
The Game Of King's

Imagine a world not ruled by any kind of fate nor destiny, but by the actions of Two Kings sat at a table choosing unknowingly who lives and who dies. A land of Knights, Creatures, Monsters. Light against dark, Good against Evil...

TheSilverKing · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter IV - Rebellion

Carnage flooded the streets of the lower town of Narador, guards stripped the settlers of everything of value. Pots smashed on the floor and trampled into shards, the sounds of children screaming in fear filled the air as armed guards reaped the coin from peoples pockets. Taking rings and necklaces to fulfill the new debt that the villagers could not fulfill. Women ran to their children to avert their poor eyes, men begged for the safety of their families. Yet knowing that these metal men are not dealer's of mercy.

Night came over the ransacked settlement, quieting the chaos which happened earlier. Clocked figures shuffled behind guards patrolling the village like a prison. Six hooded silhouettes knocked five times slowly on the wooden door of the blacksmiths, whispers swirled around the group wondering if what they were told to do was right. Moments later, the mastersmith opened the door and urged him to come inside quickly. Each man entered with haste as the glow of the guards torches shone upon the walls of the ally. The host immediately shut the door and turned round to see an overall group of around eighty men surrounding inside the man's house; all told to meet him here if they wish to seek justice.

Murmurs scattered around the group. The Thatcher banged his fist on the main table, everyone's eyes were drawn to the noise. with his solid, deep voice he spoke " this is madness! We can not live in this mano

r, they'll bleed us dry!" . murmes began again, all agreeing with the Thatchers view. One of the peasant farmers in the middle of the crowd raised his voice " and how do you propose that then hmm?". Immediately the Thatcher responded with speed " We take the castle! We take the throne and make us free men!" the room bursted with chatter and laughter of disbelief . Another peasant yelled mockingly "take the castle" and bursted out with laughter, "and i want it to rain mead but that ain't going to happen!". Everyone laughed with an encore of chatter. A cocky voice cut through the crowd:"I can help" a mysterious voice came from the stairway, out of the shadows came a man in matte navy blue armour covering chainmail forged with black steel. A bow wrapped around his shoulder yet no quiver, or arrows. Youthful jet black hair locks a charming gray streak runs through his hair, with deep brown eyes and a confident smile invites himself into the light. The crowd feared it may be a knight of the crown, looking at his attire and the sword he has fixed onto his belt. A bronze hilt with an engraved blade which bursted with nobility and respect. The Thatcher pierced at the man sharply "and who may you be?". The mysterious man slowly turned to him and spoke with a calm, intelligent voice "my christian name is William, Sir william of Valeria to be quaint." The Thatcher began to question "why would a knight help us hmm? If it's a coin you're looking for, there isn't any'' The blue knight looked down on the floor and shook his head. " I came to aid you, I fight for what's right, not money. Once you've travelled each corner of this wonderous world, currency means nothing to you, believe me." The Thatcher and crowd knew that this was too good to be true, yet they had no choice but to accept his offer. Because they knew within themselves that they could not smite the nobles on their own. William leaned onto the table, followed by everyone else round the table to hear his plan of action.

Thesus massaged his beard, thinking of his next move of play. He picked his white pawn and knocked over Ferald's Bishop. Spectating his opponent's move, Ferald commented "Poor Bishop" and smiled. Thesus shared his smile and let out a small chuckle, unknowing that this was sealing fate.

