GAME GAME !? REAL ? OR FAKE ! It was a game-like place, bustling with the voices of confused people wondering where they ended up. To my sadness, I realized I had the lowest skill and felt utterly hopeless in everything. Whether I had to become a mighty fighter or a skilled magician, and even if time had somehow turned back, I knew my only chance of survival was to use every resource available. In that challenging situation, I pondered, [ " What can I do? " ] But the answer was clear: [ " I'll do whatever it takes to survive! " ]
"You possess quite the sense of humor, kid. Observing your futile attempts at deception is quite amusing. Your disquiet about my encounter with Kee Miyoung is palpable."
"I-I'm not displaying any such sentiment, Hyaeyoung-ssi. Minding his affairs... It holds no relevance to me..."
"Your countenance betrays your intentions..."
"I assure you, I am being sincere."
"Truly. Spare me the jest, you insignificant fool. Do you presume no one comprehends the machinations within your mind? Your outward appearance may feign lethargy, yet your intellect functions adroitly... Who would have surmised that you would net such an influential figure before even stepping foot here? Given your visage, your prowess must transcend initial estimations... Baffling. Or perhaps it is his inclinations that are peculiar... There exist individuals of such ilk. Those drawn solely to the inept and the obtuse. Exhale."
She struggled to entirely fathom the import of Park Hyaeyoung's discourse.
"You're wearing that expression again. Frankly, I find it quite unpleasant."
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Why apologize? Your actions are making a mockery of all of us here..."
"That's not my intention. I just..."
"Do you genuinely believe Kee Miyoung has any soft spot for you? You really think he's concerned about you?"
"Well, I..."
"Don't get me wrong, you gullible fool. Count yourself lucky instead. You happened to be in the right place at the right time, catching his eye by chance. While you might not see it, I've grasped the kind of person he truly is. People like Kee Miyoung don't invest too much trust in others. They tire of people easily, discarding them when they're no longer useful."
"But My Kee is different and I trust him a lot! "
"That's the narrative you've woven for yourself, hasn't it? Because it benefits you. But I can't do much if your mind is already set. My viewpoint remains unchanged... Perhaps it's bearable for now, but change is inevitable. From where I stand, you radiate monotony, the sort that quickly becomes tiresome. Sigh. Hasn't anyone ever been straightforward with you about this?"
Jung Hayan clenched her lips, suppressing the turmoil threatening to spill out.
She wrestled with a profound sense of confusion. Her cheeks burned, aching to retort,
'What are you even talking about?' and to push back against Park Hyaeyoung's baseless monologue, but the words remained trapped within. However, her body trembled, a testament to the storm of emotions raging inside her.
"Have you ever displayed such a countenance before? Does ire possess you now? My observation must have struck a chord. Perpetual abandonment is your narrative, is it not?"
"No? Your visage betrays you. Regardless, do you perpetually encounter deprivation? In any scenario, you are but a figure of pathos. Do you genuinely hold the belief that you will eternally remain his paramount concern? What unfolds beyond your vigilance?"
With a measured pace, Park Hyaeyoung drew near. Gradually, her murmured utterance brushed against Jung Hayan's ear, eliciting an involuntary exclamation from her.
"Kee Miyoung… exceeded my expectations."
"D-don't deceive me!"
"Oh, you fell into my trap."
Jung Hayan's eyes welled with tears. She yearned to retort to Park Hyaeyoung's assertions, yet words eluded her, caught in her throat. This woman spoke the truth. Her progenitors and elder siblings had forsaken her.
All those dear companions who had accompanied her had withdrawn.
Perhaps she was inherently insufferable, a person others swiftly wearied of.
Mistakes were her constant companions, and fluent expression was a constant struggle. Bullying had woven itself into her daily existence, rendering solitude preferable.
But still. 'Not Kee Miyoung'
Her older brother defied that paradigm. He stood apart from the rest, a being inherently distinct from any she had encountered. He likened her to family, to his younger sister, and expressed a desire to safeguard her.
His attentiveness and care were ceaseless, confirmed even by Deokgu-ssi.
He buttressed her, even when errors were made. Even to inane inquiries, he responded with patience and a gentle smile.
"T-that cannot be true."
"Perhaps that is your fervent wish? Frankly, the narrative I predict is probable. A word of caution: If any gain is to be derived from your present affiliation, swiftly extract it before you're discarded. Otherwise, all you possess shall be wrested from your grasp."
"S-s-stop it you fucking bitch as I know he wouldn't..."
"How vexing." A smile tugged at Park Hyaeyoung's lips, coinciding with an abrupt pressure on Jung Hayan's shoulders. She was propelled downward.
Jung Hayan found herself tumbling onto the ground, landing on her backside. As she lifted her gaze, all that met her eyes was the receding figure of Park Hyaeyoung, who was striding away.
Simultaneously, a chorus of voices surged in from every direction.
"Deserves her right." "What just occurred?" "At any rate, it appears our innocent girl will soon be deserted." "Cut it out. She might overhear you." "Why hold back? Didn't you catch what unfolded? Sooner than later, she'll stand all alone again. Who will she latch onto then? Ah! It seems no one else would vie for her now. It would have been wiser for her to stick with Seokwoo-ssi... She should have had better judgment. That's why she's in this solitude."
