
The Game of Crowns

When the life of Prince Colt is threatened after his father's murder and his blood brother usurping the kingdom, he is forced to flee and assemble allies to seek retribution. As adversaries encroach upon the borders and past foes reemerge, Colt is faced with the daunting task of confronting them. Amidst shifting loyalties and unforeseen betrayals, this saga unravels a complex narrative of treachery, kinship, and conflict. It intertwines themes of romance amidst turmoil and bloodshed, crafting a riveting tale of struggle and sacrifice.

Aslan_007 · アクション
38 Chs

Chapter 31: The New Plan

King Hammer had reached his palace in the capital city, as staying away for too long might endanger his throne. There were still people in his court who were looking for a chance to snatch the ancestral crown.

He took a seat on his throne and put on his iconic golden robe. Varius was present before him.

"My king, there is news of a rising rebellion in the Neptune tribe," Varius told Hammer. "I am still trying to influence their elders to control the situation. They will elect a new chief tomorrow, and all the preparations are ready to put our puppet on the chair."

"Well done," Hammer said. "Their uprising would be futile if they had no strong leader to lead them. I will crush the rebels and make them a lesson for everyone."

"Yes, my king. And the elder of the Mars tribe are already with us. They have already chosen a new chief. We will have no issues with them."

"Very well," Hammer responded to the reports. "What about Rozerd and Colt? What happened to them?"

"We have a got news from our scouts who had gone to observe their movements," Varius said. "Rozerd and Colt have conquered the bordering the castle of Wild."

Hammer frowned at the news. "So they have done it. What about that woman? The daughter of the supreme chief."

"Apparently, she was also there with the princes. They have become allies."

"So, the sheep have flocked together to resist against the wolf." Hammer smirked. "I will eat them alive."

"What are your orders, my king?" Varius asked. "Should I head over to the castle with an army which was your original plan?"

"No," the king replied. "You can not take the castle from them if they have increased their manpower. Send a message to the king of Wild. He and Rozerd has a bittersweet realtionship. I want a meeting with him."

"Very well, my king." Varius bowed and exited the court while King Hammer stared into the abyss and grinned.


Colt, Kyte, Dyna and Gilbert had gathered in the castle hall. It was a large space with a padded wooden throne at the front. A red carpet ran across the hall from the throne to the exit. There were chandeliers up there, and thick pillars on the sides of the hall.

All the four sat in the middle of the hall on a table across each other.

"The doctors had checked Prince Rozerd earlier. They say he is no more in danger. He will wake up anytime," Kyte said.

"Thank God," Colt uttered in relief. "Our strength would double once he wakes up."

Dyna looked at him. "I have heard a lot about you from Gilbert. He always praises you, and I have already seen why he does so. I am glad you are with us in this struggle."

Colt scratched his head with an awkward smile. He did not have the habit of taking compliments. "Ah, I am not that good. My brother Rozerd is better than me in every aspect."

Gilbert sighed and oscillated his face.

Kyte came to the point. "So, Hammer killed your father, right?" he asked Dyna.

"Yes." She clenched her fist. "I will kill that dastard," she said it in a silent rage. Everybody could see the raging fire in her eyes, which she was controlling from coming out.

"Were you planning to fight alone?" Colt asked her. "You know most of the tribes are with Hammer."

"So what?" Dyna reacted. "I would fight alone if I have to. Ever if there was no one to help me, I would have fought till the end."

Colt glanced at Gilbert with a smile, who smiled back as well. Her courage and commitment impressed them.

"What now? We have got the castle," Kyte said. "We have to plan our next move before our enemy does so."

"So bold of you to plan your next move without including me." They suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"My prince?" Kyte reacted in surprise when he saw Rozerd at the entrance, looking at them with a smile.

They all stood up. "Brother, you are awake," Colt uttered.

Rozerd was covered in bandages on his upper body. He walked to the table while Kyte got away from his chair for him to sit.

Rozerd hugged Kyte, making the latter emotional with the reunion.

"My prince, I am glad you are back," Kyte said when they were separated.

"No one can kill me when I have soldiers like you," Rozerd replied and looked at Colt. "Look at my strong brother. You fulfilled your duty in my absence. As expected of a prince of Madmen."

"Thank you, brother," Colt said. "I only did what you all had taught me since my childhood. Besides, I could not have done it alone if Kyte had not helped me."

"I did nothing, my prince," Kyte said. "You were capable of doing all of this."

"Fine. Fine. You both did a good job." Rozerd looked at Gilbert. "Glad to see you are alive, old man."

"I would not die so easily, my prince," Gilbert replied. "You are forgetting I am a warrior."

"I have not forgotten. I am glad you are here." He glanced at Dyna and asked, "Who is this lovely lady we have got?"

"I am Dyna, daughter of Kanga of the Sun tribe," Dyna answered.

"I see." He looked at the strange wooded crown she was wearing. "Nice to meet you." He signaled for them to take a seat. "Please."

They all took their places while Kyte stood behind Rozerd. They told what had transpired when he was unconscious before they moved to plan their next move. They also told him the background of Dyna and her motivations to rise against King Hammer.

"The king of Wild would not stay silent after losing a castle," Colt said. "He will send some forces to get it back."

"I know," Rozerd responded. "We can not fight against two enemies at once."

"What should we do then?" Gilbert asked.

Rozerd smiled. "We will have to arrange a meeting with King Gunderf of Wild before brother Hammer does so. I know he would play politics to drive us out of here, then will end us once we have no shelter."

"Would we go to their capital?" Kyte asked with a confused face with some tint of concern. "My prince, have you forgotten the king hates you? He would kill you at the first glance."

Dyna raised a brow. "Why does he hate you?"

There was a moment of silence before Gilbert said, "Prince Rozerd had killed his eldest son in a battle. It was not the worst, as he sent his dismembered body to his father without his head. From that day, Gunderf is looking for a chance to take his revenge and get the head of his son back from him."

Dyna facepalmed when she heard this. "He would surely rout us out. And here I thought we were finally heading towards becoming a power to fight against Hammer."

"We would surely fight against Brother Hammer," Rozerd said. "I, Colt and Gilbert will go to Gunderf."

"My prince," Kyte reacted. "Pardon me, but I can not let you go there. He will kill you for sure."

"Kyte, my brother," Rozerd responded casually. "Everyone has to die one day. If my death brings you enough power to deal with our enemies, I would gladly give my life. But do not worry, I will not go there without a plan."

Kyte understood there was no way to change his decision. "If you are indeed willing to go there, take me with you as well."

"No. You will stay here and look after the castle in my place with this lovely lady." He winked at Dyna, but she did not even react. She just sat there with a serious face.

Gilbert sighed again.

Colt could see the disturbed emotion on Kyte's face. "What if I go there with Master Gilbert and Kyte?" he suggested.

"Nothing would do," Rozerd responded. "I will have to meet Gunderf. I had heard earlier there had been armed revolts in their kingdom. He had somehow suppressed them until now, but it is getting out of his control now." He smirked. "We could use it as an advantage."

Colt did not know what his brother was thinking, but he knew he had thought of something out of the box. "Understood."

"So, tomorrow it is. We will take off to the capital city of Wild," Rozerd declared.