
The game of Demons and Human

Anvixyty · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 4:Surviving in the wild

"@#:"*-@#=?!#"The demon said

"Demon language learned" Sytyem said

"demon language? "he said and upgrade it to max(LVL10)

"Human do you understand me"Demon said

"yes i can"He said

"then ,im here just to feed this three here i don't want a fight"

"is that so?"he said

"his Aura Says the opposite so I'm not

gonna drop my guard"he said inside his

head and turns his back on the demon to

look at the three

"fool! this is the first rule in the battlefield

never turn your back on the enemy!!"he said and lunches himself to him attacking with

his bare hand with long sharp nail

(Y/N) pulls his metal sword to block his


"i knew it...and second rule in the battlefield

Be sure if the enemy is off guard before you attack"he said and smirks then pushes him away

"then i won't hold back human"demon said and snaps fingers transforming the three

(Y/N) looks back and is shocked to see the three bandits Transform into a demon increasing there mana drasticly

"four of them?"he said

"he trasformed them to demon?"

one of them attcked and (Y/N) blocked with his sword then kicks him hard

"I'm only 10 years old and level 5 i can't defeat all of them and they are all level 50 then i don't have a choice but to use it"he said on his mind

"Dark magic, dark cloak: Triple slash of darkness"cast the spell and kills all of them

cutting trees in the process

"notice level 5 --->level 310,secret quest complete" Sytyem said

"what how?!!" he said

"a secret quest you've triggered that give you 19 Billion EXP"Sytyem said

"you mean i need more to surpass Dad!!!!!!?"He said

"Yes"Sytyem said

"then i need more to surpass my dad level 500"he said and leaves

7 hours of walking in the forest

"it's getting dark,i should camp here now"he said and stomach rumble

"and I'm hungry,oh yeah i have a ton of skill points let's upgrade every skill,magic,and stats"he said

15 minutes later

"done now i just need food"he said and sense something not far from him

"wow magic and KI sense are useful,does dad have one of this skills?"he said and goes to where this something is

"i didn't think i would do this,but i have to survive.....a boar?! "he said

"water magic:Water bullets"cast the spell and kills the boar

5 minutes later

"Fire magic,set level 1:Burning wall"cast the spell creating a small wall of fire just enough to cook the meat

"at least i can set the level of the magic as i command and if i don't set it in level it just goes to max just like that water magic"he said

A week later


Strength:MAX(Level 10)

Magic:MAX(Level 10)

Agility:MAX(Level 10)

Defense:MAX(Level 10)




Water magic:MAX(Level 10)

Fire:MAX(Level 10)

Dark:MAX(Level 10)

Light:MAX(Level 10)

Lighting:MAX(Level 10)

Earth:MAX(Level 10)

Wind:MAX(Level 10)



passive skill

Magic resistance:MAX(Level 10)

Magic sense:MAX(Level 10)

KI sense:MAX(Level 10)

Auto identification:MAX(Level 10)

Ultra regeneration:MAX(Level 10)

Pain resistance:MAX(Level 10)

Auto Force field:MAX(Level 10)


"what else that i cannot do"he said and sense someone coming and hides in a tree "this mana..."he said in his head and hides his mana

"i swear i sense something here"the person said

"a Royalty?"he said in his head

"no wonder his mana is so intense" he said in his head again

"this looks like someone live here for a

week don't you think?"The royalty said

"yes and it look like his only one person"a Royal knight said

"a royalty and a royal knight,huh?"he said quietly and leaves there quietly

the royal knight senses him moved and prepared his sword then jumps to him with great speed

(Y/N) Sense him "HIS FAST!!!!"he said in his head and nearly got hit by his throat "that was close"he said in his head and pulls sword out and has a sword fight with the Royal knight

"This kid.... "the royal Knight said in his head

"he has the same fighting style with Sir. William/(Y/N)'s dad"he said in his head

The royalty was watching them fight "HEY! YOU TWO STOP!!!"

The Two stops fighting

(Y/N) Covers his face with the cloak his dad gave him and trys to Leave but gets caught by the Royal knight

"Let go...."he said

"How dare you attack back on a Royal knight you should be arrested for that crime"The Royal knight said

"You attacked me first it was a self defense"he said

"Self defense or not it's still a crime" Royal knight said

"No, let him go Yuno"Royalty said

Royal knight does as said

"Your name?"Royalty said

"(Y/N)"he said

"okay then my Name is Julius Novachrono,and this is Yuno a Royal knight "Royalty said

"Why is a royalty like you doing in this forest?" he said

"well we are trying to find a herb that Cure any illness so do you know where we could find it?"Julius said

"yes and i just happened to head there to train my magic, please follow me"he said and goes there

on the way

"Why do i have to trust them? "he said in his mind

"They could attack me any moment,And that royal knight his using 3 magic item"he said in his mind again

15 minutes of walking later

"we are here"he said

"WOAH THERE IS A LOT OF THIS!! "Royalty said loudly

"so his that a type of guy huh? " he said in his mind

"can we take them all? "Royalty said

"yeah sure i don't mind"he said

"is this where you train your magic? " Royal knight said

"yes that's all i got for now"he said

"but...THIS MAGIC IS TOO POWERFUL"Royal knight said

and he points at a huge crater

"Oh no worries that's not my magic it was all because of the demon i fought a day ago our magic just collided and made that"he said

"a demon?...did you at least leave there heads?"Royal knight said

"yeah because dad said they could sell at a high price"he said and points behind him

"WHY THE HECK IS THERE FIVE DEMON HEADS?? "royal knight said loudly

"Why how many have you killed?"He said

"WHY ARE YOU SO CALM? "Royal knight said loudly

"it's just normal you know i see a lot of demons roaming around here and it's kinda getting normal to me"he said

"THIS KID IS A PSYCHO!!!"Royal knight said in his mind

10 minutes later

"So anyway thank you for leading us to the plant"Royal knight said

"so, you've helped us what is your one wish?" Royalty said while smiling at him

"then.....Show me your magic"He said

"That's too much-"Royal knight said but gets stoped by Julius

"Okay" Royalty said

"Time magic,fast forward"Cast the spell and shoots it on a tree and it turns to dust "opps i think that was too much"Royalty said

"Time magic huh"he thought to himself

"And you? "he said and points to Yuno

"Sigh,Wind magic,wind bullet"cast the spell and shoots it on a tree and breaks it completely

"level 7 wind magic,no wonder his so fast earlier even a normal spell breaks the tree"he thought to himself

"Anyway we are going now thank you" Julius said and leaves with Yuno waving there hands goodbye

7 years later (Y/N) has grown into a handsome boy and became more powerful than last time

as he was walking in the middle of the forest

"only one year left i can go back home, even if this is a game....this is now my home i can't go back to my world so i have to make this my world"he thought to himself and look up in the beautiful sky sensing a powerful mana coming to him at light speed

then a huge tall buffed demon lands in front of (Y/N) creating a crater

(Y/N) dashes away as fast as possible but the demon was too fast even after landing on the groud and the demon uses "Demon magic, demon light:Demon light of swords" as he cast the spell (Y/N) also cast a spell

"Dark magic,dark cloak: Triple slash of darkness" and as they shoot there spells collided and causes a huge explosion that destroyed everything on its path