
Practice Day 3 Part 1

"Jeon catch!" Donald exclaims as he tosses the ball high in the air towards him, Jeon leaps into the air and tries catching the ball but misses and the ball flies directly through his hand. Jeon lands back on his feet and looks over to see Taylor standing next to him "you suck." He says, Jeon gives an annoyed smile "well that's why I'm running back smart ass.." he says as he walks over and throws his hands over Taylor's shoulder and the two walk away. It's the end of practice as the boys all head off the field walking slowly after the long day of hard work, Ulysses and Kade both walk up to Jacob "Jacob dude you are the man!" Ulysses exclaims "yea dude how is it that you are so fast, what's your workout regimen man come on you can tell me." Kade adds "isn't speed genetic, his dads probably a track star or something" Ulysses asks "i hear it's a mix" Kade replies "I don't have a crazy work out regimen and my dad isn't a track star,  I'm just like this..." Jacob says hesitantly, Kade and Ulysses both look over at each other "you smell that Ulysses?" Kade asks Ulysses begins sniffing the air "yea I do." He replies "it's smells like...." "Bullshit!" The two exclaim. Kade and Ulysses laugh in the background as Noel walks off alone smiling to himself when coach Lamburn calls him over "Noel!" He exclaims "come over here real quick." Noel slowly walks over to coach Lamburn and the two face off once again, coach clears his throat "I believe that the relationship between a coach and a player needs to be good in order to be successful, so I don't want any bad blood between us, we made a bet, you lost but certain circumstances have created an opportunity for you to stay, and we'll leave it at that." He says, Noel doesn't respond "listen Noel between you and me, if your friends hadn't stepped up for you believe me you would've been gone off this team, if you hadn't that would reflect poorly on me not only as a coach but an individual, allowing players to do whatever it is that they want would create chaos and the team would end up just like the prodigies that I coached before, you remember them right?" Noel nods "they got too comfortable and I let them do whatever they wanted, and the turn out, well it was a disaster." "Everyone here needs to be kept in check, so I would've kicked you off the team, but it would've been a huge blow to us, to lose our star prodigy." Noel slowly looks up at coach Lamburn un phased  "what are you talking about?" He says "that's good, you have a really good poker face Noel, it's no surprise to me that you've kept it from everyone else, but you can't fool me I know you're a super player, I've know since your first throw during practice." Noel and coach Lamburn stare at each other "you're very good Noel, almost on the level of the prodigies I coached back in the day, but the biggest mistake anyone can ever make is believing that you have nothing left to learn." "Alright, I'll catch you boys later!" Jacob exclaims waving at Kade and Ulysses, he looks back forward and exhales "today was crazy." He says, he thinks back to when he ran out of his super energy mid way through his run, Jacob looks back at his hand and causes electricity to surge around it "it's back, so that confirms it then, i have a finite amount of super stamina I can use." He thinks "man, I was so sure I didn't have a limit." As jacob walks past the school and turns the corner Noel is waiting for him in the same spot as last time "hey Jacob." He says "woah Jesus!" Jacob exclaims stumbling backwards as Noel frightens him "man, how many times are you gonna do that?" He says "I just wanted to say thank you for before, you were the first one to step up for me, if you hadn't then I'd probably be off the team so thanks." Noel says, Jacob calms down and brushes himself off "yea man don't sweat it, it was my fault you were in that situation anyway." Jacob responds as he places his duffel bag down "speaking of which, what happened, I saw your electricity disappear." Noel says "what, you don't know, that's never happened to you?" Jacob asks "what's never happened to me?" "my power it just kinda ran out like it was a battery and I used it too much." Jacob says "hm" Noel says puzzled "so your telling me your facilitation power has never run out?" "No, not once, and I've used it longer than that." "Is it back?" "Can you still use your super speed?" Noel asks "yea, yea it's back." he says "hmm I think I've heard of this before, but it's only common with physical prodigies." Noel says "what?" Jacob responds confused "Prodigies whose power boosts physical stats like strength and speed, those are the ones who have a limit on how much they can use but prodigies with power bases like me don't really have a limit." Jacob thinks it through "it probably has something to do with our physical bodies, our bodies are structured the same as everyone else yet we have these abilities, maybe there's only so much we can do, for example my legs, there's only so much running at that speed my legs could take before it begins to wear out the joints." Noel processes Jacobs words "hm, that sounds reasonable, for now we'll go with that until we can find out for sure." Jacob looks over at Noel the two stare at each other "you mean when we go up against other prodigies, you