
The Game Starts Now

Dave from earth is an office worker, leading a mediocre life dies in an unfortunate accident caused by a greenhorn ROB. After getting his wishes fulfilled Dave now Alaric goes on a World Travelling journey to fulfil his fantasies and live his dreams which he always dreamt while on Earth and goes on a journey of many worlds fictional and non-fictional, while trying to get stronger. Alaric : "I will be the Heavenly Demon in this life" "I will be a Billionaire Playboy in this life" "I will be the Heavenly Emperor in this life" "I will be a heart throbbing youngest prince in this life" World 1 : Wuxia world (Non- fictional). World 2 :-- (World recommendations are always welcome) [The cover pic isn't mine]

DaoistOtaku · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

40 Sects of Qiangpai

40.Sects of Qiangpai


{Eimi Sect}

In the Eimi Sect, which was one of the leading sects of the Qiangpai continent, the sect master summoned the vice-leader to discuss the hidden realm situation.

"I have decided that you should lead the disciples and other elders into the hidden realm, vice-leader" the sect master said in a dignified voice. She had golden robes on, and carried an excellent temperament. She looked untouchable and unfathomable, any men would think twice before having any lustful look at her, the thought itself would make them think they have attempted something forbidden.

"Would it be alright?" the vice-leader seemed somewhat unsure of the decision her leader made.

"It is, every other sect would be sending their prodigies and would definitely attempt to do something treacherous with our disciples, just in case I need you to go with them. I have already satisfied my curiosity when I was younger, and according to the alliance's law, the sect leaders of the 'four greats 'are forbidden to enter the hidden realm this time" the sect leader spoke with elegance and every word spoken was enough to overwhelm the person sitting opposite to her, but the vice-leader did not show any kind of reaction and was listening carefully.

The Eimi Sect only consisted of women and did not accept any male disciples due to their strong values and codes. Every person on the mountain where the sect was located was a female. The sect leader worried that her sect disciples would be bullied by the other orthodox sects or worse, kidnapped. This wasn't a new occurrence as this repeated many times in the past, the Eimi Sect was underestimated due to being only a female sect, but they knew better than to find trouble with them in the open. Even being an only female sect, they were one of the four great sects in the Qiangpai continent, this alone said something about their strength.

"As you command sect leader" the vice-leader, Yao Xiaohui said in an agreeable tone, she was worried about the disciples too and accepted the task given by her leader.

"Be careful Yao" Dong Meirong said with a gentle voice as she closed her eyes to resume her cultivation.


(The Shaolin Temple)

The Shaolin Temple worshiped 'Abhaya Dazu', who was known as the father of Shaolin in this world, they constructed his statues and sold his paintings on the mountain where their sect was located. His teachings were passed on to his disciple and he started the Shaolin Temple where only men were accepted entry.

No woman was allowed anywhere near the Shaolin mountain, the mountain seemed to be the place where Abhaya Dazu gained enlightenment and devoted his life to perfect his martial arts, he was a very well known figure in the world.

The Martial Artists/Cultivators of the Shaolin Temple practiced the martial arts passed by their ancestor and the basic technique when they reach the age of fourteen would be to cultivate the life energy in their semen and transform it into Chi, which was a variation of Qi. Every disciple would cultivate this technique and would form a powerful life force inside their body, cultivating this technique allowed them to reach enlightenment faster than any ordinary cultivator as the Shaolin disciples would be less interested in material things and possessions.

"Master, what would your decision be?" an elder of the Shaolin Temple asked his leader, no one knew the real age of their leader as he looked to be a middle-aged person with a fit body, due to cultivating 'Chi' he looked younger than an ordinary cultivator of the same age.

"What else, as per the rule of the alliance, I cannot go into the hidden realm. It is a shame but do not let this disappoint you Anzan. Everything happens for a reason" Bhaktidharma said in a peaceful tone, he was standing below a plum blossom tree on the mountain and overlooking the Shaolin Temple under the setting sun. He looked like someone who reached enlightenment, and just seeing the scene made Anzan's heart calmer, as his worries disappeared like a flash.

"I am awaiting your orders" Anzan said in a much calmer tone

"You go to the hidden realm with our disciples, make sure nothing harmful befalls them during their adventure, I trust in you Anzan" Bhaktidharma said in a calm and peaceful tone looking at the setting sun, people who did not know him may think he is peaceful and did not care about the wordly affairs, but Anzan who was with him from his childhood, could sense worry for the sect disciples.

"Your words are my command, master" Anzan respectfully bowed and left the scene with a worry free heart.


(The Phoenix Pavilion)

"Humph! What was that old man thinking, just because of some accident in the past, he restricted father's entry to the hidden realm?" A young man aged about 23 years said with a tone of anger.

"Calm down young master, if someone hears yo-" a servant of the young man tried to say something, but the young man did not let him

"Shut up! I cannot even talk freely in my manor?" the young man said, but did not continue to badmouth the martial arts alliance leader. He was the son of the current Pavilion leader of the Phoenix Pavilion, the most powerful force of the Qaingpai continent, this fact surely got into his head and made him arrogant to no extent. The young man's name was Ye Cheng, he was said to be a genius level talent and his father, the Pavilion Master of the Phoenix Pavilion, was very proud of him. He did need to work on his attitude a little, but he was exceptional in everything he does, so this made him more arrogant and unruly.

"Leader already gave his opinion on this matter, so I think it would be better to follow his order" the servant said in a hesitant voice.

"What else can we do?" Ye Cheng scoffed.

The Pavilion Master gave Ye Cheng an order to go into the hidden realm with other elders and disciples of the Phoenix Pavilion to gain some experience, mostly he wanted to curb Ye Cheng's arrogance and wanted him to know that the world was big, his talent was not the strongest. Keeping this in mind, he ordered his son to go to the hidden realm and secretly arranged bodyguards without Ye Cheng's knowledge, no matter how arrogant Ye Cheng was his most talented son, he could not bear the loss if anything happened to him.

"I'll show my father that I am not to be underestimated, and soon the alliance leader will know too" Ye Cheng muttered under his breath.

The forces all over the world were eyeing the hidden realm like hawks hunting their prey, they did not have the slightest idea that a bigger predator was waiting for them inside.