develop in the future. She looked really cute too. She was an outcast from the family because of her appearance. She had wolf ears and a tail behind her. They liked calling her monster.

" Slow down Alex," Someone else said from behind. After I got up I turned around to see a kid with brown hair, green eyes. He looked really lazy... He was sweating and breathing heavily. From what I remember he was from a middle-class family. His name was Haki Jazuka. He wanted to be a ninja but because of an illness, he was turned lazy. I was going to help him later.

[ Quest function unlocked]

- Help your friend-


- Help Alexis get into a better relationship with her family.

-Help Haki with his lazy problem


-2 levels

-75% more EXP from using a skill[ Time limit: 5 hours ]

- Sharingan

' Fuck Yessss!!!,' I thought and was so happy I smiled unconsciously.

" So how are you guys doing," I said to my friends.

"We good," " I am ok,"

" That good... Let's head the academy now," I said running.

[ Skill gained: Running -Level 1/100- 5% faster than before when using this skill. ]

My speed increased and I was currently outrunning my friends by a long shot. I smiled and slowed down to converse with my friends. This is what it feels like to have friends.

I feel like I need to edit this. I hope you enjoyed. I will make this chapter better. Just need more of a description. Also, the MC has red hair and blue eyes. Forgot to add that. This will be edited by tomorrow.

New_Hirocreators' thoughts