Bell's rang round the city, declaring the crack of midnight. Muffled footsteps of the knight crept up to a guard like a snake in the grass, slithering up towards its unsuspecting victim. He struck out at the guard and choked the man till he was knocked out. He gently mounted him on the wall and continued on his mission as a small garrison of lower towns finest flocked behind him. They were so close to the castle, however one thing stopped them from entering the kept doors, a large courtyard. Encased in twelve foot walls with a dozen guards posted on top. One of the men grew impatient and attempted to fo forth onto the exposed plot, William quickly grabbed his collar and lynched him back, the man looked at him with such aggression and opened his mouth to vent his frustration, Williams eyes widened and covered his mouth with one hand and one finger on his lips to indicate him to keep his anger inside as he took his finger off his lips and pointed up to grab the men's attention to above them, creaking of the wooden floorboards above them got closer and closer and suddenly stopped, dust trickled down upon their faces as someone disturbed where it set. A guard was right above them, each man closed their eyes and hoped, praying that they didn't cause any attention to alert the guard. Dust flew into one of the men's faces, he felt it. Like a bursting voice from within was begging to be let out, his face burned red, then blue. He fought it like a battle from within, resistance of his own human nature. To cough, sneeze, anything to expel the dust from his lungs. Foot steps away from them slowly occurred again, this time away from them. Not three steps took place until the man lost the internal battle and bellowed out a loud cough. The footsteps froze, and so did everyone underneath them. One of the other men jumped on him and stuck his fingers in his mouth to muffle his instinctive reaction, the coughing man squirmed, his torso bounced up and down as he tried to control himself. William knew the game was up, stealth was no longer an option. He grabbed his bow with his right hand and took off his left gauntlet, with a waiver of his exposed hand; a small burning green flame was in his palm. He closed his eyes, breathed deeply and slowly at first, then increased his pace. Quicker and quicker his breathing took place. As if he was preparing to pull off the unthinkable…

The band of men led by William gripped their scythes and makeshift shields made from barrel lids and all looked at the Navy night for guidance and courage. William whispered something under his breath. His last words? A Encatation? No one caught what he said at that moment. But one thing the men did notice was when William opened his eyes, they burned like the sun. They looked upon him with such surprise and wonder, but they knew if they were to die at this moment, they would die knowing it was for nothing.

William looked upon them with respect and dignity as if they were his equals, if not his betters for joining him on this potential suicide mission. He clenched his bow and looked up at the two footsteps shadowed against the light of the moon piercing between the cracks of the boards. The man above them slowly looked down to see William's burning bright eyes shining below him. Both men locked eye contact for a split second. As fast as lightning; William leaped into the light of the moon and slid onto the courtyard floor. His torso spun at a 180° angle and fired a green arrow made of pure, concentrated light at the guard. It fired like a quick beam of fire, lighting the entire courtyard with its strength. Immediately after the impact, it was as if green embers were consuming him, decaying his body from the inside out. All the other guards saw the flash and fixated on its source. William dropped his bow and pulled his sword out of his sheath, the other hand still burning with a green flame. His eyes lit the path before him with a yellow tint . A archer at the ready fired a shot at him from the battlements, catching a glimpse of the projectile hurling towards him, he swiped his sword at the arrow, splitting it in two in mid air, everyone present was amazed at this navy knight's abilities, the men still hiding gorked at William, astounded about everything they have witnessed so far upon this raid. The Knight gazed at all the mounted guards around him. He Knew that he was surrounded. even with the helping hand of the peasants still hiding in the shadows, he was outnumbered. But not unmatched. He threw his sword to his other hand, the hilt quickly glowed green, the blade started burning from the base upwards like a wick set alight. It burned an emerald green light, emitting small flames that had no heat. The guards sprung into action, climbing down from their battlements, the townsmen knew it was now or never, they rushed to the aid of this fearless fighter. The man which fought for their cause with no ill gain from it. They clenched their farmland tools as the armoured guards rushed them from all sides. William hacked and slashed his way through the group of guards, the peasants swiped and stabbed the men coming behind them, blood spilt upon the floor, turning the dirt beneath them red as they fought . The guards were getting slaughtered, the swipe of Sir Williams sword cut through them like a knife through butter. This was the first time many of them have seen such bloodshed since the great war of the eight kingdoms. But the townsmen paid heavy casualties as well. As soon as they were picking off the last of the guards, the main door burst open, hordes of men flowed out of every entrance around the courtyard. Sir William Of Valeria and two of the remaining Villagers were surrounded…