"What's her plan now that she's by herself?"
It couldn't be accurate. 'It's impossible.' Her hero would never abandon her. Her hero, who vowed to always stand by her side, would never forsake her like this. Her saviour, who considered her a part of his family, would never leave her.
'But, is that truly the reality?' However, Park Hyaeyoung's words reverberated in her ears.
"That's a lie!" "What was that just now?" "Did she just shout? She must be seething with anger..."
"It's nearly time for her true colors to emerge. Tsk."
It couldn't be true. Her hero would never simply abandon her. Her hero was unlike the others. He consistently radiated warmth and kindness.
'Your sisters deserted you too.' "N-no." 'No, your parents also left you.' "He isn't like that. He is different. He's different."
Indubitably, he was distinct. Calming her racing heart was proving to be a herculean task. Breathing felt strained, and her mind turned into a void. Tears amassed in her eyes, yet they refused to trickle down her cheeks.
Amidst her surroundings, the sound of people chuckling ceased to affect her. Only something far more egregious could rattle her at this point.
Her steps gravitated toward the spot where Kee Miyoung(Hero) had stood.
"Just give me a minute, alright? I've got something to check out first, so I'll catch up with you later," he said, her confidence in their future meeting unshaken.
Jung Hayan felt an inexplicable urge to catch a glimpse of his face as if his presence could soothe her. She hurried forward, the urgency in her steps palpable when a distant voice reached her ears. It was Lee Jihye.
"Everyone, can I have your attention for a moment?" Lee Jihye's voice cut through the air. "Yes," came the collective response.
"As Hyunsung-ssi, Deokgu-ssi, and Kee Miyoung get ready for their departure tomorrow, they plan on taking someone else along. Hyunsung-ssi will provide the details, and whoever is chosen should be ready," Lee Jihye explained.
The realization struck her that they were about to embark on this journey together. It was an extension of the time she'd have by his side, something she had momentarily forgotten. Now, she had more chances to stand beside Kee Miyoung.
'A sigh of relief escapes me.'
Turning her gaze, she spotted Kim Hyunsung, Park Deokgu, and Miyoung approaching together, trailing behind Lee Jihye.
His usual cheerful expression had given way to a more serious demeanor, yet he exuded a sense of stability. Her heartbeat found its rhythm, no longer erratic, and the previous headache and dizziness had disappeared. Their eye contact erased the residual frustration. Strangely, her cheeks grew warm. 'He noticed me.'
Without a doubt, his gaze was directed at her. As the noise around them settled, Kim Hyunsung spoke in hushed tones.
"I want to apologize for gathering all of you amidst your busy schedules. I know you're aware of the increasing challenges in this area. Our food supplies are dwindling, while more survivors keep joining us. Though we have some food and water scavenged from our starting point, it's not enough. Expanding our activities seems to be our only option."
"The need for more capable fighters is evident. I understand the fear the monsters evoke. Some of you might not be used to combat, while others might be hesitant to leave this place. But action is required now. Though I don't want to sound pessimistic, without taking this step, we'll all suffer in the long run. This is why we've decided that a gradual, personalized approach is preferable."
Once Kim Hyunsung finished, Kee Miyoung stepped forward. "Kee..."
"Yes, I understand your concerns. However, there are gains that only come through confronting challenges. You're familiar with the changes in this world, the Show Details, system attributes, and the classes we've gained."
A blaze erupted from the palm of his hand, causing those around Jung Hayan to widen their eyes.
"I might not fully grasp how this transformation happened, but my status shows the class 'Magic.' My magical abilities are still developing, but I stand on the same ground as all of you. Like you, I was once terrified of these monsters, evading them out of fear. Initially, it was luck that kept me alive, but triumph is achievable when we set aside fear and confront them. As our collective strength grows, so does our individual potential, and eventually, we'll find a way to leave this place. Taking initiative is paramount."
"For now, we'll choose examples to lead the way. Hayan-ssi."
"And Hyaeyoung-ssi." "Yes, I'm looking forward to collaborating."
"For now, these two will accompany me. Once they reach a certain level, we'll move on to the next person. Any questions?"
"Could you clarify the selection process?"
"To ease your minds, the selection process will be random."
"We might choose to hunt independently…"
"I won't discourage you, but I can't recommend it."
As the chatter around them grew, the words of the crowd blended into a background hum for Jung Hayan. Her focus remained on Park Hyaeyoung.
The idea of others joining her didn't spark jealousy in Jung Hayan. Yet, an uneasy feeling lingered. 'Don't let her be chosen.'
Glancing briefly at the platform, she noticed that Kee was also observing Park Hyaeyoung. A faint smile played on his lips.
A voice from earlier echoed in her mind, causing her breath to hitch. 'He loses interest in people quickly.'
Park Hyaeyoung ascended the platform and exchanged handshakes with the others.
'You might be left behind.'
'He could be taken away from you.'
'Your sisters abandoned you as well.'
'Your parents too.'
'Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.'
At that moment, Kee Miyoung took hold of Park Hyaeyoung's hands.
Within Jung Hayan, something shattered.