
The Galaxy Far Away

As an alien from another galaxy spies on earth and runs from their government, she falls in love with a dark entity lurking around on Jupiter. Will she confess her love? Will she ignore her feelings and keep running? Only you can find out.

Caitlyn_Hazzard · SF
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Today I discovered some very strange activity coming from a planet in a far away galaxy. Some aliens call it Earth. I presented my discoveries to the government of our planet, Icadia, only to be running from them. They want to kill me for spying. We aren't really supposed to leave our planet Incase we get discovered. Scientists have had a close eye on Icadia for a long time. Not only did I leave the planet but I left the galaxy!

As I left Icadia, I wasn't watching where I was going and I bumped into a giant space craft! I think it was some sort of satellite.

I ran from the government and found a planet to hide on for a while. I guess this planet is called "Jupiter".

As I decided to lay low, I started to read my file on Earth. I got a little bored so I read it out loud. "There is a planet far away in the Milky Way galaxy called earth," I began to read. "The air is so full of pollution that it is very hard to breathe. The air almost feels toxic." God I really don't know how humans survived this long on that planet.

Not knowing I was being watched, I began to read more.