Armoured men with pikes circled them, slowly closing them all with a continuous step forward closer and closer onto them.William went into his pocket and pulled out a little pouch from it. He clenched it tight with one hand, and the sword with his other, he turned to the two men at either side of him and looked into their eyes. "Hold on to my wrists, close your eyes and think of where you wish to be at this moment." William instructed them to do so and so they did without a pause of thought. The Navy Knight closed his eyes and pictured the bedroom of where this vile woman who caused such corruption slept. He clenched the little pouch more and more until it popped. Silver particles flooded out of it, swearling round the three men like a whirlwind, ensealing them in a bubble of glistening silver glints. The pikemen pushed their pikes into the bubble.The metal tips shredded instantly on impact and richoshed into fragments of metal from the velocity of this mysterious spell. The bubble spun quicker and quicker. Eventually it slowly shrunk and shrunk, slowing down every time it got smaller. Until, its remeinants blew into the wind. Revealing the fugitives gone, the pikemen, surrounded by corpses of the guards, their feet drenched in their blood. Looking amongst themselves, wondering how they could have escaped whilst surrounded.

Meanwhile in the chambers, the moon beam shoots through her window like light cutting through the dark. Resting gently on red sheets,this creature laid, beauty which could be considered immeasurable, but cruel and vile from within, Ingrette. Footsteps gently came towards her bed metal gently clanking with every step taken. Out from the shadows came Sir William stepped into the light, his eyes reformed to their original colour. His hair greyer than what it was before, as if he aged as if five minutes became five years to him. He looked at this innocent looking villain with such passion, such lust. He gently came round the bed and sat beside her. He reached out with his gauntlet hand and held her cheek with such care and attention. Her eyes gently opened. Suddenly she grabbed his hand with such anger yet a scent of fear and gazed at this man, he leaned in closer to give Ingrette a closer look of who he was. Her eyes widened, her grip loosened and caressed his hand as she realised who she was looking at.....

The next day in Narabor...Silence fell upon the Kingdom...The bells of the churches tower chimes twelve times to signal midday. But no one was in the streets, it was as if it was abandoned. However, silhouettes of people could be seen locked inside their houses fearing the wrath of what might come to pass. The clopping of horses could be heard coming from the castle. Becoming louder and louder until the townspeople could see what they were afraid of. But it was not what they had expected. Their suicide misson led by the Navy Knight was a success. It was a trio of nobles, travelling in three carts all covered up with a white sheet. They circled round the town square. Lining up their carts in sequence. They slowly unmounted their stallions and stepped forth onto the muddy ground with their high boots. "We mean no threat" One of them shouted omung the houses surrounding them. "Something was stolen from you, that had no right to be taken" He continued, looking round him he caught the eyes of people peering through their windows, observing and listening to what he had to preach. "We are here to make it right. We are no longer under the captivity of Ferald's chains. We are the envoys of our loving king, Thesus. We are here to speak onto you to say he has reclaimed what was rightfully his and it's time you take yours." People started opening up their doors and ears, stepping out in front of their homes to witness what was happening before them.

The nobles unveiled what was stored in their carts, one containing chests full of gold and silver separated into pouches for each man affected by the tyranny of Ferald. The second contained medicine and bandages for those who needed aid and the third contained barrels of mead and ale as a way of apologising for their troubles. All the townsfolk slowly walked to the nobles with caution yet excitement, wondering if this was a ruse or whether the news could be true. The nobles servants then threw the pouches of gold to each person. Suddenly a wave of men, women and children rushed and crowded around them. Embracing the gifts sent to them, knowing that all will be well in the Kingdom of Narabor. On a hill overlooking this mighty kingdom, there the Navy Knight stood holding Ingrette into his arms looking down upon the event happening in front of them. She looked up at him with such guilt and regret as he just looked on. She spoke to him "I didn't want to take it". William looked at her with an expression she had never seen him bare before, disappointment. He stared deep into her watery eyes and said with such sadness "You didn't have to kill either". She started crying as William looked towards the Kingdom.