GAME GAME !? REAL ? OR FAKE ! It was a game-like place, bustling with the voices of confused people wondering where they ended up. To my sadness, I realized I had the lowest skill and felt utterly hopeless in everything. Whether I had to become a mighty fighter or a skilled magician, and even if time had somehow turned back, I knew my only chance of survival was to use every resource available. In that challenging situation, I pondered, [ " What can I do? " ] But the answer was clear: [ " I'll do whatever it takes to survive! " ]
The transparent smile on Park Deokgu's face was like a clear window to his thoughts. I could easily discern his intentions. He seemed to believe that I was now feeling rejuvenated, aiming to divert my focus towards a different realm of emotions—romantic ones, to be precise. However, this wasn't exactly favorable for me.
This solution of his arrived in the form of a trembling girl in my arms. "Kee Miyoung"
Throughout my acquaintance with Park Deokgu, it was evident that his thoughts hardly revolved around himself. He was more inclined to prioritize the well-being of others, even before his own comfort. If not for Kim Hyunsung's timely intervention, he might not have kept at it for hours on end.
"You're here," I remarked, noting his slightly delayed arrival. In truth, I had expected him to appear prior to Hayan.
His relief at finding all of us unharmed was palpable. However, Jung Jin-ho's confrontation had proven more grueling than it appeared; his clothes bore scorch marks, and a slight stab wound adorned his cheek.
Although Kim Hyunsung boasted specifications that might qualify him as a formidable entity, Jung Jin-ho wasn't far behind.
Nevertheless, this asymmetry was likely one-sided. Despite how far Jung Jin-ho could fly, the chasm between their foundational attributes and experiences was undeniable. Only variations in magic might have made any difference.
Judging by Hyunsung's expression, Jung Jin-ho's time was likely over.
"The others…" his voice trailed off, hinting at the sensitivity of the topic.
Anticipating this, I hastened to speak. "I dispatched them."
Naturally, I wasn't going to accuse Jung Hayan of being a murderer. It was cleaner to admit my own actions than have her drown in remorse for hers.
Kim Hyunsung, a genuine mediator at heart, recognized the necessity of not sparing these individuals.
"Jung Jin-ho…"
Prompted gently, he nodded without uttering a word.
A shadow crept over Park Deokgu's expression, and I was certain that Hayan's and my faces mirrored similar feelings. The entire atmosphere was decidedly somber.
Though Jung Hayan's case was somewhat different, it was expected for her to be disheartened by her first experience with killing.
Eventually, Kim Hyunsung nodded and offered, "It was necessary."
This dependable leader was taking on the responsibility of tending to the psychological well-being of his comrades.
"I know…"
"It seems that this outcome was what I had been aiming for from the outset. We're uncertain how Seok-woo came under their influence, but it appears he joined their scheme halfway. If we had been their successful target, those in the shelter wouldn't have remained safe either."
"Difficult as it may be, I want you to understand that your choice was right."
"You made the right decision. Such circumstances might become more frequent down the line. This tutorial setting is just a beginning; the world beyond could be much harsher. It must have been tough, but no one will fault your judgment. Not now, and not in the future. I can't say if this brings you solace, but… I hope you find the strength to overcome it."
"Thank you."
"What… Thank you as well."
In its own way, it was a moving speech. Kim Hyunsung was undeniably right. None of us had acted wrongly. Allowing them to survive wouldn't only jeopardize the safety of the shelter; it would undoubtedly lead to further victims outside.
Even though Yoo Seok-woo had unwittingly become a foundation for my distressing ordeal, Kim Hyunsung's words were an undeniable truth.
'You've rid the world of the detritus.'
There was no reason for guilt.
"Is Kee Miyoung alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. If not for the ring Hyunsung gave me as a gift… I'd probably be dead already. He saved me twice. I won't forget this kindness."
"What about the wound?"
"It's healing. I'm almost fully recovered."
As I finished speaking, Kim Hyunsung's demeanor seemed to improve slightly. At this juncture, there was no need to leave a lasting impression. Everything had unfolded as he intended.
I couldn't discern his exact thoughts, but I took pride in our accomplishments. Our plan to dismantle Jung Jin-ho's group had succeeded, yielding even more positive outcomes than we'd anticipated.
We had faced adversity together, survived a crisis together, and emerged stronger as a unit.
I was certain that the four of us would share a profound bond, extending beyond these circumstances. Just the notion of being under Kim Hyunsung's dependable leadership was enough to conjure a sense of comfort.
No, that wasn't quite right. It brought a sense of ease.
Though Park Deokgu and Hayan were already out of harm's way, other matters demanded our attention—such as our current states.
"You seem a bit weary. Finding a place to rest nearby would be a good idea for now."
"That sounds reasonable. Hyung, your sister looks tired as well."
In Hayan's case, I knew she still retained a certain amount of magic within her.
With a nod, I turned towards Kim Hyunsung, who was making his way toward us. The look in his eyes conveyed that he too comprehended this.
