GAME GAME !? REAL ? OR FAKE ! It was a game-like place, bustling with the voices of confused people wondering where they ended up. To my sadness, I realized I had the lowest skill and felt utterly hopeless in everything. Whether I had to become a mighty fighter or a skilled magician, and even if time had somehow turned back, I knew my only chance of survival was to use every resource available. In that challenging situation, I pondered, [ " What can I do? " ] But the answer was clear: [ " I'll do whatever it takes to survive! " ]
"How many individuals went out?"
"Seven individuals."
The foremost person approaching us was unmistakably Yoo Seokwoo.
Due to the distance, it was hard to distinguish the features of the three people trailing Yoo Seokwoo, but I could at least discern that they were unfamiliar faces.
Seven people, Yoo Seokwoo included, had ventured out, yet only six returned. Now, three different individuals were heading toward the shelter. The logical assumption was that something had befallen Yoo Seokwoo's group during their hunting expedition and that the approaching group was offering assistance.
During the process, I couldn't shake off the notion that, "Everyone except Yoo Seokwoo met their demise."
The probability of this scenario appeared quite high. A quick glance at their equipment revealed they weren't an ordinary assembly. One carried a small shield and sword, another wielded a spear, and the third held a bow. Their air and bandaged injuries hinted at numerous prior battles.
I engaged my "Eyes' Check"
[Analyzing player Jung Jinho's Show Details and talent levels.]
[Name: Jung Jinho]
[Title: N/A]
[Age: 29]
[Disposition: Calculating Killer]
[Class: Battlemage – Rare grade]
[Endurance: 25/Growth potential: heroic or higher]
[Agility: 23/Growth potential: heroic or higher]
[Vitality: 24/Growth potential: heroic or higher]
[Intelligence: 20/Growth potential: rare or lower]
[Endurance: 23/Growth potential: heroic or lower]
[Luck: 15/Growth potential rare or lower]
[Mana: 08/Growth potential rare or higher]
[Attributes: N/A]
[Summary: Undeniable talent, highly unlikely for poor development. Exceptionally balanced overall, possessing a broad skillset. Given diligent growth, could ascend to a high rank. Approach with caution; danger to player Kee Miyoung possible.]
A mere glance at his attributes provided a rough understanding. His stats were remarkably well-distributed, with his mana presence and class standing out.
"Mana?" This marked the first time I'd encountered a non-Magician individual with mana, excluding Kim Hyunsung. The rare-grade class "Battlemage" piqued my interest, especially given his mana score of eight, higher than my own. This mana alone indicated his potential strength.
Yet, the most striking detail was his disposition: Calculating Killer.
Among the varied dispositions I'd encountered, this was a first. The two accompanying him exhibited slight differences. While their stats were mostly superior to mine or slightly below Park Deokgu's, their overall skills were commendable.
Their dispositions didn't seem as positive as "Well-Meaning Arbitrator" or "Pure Advocate."
"We should prepare to welcome some guests, capable fighters it seems... I'm uncertain how this will unfold."
"Go fetch Park Deokgu and Jung Hayan."
"Excuse me?"
Rather than responding, I winced and promptly began casting a spell.
Lee Jihye's expression also grew serious, and she retreated into the shelter. I too stepped back incrementally.
"Lord, answer my call, grant me strength to smite my foes."
As of yet, they exhibited no overt hostility. In fact, they approached us with apparent ease. Yet, with Jung Hayan's "Pure Advocate"
disposition in mind, there could be incongruities between disposition and behavior. It seemed wise to remain vigilant for now.
Already, I had amassed a reservoir of mana, spell on the verge of release. In this moment, I resisted saying the spell aloud.
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Jung Jinho."
His greeting from a distance led me to instinctively step back twice.
"Range." I understood the swiftness achievable with an agility score in the twenties. Even from this distance, danger loomed.
The individuals flanking Jung Jinho perhaps hadn't noted my mana suppression, but he, being mana-endowed, likely sensed my contained spell.
Responding to his hello, I maintained the gap between us.
"Delighted to make your acquaintance. I'm Kee Miyoung."
"Ah, I've heard much about you from Seokwoo-ssi."
"Heard you became a Magician this time. Conjuring flames from your hands... I'd love to witness that."
"Yoo Seokwoo, you unreliable fool."
"Truly impressive. I already knew this place granted new abilities, but... witnessing a Magician for the first time is quite something. You needn't be so guarded."
The situation, where a misstep could prove fatal, warranted caution. It would be odd not to be wary. The weapons they carried - sword, spear, bow - caused unease. Glancing at Yoo Seokwoo, his somewhat anxious expression boded ill.
I didn't know the cause, but it didn't seem favorable.
"This place truly astonishes. While I had heard many survivors remained, I was skeptical. Seeing a place like this, it's plausible for over 30 people to coexist."
"My sentiment upon discovering this place was akin to astonishment. Credit goes to Hyunsung-ssi. How did you...?"
"Actually, I found Seokwoo-ssi and others besieged by monsters nearby. Unfortunately, I arrived too late to save them, but I managed to rescue Seokwoo-ssi. A stroke of luck."
Glancing at Yoo Seokwoo again, I saw his nodding visage.
"Why, of all people, did he bring back these individuals?"
An ominous aura emanated solely from him. Such foreboding existed in him, possibly influenced by his luck stat. My instincts warned against approaching him.
"I'm concerned. Seemingly, malevolent groups roam these parts. We barely escaped their clutches, but I fear other victims weren't as fortunate. I saw women's corpses, half-devoured by monsters, bearing signs of human-inflicted wounds."
"Is that so?"
"Yes. Human-made wounds were evident; knife marks riddled the bodies, along with arrow punctures on their backs, likely as they fled. Signs of resistance... one likely wielded a sword. By chance, have you encountered anyone matching this description?"
The bow-wielder beside him was in clear sight. His motive for this statement eluded me. However, tension began to mount.
"Are you seeking confrontation?"
Park Deokgu, evidently sensing my tension, readied his shield and stepped forward. I withdrew, permitting him to stand before Jung Hayan and me.
Perhaps he couldn't perceive Park Deokgu.
"Are you certain?"
It appeared quite likely.
This might be nothing more than a baseless assumption, yet it felt as if he had targeted me specifically.
As he made his statement, his hand covertly moved to his waist, inching toward his sword's hilt. Hastily, I began to cast a spell.
In reality, I almost completed the incantation, halted only by Kim Hyuns
ung's voice.
"What's happening?"
Swiftly, his hand, previously creeping toward his sword, shifted direction. He wiped his hand on his pants and extended it for a handshake.
I reined in my spell, nearly evoking a fireball.
"Hello. I'm Jung Jinho."
His facial expression seemed peculiar at that moment. Kim Hyunsung's gaze fixed upon him appeared slightly rigid. A sense of uncomfort swept over me; though distinct, it paralleled his demeanor when meeting Jung Hayan.
"Do you know him?"
Kim Hyunsung might be acquainted with a future version of Jung Jinho. I couldn't confirm, yet his frozen expression and anger-laden eyes a
dded to my certainty. He trembled subtly.
"Why's Kim Hyunsung behaving this way?"
He differed slightly from the Kim Hyunsung and I knew it.