
A Game of Jealously!

"Have you ever pondered about the mysteries beyond our realm?"

"Well... whatever lies out there, it's unlikely to match the exquisite flavors of the cuisine you're indulging in right here."

"Oh, really...?"

"Perhaps Deok-gu fancies a bite."

"Well, I..."

"No worries."

The once-engaged conversation dwindled into an unusual silence, as had become customary. This silence now marked a recurring theme.

Jung Hayan's gaze was fixed on me, her teary eyes an eloquent display of emotion. Although less fervent than initially, every tear that graced her cheeks evoked a peculiar sentiment. Naturally, the circumstances weren't exactly favorable.

The situation wasn't helped by Kim Jae-joon and Jung Jin-ho's continual scrutiny. Their gazes rested on our side, casting a chill on the festive atmosphere. Their efforts to further sour the mood were evident through Jung Hayan's intermittent outbursts, which invariably stilled the chatter. It was as though one might mistake me for the one who met an unfortunate fate, not Lee Ki-cheol.

Jung Hayan had developed a habit of locking her gaze on Kim Jae-joon, making him an unwitting recipient of her emotions. The extent of Kim Jae-joon's discomfort was beyond anyone's estimation.

They had taken a stance alongside us, given the unexpected accident that befell Lee Ki-cheol. The power balance had crumbled, dismantling the equilibrium. Jung Jin-ho's faction seemed to have relinquished their pursuit of us, perhaps concluding that the timing for an assault was less than opportune.

'I'd have done the same.'

Placing myself in Jung Jin-ho's shoes, I would have abandoned any intentions of eliminating Kim Hyun-sung's group. Given the sensitivity of the situation, it was prudent to avoid any altercation.

"I must apologize."

"No need, Jinho. It's slightly awkward. Truthfully, I should be the one apologizing."

He continued to voice apologies, unceasingly.

"I... I was simply enthusiastic."

"Of course, enthusiasm is natural. I apologize once more."

I wasn't privy to their conversation, but each time Jung Jin-ho offered an apology, Kim Jae-joon echoed the sentiment. Yet, gradually, Jung Hayan's demeanor turned hostile.

"Why did I... How could I have... I'm sorry..."

These dialogues seemed to be exchanged beyond our ears, as if it were a topic meant for our exclusion. There was no concern about them plotting an attack; that much I could decipher.

What intrigued me was Yoo Seok-woo's reaction.

Ever since I revealed my connection to Jung Hayan, she bore a palpable disquiet. When Jung Hayan and I began spending time together, her unease was unmistakable.

'Yoo Seok-woo….'

To Jung Hayan, he was but a despicable assailant. In reality, even a solitary attempt would render his presence incongruous. His affiliation with the group, though, seemed to be brokered by Jung Jin-ho. This was how he gained employment and experience, although his hope of claiming my beloved was a delusion. With the aborted plan, all I needed was to send him a disdainful glare.

Regardless, the atmosphere at the party ostensibly bore an amicable tone. It was a festivity that set aside past animosities, refusing to succumb to discord.

Jung Jin-ho and Kim Jae-joon were the architects of this facade. Regrettably, I had no inclination to be as ingeniously peaceful as they were.

At times, Kim Hyun-sung appeared lost in thought. One could only hope he contemplated the disposal of Jung Jin-ho, the murderer of Park Hye-young. Their demise was just, from my standpoint.

Kim Hyun-sung's reaction upon spotting Jung Jin-ho supported this idea. The possibility was significant.

Jung Jin-ho, Yoo Seok-woo, and Kim Jae-joon kept their practiced smiles. On the contrary, Kim Hyun-sung seemed poised to erupt. He'd likely initiate the first move.

At least for Park Deok-gu, Jung Hayan, and myself, he sought an opening or a pretext, ensuring his true intentions remained veiled.

Yes, that was definite.

A window to eliminate them or rationalize an assault was sought in Kim Hyun-sung's sporadic frowns. He mulled over these possibilities.

'Can I aid him?' Kim Hyun-sung's plea was implicit.

What we required was an unquestionable moral high ground, justifiable grounds to strike.

For instance...

'What if I were attacked first?' How would they react then?

It seemed an ideal scenario. Valiant defenders pitted against a group of cowardly assailants, caught unawares.

The obstacle lay in Jung Jin-ho and his underlings not instigating an assault. Yet, with an irate fool and a green-eyed monster, it wasn't an insurmountable challenge.

Perhaps as simple as a yawn.

'Provocation is my forte.'

Especially in Yoo Seok-woo's case, his recent addition to Jung Jin-ho's faction might incite unforeseen actions. These notions raced through my mind in a heartbeat.

To begin, employing Hayan to unsettle them wouldn't be a bad approach. I lacked an alternative scheme.


