
The Gamer's Arsenal

Synopsis: Getting the [Boosted Gear] is expected for Issei. What if he gained it a month early and another one as well? Let the Games Begin. . . . Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store! Subscribe to me Patreon for more advanced content... patreon.com/Nesto_

Nesto_ · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Chapter 2

When the police came and arrested the man, that subject did in fact come up.

"I could have sworn that I saw something glowing around Issei's arms." his father said with a frown.

"A common reaction to being in stressful situations." the police officer said soothingly, "Your mind tricks you into seeing things that aren't there. Given that you were being held at knifepoint for several hours, it isn't surprising that it happened, sir."

The elder Hyōdō looked dubious, but nodded.

"Now, we'll need to take statements from you at some point." the officer said, "How would two days from now be?"

"I think my boss will let me off on that day." Issei's father replied, "Is it necessary for my wife and son t get involved? I'd really rather they not have to get involved in this affair more than they already have."

"I completely understand your sentiment sir, but I am afraid that your wife will have to give a statement at least." the policeman said firmly, "Your son does not as he is a minor. Speaking of whom, he should go to the hospital to have that cut seen to."

That cued Issei's mother to start fussing over him and scolding him for being so reckless. He put up with it as he could see how worried she was. The rest of the night passed in a blur of the hospital, stinging stuff on his cut and a drive home before he passed out on his bed, exhausted.


The Next Day

Issei's Room

Issei lounged on his bed with a sigh. His parents had insisted that he take the next few days off school to recover from the attack and he was bored out of his mind. He had finished all of the eroge that his friends, Matsuda and Motohama, had lent him the previous day.

'Well…I guess I could work out how to use my other 'Sacred Gear' and see what makes it tick.' he thought as he looked at his right arm. Considering the way that the [Boosted Gear] had been activated…

He threw out his right arm and said, "Game on!"

As he thought it would, the [Gamer's Gear] appeared on his right arm. He took the time to look over it carefully and discovered an odd rectangle on the area where back of his hand was hidden. Gingerly, he pressed it, making a screen pop up.

[Greetings! This is a one-off tutorial on how to use [The Gamer's Gear]. To continue, please close this screen.]

Befuddled, Issei did so.

[Excellent. [The Gamer's Gear] is one of only two of its type in the world. One blue, one orange. One created by Gaia, the Titaness of Earth, the other created by Tartarus, the Primordial of Darkness. The wielders of these Sacred Gears are bound to fight each other, so prepare yourself for that.]

"Oi!" the brown-haired boy tsukkomi'd.

[Moving on, the [Gamer's Gear] grants you several powerful abilities, two of which are called 'Skills'. Skills are repeated actions that have been codified and turned into abilities for you to use. This can be something as mundane as washing dishes to breathing fire.

The first Skill is [Gamer's Mind]. This allows you to remain calm and in control at all times. Bluntly put, you cannot be affected by fear, terror or insanity. The instant you feel these things, the skill will activate and calm you down.

Next is the skill called [Gamer's Body]. This allows you to live your life like a video game. Unless a skill specifically lists it in its description, you cannot lose body parts. You have HP that represents your life, stat points that represent your physical and mental abilities and sleeping in your bed allows you to restore your HP.

The rest is fairly simple. From this point on, you can receive quests in order to gain 'EXP' or experience points, which will allow you to level up. Fighting monsters, clearing dungeons and completing quests will allow you to level up faster than completing basic tasks.

Your life is yours to live and, with this Sacred Gear, the sky is the limit. In order to view your status screen, merely say 'Status' aloud. The same applies for you to view your Skills.

Fare thee well.

-Han Jee-Han, the Original Gamer.]

The boy sat back with a sigh as he digested everything he had learned. On one hand, this was really, really cool. On the other, he was fated to fight some unknown person with a matching orange gauntlet on his arm. This did not fill him with glee.

"{Status}" he said with a sigh.

Name: Hyōdō Issei

Class: The Gamer

Level: 4| Next Level: 900 EXP

Title: Oppai Baka

HP: 200/200

MP: 25/25

STR: 12

STA: 10

DEX: 14

INT: 9

WIS: 9

LUK: ?

Attribute Points: 0

¥: 0

Special Status: Awakened Sekiryūtei (Passive) [+10 STR, STA, DEX per level, +50 HP and MP per Level], Nemesis: Hakuryūkō (Passive) [Your enemy is the White Dragon Emperor.], Nemesis: Orange Gamer [ Your enemy is the wielder of the orange [Gamer's Gear].

Perks: - Blessing of Gaia

- Presence of the Red Dragon Emperor

- Lesser Resilience

Flaws: - Open Desires: Lust

- Oppai Baka

"What the hell is with this shit?!" Issei roared.

Seriously? His title was Oppai Baka?! He had two nemeses?! What the hell was with his flaws?! Just…gaaah!

[Gamer's Mind] activated!

He instantly felt himself calming down. Hoo-boy. So his skill could also prevent him from losing his temper. Nice to know.

Now that he was calmer, he pressed his title, making a smaller screen pop up.

[Oppai Baka]: You are well known for your breast fetish and human girls who know of this will stay away from you because of it. You suffer a penalty of -50% to any relationship gains with human girls who know of your fetish and actions.

Impossible to un-equip until you lose the [Oppai Baka] Flaw.

"I hate myself!" Issei wailed as he punched his pillow. His mother had been right, dammit. Girls like gentlemen, like that bastard Kiba Yuuto. He immediately resolved to change so he would become popular with girls! And so he would become the Harem King!

He blinked as another couple of windows popped up.

[Quest Alert!]

Gentlemanly Etiquette, Part 1: You, the Oppai Baka, are determined to change your ways and lose the flaw that prevents you getting very far with girls. The first hurdle…no peeking! Do not go peeking at any female intentionally for a week once you return to school.

Quest Reward: +500 EXP, ¥2000, Reduction in the effect of [Oppai Baka] Title and Flaw.

Quest Failure: 250 EXP, Stuck with the Title and Flaw until the next time you want to try the quest.



Issei actually felt pain. To not be able to peek at girls changing again! The horror!

No, no, no! For the sake of my dream, I must persevere!' he told himself firmly and pressed the 'Y' button before turning his attention to the next window.

[Quest Alert!]

King of the Harem!: You wish to be a harem king. Attract, woo, seduce and gather girls for your harem.

[Note: Long Term Quest]

Quest Rewards: A Harem, Title: Harem King

Quest Failure: Death



Death?! From his goal?! What the hell?! Issei didn't know what to make of this until he recall the old saying Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.