mean qualifiers..." Jacob states, Noel looks out at the sunset in the distance "yea..." "Noel have you ever gone up against a prodigy, like in middle school?" Jacob asks "nope.." Noel says quickly "I've never gone against one before, I have no idea what to expect." He replies "well, then what do we do, how do we know we're ready, you said it yourself; we only have four chances to prove to the world that we're the future we can't afford to go in blind." Jacob says, Noel sighs "I said I don't know what to expect not that I don't have any knowledge on the matter." "I've done my research and when the time comes I'll tell you what to do, you can trust me." Jacob gives Noel an unconvinced look "I mean come on, have I failed you yet?" He asks "hm." Jacob grunts still not completely convinced "look..." Noel places his hand on Jacobs shoulder "don't be intimidated by the prodigies Jacob thats what they want, for you to be scared so they can walk all over you, you and them are one in the same, keep that mentality and we're gonna make it." Jacob smiles "heh looks like you've been giving all the pep talks today." He says "alright, I trust you." Later that night Jacob hops out of the shower, he puts on a fresh pair of clothes and rushes to his room and falls down into his bed exhausted; "oh man what a day!" He exclaims and places his hand on his face as he lays still and processes the day. Jacob proceeds to grab his phone and checks his social media account, he opens up an app called Snapgram and checks his account, he's following 5 people while having 4,235 followers with only one picture of him in mid air leaping to catch a football on a field. In the corner Jacob notices a notification, he looks puzzled and clicks on the small bell to see a friend request with someone by the username of "Emilia257" Jacob quickly jumps out of bed in shock, he stares at the request, thinking back to his past encounters with Emilia. Jacob thinks long and hard, he goes to press the accept button but abruptly stops himself "no way, I'm not getting back into that again." He says before shutting off his phone and laying back down in his bed. The next day at school, the sixth period bell rings and the students all rush out of their classes, Jacob walks out slowly into the large crowd of students in the hallway when two boys suddenly stop him "yo blue blur!" they exclaim, he turns and looks at them "can't wait to see the game tomorrow!" Jacob smiles "yea, hope to see u there!" He calls back, suddenly George comes in out of nowhere and throws his arm over Jacobs shoulder "Jaaaacob my man!" "How's it going George?" Jacob asks "not bad not bad, just one small problem..." George says "what is it?" Jacob asks as they walk to seventh period "so I just found out the school we're playing tomorrow." He says, Jacob lights up "that's great, who is it?" "East River..." George replies "uhhhh..." Jacob looks clueless "Jacob East River is the number three defensive team in the state!" George exclaims, Jacobs expression drops "ohhhhh..." he says "you wana know why?" "Why?" "Because...." George says with a slight tremble in his voice "that's the team my brother is on." Jacob suddenly stops, George stops with him "no way" "yes way" "George this is gonna be my first high school game, I can't go up against a prodigy!" "this can't be happening!" Jacob exclaims putting his hands on top his head "dude relax it's not the end of the world." George says patting Jacob on the shoulder "no man you don't understand, I was hoping to play just a normal high school team in a normal game of football just so I can get comfortable you know and get a feel for it, but dude lock down is a whole other beast" Jacob says "well I can't deny that, but try not to stress too much about it, be confident in your own abilities." The two arrive outside chemistry, Jacobs seventh period, George places his hand on Jacobs shoulder "Jacob don't let my brother intimidate you alright, it's gonna be ok, we're all gonna be there, we'll beat him together." Jacob waves bye to George as he walks off "shit." He thinks. Jacob sits in the large chemistry classroom with science posters all over the walls and lab equipment scattered all over the room, as the teacher talks to the class, Jacob, sitting in the third row of seats, uses his phone hiding it underneath the table as to not get caught. He's reading a small article about lockdown titled: "Lockdown, Kantos defensive back of the future" Jacobs eyes dash back and forth as he reads the article with intensity, he finishes the article and is brought back "what, it doesn't talk about any weaknesses in here either, all this article does it praise him." He thinks "how am I suppose to be ready if I don't know a thing about how to beat him." The teacher notices Jacob looking down at something in his lap instead of paying attention and stops talking mid sentence "Mr Jones, is there something on your phone that's more important than this class?" He says, Jacobs head shoots up, everyone in the class looks over at him "uhhhhh..." Jacob says as he quickly slips his phone into his pocket "no, no sorry please continue..." Jacob says. "Anyway as I was saying this is going to be a partner project, you and one other person will work on this assignment together and turn it in on Monday