
The Game's NPC

"If only I have done better" Says the protagonist as he continue to regret why he only play when he is supposed to study,complaining why his face looks older and ugly than his actual age,and can't help his family with his own hand. 'If I got a second chance,I will do anything to improve myself and help my family' suddenly after he dreamed of his mother and confessed everything that he regretted,he woke up in a different body that are more healthier than his old body. He get to know his new name is John and he got transmitted to a game world. the problem is, it's not his favorite game, [magic knight], but the game he last touched 7 years ago,and he forgot some plot except the protagonist,main enemy and hidden weapon locations. Everything will be okay "..but why is there no status window that will show me how to use my cheat?" But he has no personal status window and cheat code to use.

Shortfilex · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Class Placement Evaluation (1)

After the entrance ceremony ended, freshman are instructed to go to place they were told that is written next to the students name. The name is written at the bulletin board.

'Number 100...100..ah there it is.'

'Lecture hall 1' was written there so I start searching for where it was. Luckily I find it quickly than I expected.

After go to the hall and finding my name listed at the bulletin board right next before the entrance, I entered the hall.

'Ugh, it's too crowded'

I pushed my way and search for an empty seat. Fortunately, there are still empty seats available. I sit down then I started looking around.

'where is he...oh,there he is'

Short jet black hair, brown eyes color and as tall as me. Not too skinny or too buffed.

The main character of this game, Luke

He then sat down with a girl who has silver blue hair with a pair of bright blue eyes. That must be the main heroine, Livia Edelweiss. There seems to be a ring on her ring finger.

I turned the other way and realized that the hall was getting fuller with students who had just arrived. It seems like the professor will come shortly to give a briefing.

Wait, a ring?

I looked back to where Luke and Livia were, and indeed there's a ring at her left ring finger. The same goes for Luke who also has a ring at his left ring finger.

'is it an engagement ring?'

Luke and Livia will eventually become a couple in the future, changing Luke's name tu Luke Edelweiss, so an engagement ring will also present .

But that should happen at their second year later.

'And looking at how they are chatting happily while ignoring the sharp gaze of other's,they really look like a happy couple.

Livia had liked Luke ever since he saved her. It was showed during the game opening, the 'childhood friend kidnapping' act. Since Luke saved her while wearing a mask and while also using a powerful [light] magic, it will take some times for her to search for his true identity.

After finding out it who saved her, she confessed to him and they got engaged, leading to Luke having Edelweiss surname.

Then again it was supposed to happen at their second year.

'Did something went wrong even though I didn't do anything?'


At that moment,the front door of the lecture hall was opened and two man entered the room. The one with the light green hair is probably a professor. The other that wears a blue black uniforms is probably the professor's assistant

The hall that had been noisy suddenly became. The professor that had entered just now arrived in front of the podium then staring at the students before finally start talking.

"Welcome, future great wizard"

The professor had long green hair combined with his handsome face. Many female students was in awe after seeing his face.

'whooa...he's so handsome'

'Is he really a professor? He looked way to young'


There were several whispers heard right after the professor finish his first sentence. Mostly from female students.

"I am professor Rick Viridis. I am the professor in charge of hall 1 this week"

He said in a calm tone. Some of the girls

Students seemed to already been charmed by him while the boy side were feeling tense.

"Let's skip the unrelated matter. Orientation will be held in the next four days. After that, when the class placement evaluation is completed and class has been divided, the class will start depending on the level of each class."

He continued to speak with the same smile on his face as before.

"Therefore, we will measuring the amount of everybody's mana now"


The hall suddenly become noisy after the announcement.

'Oh,this is a chance to see if my mana grade rank up or not'

"Don't worry, we will only measuring the amount of everybody's mana only. This magic instrument function is not like the crystal ball, so information such as what magic you guys have will not be exposed"

After professor Rick said that, the assistant behind start showing something. It looks like a normal white magic staff. Thare are more of them behind the assistant back

"This magic instrument is a tool used to measure the maximum amount of mana the user has. All you had to do is hold it tightly and allow your mana within you to flow. The grade will automatically be displayed before you."

This mana measurement is for the students to show them how far they have grown later when they remeasure the students mana back in the future. It's like some kind of motivation for the students to grow more.

"Whenever this test is being carried out, we suggest student to not come near each other for the sake of the students safety. Now, please come out at a time when your name is called"

'wait,one by one?'

There are about 150 students in this hall and only 2 people conducting this,that means...

'....This will take a while'

Luckily,I'm not last or else if I got low grade mana displayed, I will become a laughingstock that everyone will easily remember since people tends to remember what last and first easily.