While it was my decision to make, I deemed it only natural to consider Kim Hyunsung as someone who possessed foresight.
"Yes. I'm listening."
"A new class has become available."
His expression fairly radiated enthusiasm.
"You've caught on quickly."
"Yes. I managed to use magic to subdue monsters…"
"Could you share the available classes with us?"
"Of course."
Park Deokgu and Jung Hayan regarded me with keen interest. Finding a suitable topic for discussion as we searched for a resting spot for the night seemed pertinent. Moreover, I was interested in finding materials that could foster camaraderie within our small group.
"Summoner, Magician, Warlock, Alchemist, and Flame Magician—there are numerous choices."
"It does seem like quite a variety."
Since a suitable location wasn't nearby, I delved into the strengths and limitations of each class and my intended selection. For instance, a Flame Magician required a substantial amount of magic. In the case of a Magician, there wasn't any class off-limits.
Although I hadn't disclosed my precise stats, Kim Hyunsung might be privy to their extent.
"Excuse me… Kiyoung possesses a modest amount of magical power…"
"Yes. I haven't met the other Magicians, so I can't provide precise details. But it appears Kee Miyoung's magical prowess is somewhat limited. It doesn't seem as high as Hayan's."
Certain personal details needed to be disclosed for an informed consultation. Concealing inadequacies seemed counterproductive, considering our goal of transforming them into strengths.
"It might be wise to think a bit more before leaning towards Flame Magician. The compatibility between Kee Miyoung and Flame Magician isn't unfavorable, but if you're aiming for high magical power, complications may arise later."
"Right, I was contemplating something similar. Alchemy might be a better fit. It seems like alchemy could complement magic with a catalyst…"
"It won't be as challenging as
you're imagining. Alchemists can craft potions and more. If you require a companion, there's an option later called 'Homunculus,' which will offer advantages. A creature created apart from a summoned one won't possess excessive magical power."
As Kim Hyunsung spoke, his excitement grew evident. His endorsement seemed reliable, given the buoyancy of his mood.
Above all, witnessing his genuine excitement made me reconsider my choice. After all, Alchemist was a rare profession. Although certain roles might not be well-regarded or desirable, the occupation of an Alchemist was particularly scarce.
Assuming that Priests were similarly uncommon, the value of potions would increase further.
Considering the inherent limitations of a priest's divine power, high-quality potions were invaluable.
Summoners held their own allure, but the possibility of acquiring additional summons later made the option appealing.
At this point, my thoughts began to scatter.
Park Deokgu, who had patiently listened to our discussions, shook his head and joined in the conversation.
"What are you deliberating about? As a true elder brother figure, you should definitely become a Warlock."
"When I imagine a Warlock, one who banishes monsters with dark power, I can only envision you as an ideal fit. Isn't Kee Miyoung like a Warlock in the making?"
His assertion lacked logic, yet he spoke with fervor, as though he genuinely believed in his words. He seemed to have discarded his earlier Commander class advocacy in favor of my embracing the Warlock path.
"Well, does public opinion really matter? I have no qualms about taking down anyone who dares come for you. While my Hyung's disposition doesn't precisely align with that of a Warlock, the image of him donning a black robe… I can't help but feel that it'd be incredibly cool!"
"The Alchemist might be a more suitable choice."
At this juncture, Kim Hyunsung's tone took on an almost urgent quality. He had clearly recognized Park Deokgu's peculiar enthusiasm.
"No! By nature, my Hyung is a Warlock!"
Park Deokgu, once a parrot about the Commander class, had now transformed into an avian advocate for Warlocks.
"Alchemist is definitely better."
"Absolutely a Warlock!"
'This has gone completely off the rails.'
I had a hunch that this situation would occur again, but it was quite embarrassing to witness their fervor. In some strange way, the allure of dark power had ignited a passionate fire within Park Deokgu.
As his gaze shifted towards Jung Hayan, reminiscent of seeking validation from a learned sage, Jung Hayan vehemently shook her head.
"Choosing is no easy feat. A sagacious older brother dedicated to the art of alchemy, or a brother harnessing the enigmatic forces of darkness?"
Needless to say, I didn't initiate this discourse.
Nevertheless, this enigmatic debate appeared to escalate in both fervor and obscurity.
Inevitably, Kim Hyunsung found himself compelled to unzip his bag.
"By sheer happenstance... Most unforeseen... This, my friends, is the article of interest. Evidently crafted for the discerning alchemist. Opt for the path of the alchemist, and this shall be thy boon."
'Whence came this unexpected treasure?'
And now, certitude embraced me — the leather satchel slung over Kim Hyunsung's shoulder concealed enchantments beyond mortal ken.
This curious interlude further solidified my convictions — the Warlock's discernment was gravely amiss. Yet, aside from that deduction, as our scrutiny of the proffered item deepened, an irrevocable decision crystallized: we reluctantly bid adieu to our coven's faithful companion, the Warlock's Parrot.