so make sure to work on it over the weekend.." the teachers voice is drown out by Jacobs mind as he slowly pulls his phone back out of his pocket and continues to do research. Jacob stumbles upon another article titled: "Another prodigy out of Kanto: Jayden Cooper." "Man this guy is actually kinda famous, and he's only a junior..." he thinks "he has 265 interceptions in his entire career, Jesus." "Other prodigies have compared his defense to.... chains?" "Alright has everybody found a partner!?" The teacher exclaims, Jacobs head shoots up once again and sees everyone in the class moving around and talking amongst each other "oh shit!" Jacob says quickly standing up "I need to find a partner before..." "I'll be your partner." Jacob turns and see Emilia standing to his right next to his desk "o-oh Emilia" he says "what do you say?" She asks, Jacob is hesitant, he subtlety looks around the room and sees no other people to partner up with "alright, why not." He says "cool!" She exclaims walking over and sitting in the seat next to Jacob. Emilia pushes the desks together and begins scooting her chair closer to Jacobs, as she does so Jacob turns stiff "not this again, why do I always keep ending up in situations with her, every time I'm with her something goes wrong." Jacob thinks "alright so I'm thinking we do a poster what do you think?" She asks "uh yea sure.." Jacob blindly agrees "ok cool." Emilia looks over and sees two boys staring at her, they quickly look away as she looks up at them and giggle amongst themselves, she clenches her fists underneath the table but exhales and relaxes, she turns and looks over at Jacob putting on a fake smile "so which topic should we do?" She asks "periodic table?" "Chemical bonds?" "Acids and Bases?" "I'm not really sure..." Jacob responds "you weren't paying attention were you?" She says, Jacob looks over at her and she gives him a look "yea, you caught me..." "the whole class did..." she laughs, Jacob chuckles and smiles "look at her, that skank trying to get with the new kid...." The boys whispers can be heard by both Jacob and Emilia "typical...." The other says, neither Jacob nor Emilia look over at the boys but they can tell they're talking about her. Emilia breaks eye contact with Jacob and looks at something else, her face starting to get red, Jacob quickly looks away, trying his best to not make her uncomfortable and questions his previous thoughts about her "I know a bit about chemical bonds..." he says, Emilia looks over, her face lighting up a small bit "yea, me too." She says. "So when should we do it, it's due Monday right so should we go to your house or mine?" Jacob asks, his attitude towards Emilia completely shifted "well, I'm not allowed to have people at my house anymore since that party, you know..." she laughs, Jacobs laughs as well "right.." "so your house then I guess, is that ok?" "Yea, yea it's fine." Jacob says "so, how about tomorrow?" He asks "tomorrow, don't you guys have a game?" She asks "yea, you're coming aren't you?" "yea, I'm a cheerleader..." "so we can just meet up after the game and head over if that's ok with you" Emilia smiles "ok." Jacob smiles back. After school the boys all line up on the field in front of coach Lamburn "alright boys todays the final day of practice before our big game tomorrow, are you excited!?" Coach exclaims "Yeaaaaa!" The boys exclaim clapping and celebrating amongst each other "shut the hell up!" Coach Lamburn exclaims causing them all to go quiet immediately "now, since tomorrow is the first day of qualifiers I think it's important that I explain what exactly qualifiers is to the freshman on our team." "So, there are three stages in high-school football playoffs, first is qualifiers; qualifiers only takes place within the city, you go against other schools in your city, for us Kanto has ten including us and the top two schools from each city get to move on, to be clear the two schools with the best record after going up against the other 9 schools will move onto state where you go up against schools from other cities, that will be a much larger bracket that will no longer tolerate losses, in state if you loose, you're out, once it's down to the final four teams you'll be taken to the big stages, a huge arena where you battle to determine if you can make it to the final stage, the state championship, winning that is the goal, but for now we need to focus and think small, so let's focus on qualifiers." "We are going up against nine other teams in the coming days, those teams will be East River, Kanto Prep, Saint Marianna, Windle Bridge High, Casanova Prep, Hollow Ridge, New Dawn High, Meadows, and Black Oak." "Any questions!?" Coach exclaims "yea." Jacob says "what record do we need to make it to the top two spots?" He asks "that doesn't matter, our goal is to be 9 - 0 don't settle for any less, don't worry about that second spot we need to make it to the top!" Coach responds "now, as you all know today we will be playing a scrimmage game!" The boys start to get hyped up and celebrate with each other once again "shut up!" Coach exclaims causing them to go quiet "one thing I've noticed is that a lot of you have been getting too comfortable with each other, starting becoming friends and getting cozy, don't think I didn't notice, well