
Chapter 9

With 1 hour remaining

Cadet Dawn: Sir we will arrive at the border in 1hour.

Lt.Vaugh: Are we at full speed

Cadet Dawn: Yes sir.

Diplomat Vraak: Lieutenant could i talk with

Lt.Vaugh: Of Course.

Diplomat Vraak: I am worried that if the negotiations fails they will not let us go.

Lt.Vaugh: Do not worry. All of my best men will accompany you and we will be listening to the negotiations shall fail and they are not willing to let you go Admiral Villeneuve will be informed and he will cross the border.

Diplomat Vraak: I see thank you i feel more at ease.

SLt.Crimson: Flynn you should rest a bit you have been planning our defense, inspecting the ship and you even reassured all members of the crew who had doubts individually.

Lt.Vaugh: I cant rest now i have to talk to Admiral Villeneuve in an hour just talking to him i feel intimidated.

SLt.Crimson: At least sleep for the sake of the crew you wont be able to command well if you are tired.

Lt.Vaugh: All right but wake me up in thirty minutes.

SLt.Crimson: Dont worry.