The assistant began to distribute the magic instrument to the students one by one.

'let the mana within you flow...oh,so it like this'

All students have got the magic instrument and started to test doing what I did just now.

'Alright,let's see if my mana grade has gone up or not'


"Haaa....it doesn't go up at all..."

Male dormitory, 1 pm.

After the mana evaluation ended, the students are given dormitory keys and directed to rest.

There were four types of dormitories. The dormitories were assigned to each student based on the previous mana evaluation and entrance exam scores.

Of course me, who get 'D' in my mana grade, was placed at the lowest ranking dormitory with poor facilities.

After I entered my room, I was surprised that the room wasn't that bad. It just a little smaller than an average room. I then start unpacking my stuff from my suitcase and magic pouch and arrange them perfectly before lay down on my bed.

"At least I'm not short of money"

All of the freshman were given 400 gold each.

With textbook and some blank book to tak e notes for classes, you can survive until the next evaluation performance.

'Plus,mom give 400 gold to me and Jane before departure. We split it and I have extra 200 gold'

"I need to pick up the textbook later or tomorrow, since It will definitely be crowded. Considering the total number of freshman is 500"

'I hate crowded place after all'

I then changed to a sitting position on the bed while holding my chin with my right hand.

'The plot really did change, but not too much'

In the game, Luke was supposed to get the lowest mana grade, 'E' grade. But earlier he got grade 'D+' in mana. He still was placed to the lowest dormitory like me though.

The same goes for Livia Edelweiss who get 'A-' instead of 'B-'. She was placed at the highest dormitory with the best facilities that exists for students to stay.

'But one thing for sure,they are both engaged'

Before I left the lecture hall, I checked the name listed at the bulletin board right next before the entrance. The name 'Luke Edelweiss' clearly written there.

'Only the two of them has changed, everything else run as it should in the game'

Anna Amare get grade 'A-' mana and Petunia Eros get grade 'A' mana. Luke's other companion is at the other hall but I know which class they will be placed later, so it will be fine.

Anna Amare was supposed to be a boss later when Luke was on his way to the the dark castle. Petunia Eros on the other hand was one of Luke's companion who will later him.

'There are still four more days before the orientation started, so let's see if I can find any clue about my [seal] magic'

My goal was getting strong as much as possible before the final battle start. So I can't be discouraged just because my grande in mana doesn't increase.

"What!? How can someone live in this very room!? I demand a change!"


I flinched after hearing a loud sound coming from my next room. It is likely to come from the son of a spoiled nobleman.

'very small? Really? This already pretty spacious for one person though'

What a spoiled brat.


"[Plant] magic..[blood] magic... [Telekinesis] magic...where is it..."

Library, 4 pm.

Right after I arrived,I asked the librarian where is the unique magic type section. There a plenty of book in that section.

3 hours have passed since I read the unique magic book but still can't find anything about my [seal] magic.

"[Enchantment] magic...[weapon creation] magic.....[teleport] magic...[mirror] magic...wait, there's also that type of magic?"

The books that I have read are liked up next to me.I have read about seven books but still no clue about my [seal] magic.

"Hmmm....is it an innate magic? But if it is, It will not show up during check up in the past.."

Unique magic is a magic that are less related to basic elements magic like fire, water, wind, rock, darkness or light. Some examples of unique magic is [shadow] magic which control a shadow and [plant] magic which literally control plants.

Innate magic on the other hand is a magic that no one will know other than yourself. It won't show up on status window either, so it will stay completely unknown unless the holder told about it.

Some examples of Innate magic is [lie detector] and [clone].

'Am I the first [seal] magic user? Or am I some sort of a hidden boss or something?'

But I don't remember seeing character named John in my entire gameplay

'Or it's because I don't remember all the plot, that I miss where John existence is displayed?'

Argggh, I don't know anymore.

I sigh as I closed the book I was reading earlier. I can't waste my time in something that does not bear fruit.

'secret shop be open tomorrow after sensing Luke's system. All I have to do now is training.'

I don't know why but my instincts tells me not to go to the magic department training ground, so I need to come up with another method.

As I walk leaving the library, I channeled my wind mana in a small amount.


My entire body was covered in small moving wind. It constantly consumed small mana to maintain it, so with this training method I don't have to worry about sweating and can improve my grade mana when constantly using magic. It's like killing two birds with one stone. Still I prefer to use the cheat item [Imperium staff] that can help me more control mana effectively.

Step step

With that, I walk to my next destination, gym.