A modicum would suffice.

"Kee Miyoung!"

Hayan's voice held a hushed tone.

Although a tad awkward, I restrained any movement. The mere touch of my hand on her waist set her aquiver.

Observers might deduce I was lending support to her. Jung Hayan and Yoo Seok-woo alone discerned the ambiguity in the touch. It was neither her waist, nor pelvis, nor her posterior. The reaction resulted from contact with the boundary line between sensitive territories.


His ire was palpable even from a distance.

"Ah, Hayan. I apologize."

"It's okay. It's rather comforting... Feel free to hold onto it..."


"No problem..."

The expression resembled that of someone whose beloved had been pilfered.

As Kim Hyun-sung, Jung Jin-ho, Park Deok-gu, and Kim Jae-joon discussed matters of dungeons, his attention lay exclusively on us.

With a minor shift of my hand, Jung Hayan bowed her head.

'She's fond of this....'

The response was unexpected, yet Yoo Seok-woo's visage signaled he neared boiling point.

Our eyes locked briefly, my countenance bearing a concealed grin.

'I dare you.' This was the covert message my face conveyed.

Words weren't essential. At times, actions and expressions conveyed more profound messages.

"Thank you, Hayan. Isn't this tough?"

"Ah! No. Compared to the support you lend me, this is nothing." Jung Hayan yearned for my hand to linger.

My touch was gentle, making her response unsurprising.

Yoo Seok-woo's involvement, whether sincere or not, was inconsequential. Evaluating my actions, he likely contemplated a more committed approach. Yet...


Other factors contributed too. Hayan's gaze, her mellifluous tone, and her current concern for me. Although her honeyed words sounded discordant to me, they exacerbated his pain-stricken heart.

'Hold her hand.'

'Draw her closer.'

'Place your hands on her back or shoulders, exerting gentle pressure.'

'Let's savor this moment.'

A technique that fueled sexual tension.

Jung Hayan's cheeks had flushed.

Yet, her smile persisted. Despite her labored breaths, I considered halting...

But I couldn't restrain myself.

Ultimately, I inquired if she was comfortable.

"Hayan, you seem strained... I... I..."


Laughter escaped me unintentionally. It was prompted by witnessing Hayan disregard Yoo Seok-woo entirely.

Yoo Seok-woo's countenance flushed, yet not for the same rationale as Hayan's. A quick glance back by Kim Hyun-sung, Jung Jin-ho, and Park Deok-gu revealed the unfolding spectacle behind them.

In the wake of Jung Hayan's somewhat laborious exhalation, Park Deok-gu leapt in, his voice a compassionate cadence. "My sister, are you harmed?"

"No grave harm, Hayan. Just a minor matter," I replied.

"Ah, nay! I stand ready to aid," her words emanated with lingering breath.

The implication that Park Deok-gu implied was unmistakable, although my intentions diverged.

My hand settled around Hayan's waist as my gaze met Yoo Seok-woo's once more. His struggle to suppress emotions was evident, further heightened by my fleeting smile.

"Such tenderness," he remarked.

"Indeed?" I raised an eyebrow.

The tremor in his form did not escape observation. A veneer of self-control would have rendered this natural, yet his prior actions in the shelter disavowed any such veneer.

Had Jung Jin-ho been solitary, this could have escalated gravely. The firm clasp on his sword betrayed inner turmoil, an urge restrained by a thread. For now, I commended his restraint, though whether the provocation was lacking or an opportune moment was awaited remained unclear.

As I turned my gaze back and tightened my hold on Hayan, a sudden occurrence disrupted the tableau.


"Prepare for conflict."

Synchronicity presented a chance. With a subtle gesture, my spear ascended, while Hayan retreated momentarily, conjuring a spell.

Park Deok-gu, Jung Jin-ho, and Kim Hyun-sung directed their focus ahead.


In hushed tones, meant exclusively for him, I murmured, "You covet, do you not?"


"Our Hayan, so innately gentle," a smile tugged at my lips involuntarily.

"Five adversaries! Gird yourselves for battle!"

"You rogue!"

His blade ascended abruptly.

The decision whether to evade hung in the balance, the blade's trajectory honing in on me...

"Enduring the blow may be sagacious," I acknowledged, bracing myself.

Jung Hayan's possession of the healing ring promised swift recovery from any inflicted wounds. A disquieting sensation, accompanied by a rumble, heralded something amiss.


Swiftly, a torment eclipsing any facial blow seized me. A primal, unbidden scream burst forth, a consequence of the scalding torment engulfing me.

In an instant, attention coalesced upon the scene, the collective gaze fixated on me.

Jung Jin-ho and Kim Jae-joon seemed rendered mute, yet trepidation was palpable.

Yoo Seok-woo had struck me.