that's not happening today, when you get comfortable you start to get lazy and you won't be on alert, the randomness of qualifiers will hit you like a train, so today I will be picking the teams to ensure that you don't play with your little buddies." "Which brings me to my first my point, the two teams will be team Noel, versus team Jacob." Jacob and Noel both look over at each other surprised "Noels team will be comprised of Jeon, Kade, Markus, Brayden, Lucas, Tyreek, Mohammad, Eric, Johnson, and Denzel going against Jacob, Taylor, George, Donald, Ulysses, Donavan, Louis, Zeke, Cooper, William,and Zack." Jacob and Taylor both look over at each other now knowing they're on the same team "Now get with your team and devise plans and strategies to defeat the other, the team that looses today will forfeit their Saturday where they will all have to come at 10 in the morning for a nice three hour work out." "Oh god not this again..." George says "yea the sophomores who played last year know what I'm talking about and you can ask them, it's a nightmare, so this game isn't to be taken lightly." "And finally, Taylor is still team captain but for today Jacob and Noel will be leading their teams." Jacob looks over at Noel "he's pushing us against each other." He thinks "can't say it isn't smart but, knowing his power, how do I beat Noel?" The two teams are in their respective huddles, Noel stands in the middle of the huddle of his teammates "alright everyone I'm gonna address what I know everyone is thinking first, I know you guys might feel a bit intimidated by Jacob and Taylor being on the same team, but I'm here to tell you don't, sure Jacob and Taylor are both fast yes but anticipation is more important, anticipation is how you beat your opponents, anticipation gets you the ball in your hands every time, and if Jacob and Taylor are unable to get the ball in their hands then their speed is rendered useless." "But how are we gonna anticipate the plays?" Brayden asks "I'll call them out from the sidelines, I'll tell you what they're running and you just gotta get there in time." "Now as for you lineman, you all do your thing, Markus as the biggest you'll be center and I need you to protect me give me time in the pocket I need a lot of it to make calculations." "All we need to do is focus our efforts in shutting down Taylor and Jacob, we do that and me and Jeon can handle the rest." Jacob and Taylor are surrounded by the rest of their team "alright so we'll all be playing our respective positions except you Donavan, I'll have you as a defensive back along with Ulysses." Donavan nods "got it." "The plan will be simple..." Taylor says stepping up and cutting off Jacob "their teams defensive is going to be weak, so go at em strong, mostly passing plays to cover more space and gain more touchdowns, their defensive backs won't be able to keep up with me and Jacob you guys saw that yesterday me and Jacob were out running Kade and Brayden on almost every play, we do this right and the victory is ours." He says "Yea!" The boys exclaim "wow that's actually a good plan..." Jacob thinks "b-but don't forget don't slack on defense as well." Jacob says causing the boys to calm down and listen "he maybe small but do not underestimate the power Noel, his vision is insane and getting to him will be difficult they'll most likely put Markus as their center so lineman go at them hard and don't let the ball leave Noels hands because once it does, it will already be too late." "Alright let's do this!" Taylor exclaims, the boys spread out and prepare to play, Taylor begins to walk away from Jacob before He calls to him "hey Taylor!" He exclaims, Taylor stops and slowly turns "listen man, I don't know what's going on between us.... I mean like as teammates and everything but I don't want that to get in the way of the game." He says, Taylor walks up to Jacob and the two face off, Jacob no longer backing down from Taylor, Taylor smirks "all I care about is winning no matter who I'm playing with I always want to achieve the win by any means necessary, I don't like you Jacob ill admit that but I'm willing to put that aside and work as a team if it means winning." Taylor out stretches his hand Jacobs smiles and the two shake. Jacob and Noel both walk up and face each other coach Lamburn standing in between them, they both stare at each other "may the best man win." Noel says "I intend to." Jacob replies and the two shake hands, Coach Lamburn flips a coin into the air, he catches it, and slams it down onto the back of his palm, without moving his hand he looks at the two "call it." He says "heads." Jacob says confidently without breaking eye contact with Noel, coach reveals the coin and it is indeed heads, Jacob smirks and lifts both of his hands in the air "boom!" He exclaims as he makes an explosive gesture with both and slowly walks backwards towards his team, holding eye contact with Noel the entire time. The stage is set both teams ready to play, the offensive squad for team jacob ready to go against the defensive squad of team Noel, coach starts his timer "this should be good.." he says before blowing the whistle. "Down, Set, Hut!" Louis, whose playing center tosses the ball back into Donald's hands as the linemen clash and the receivers run down the field, Jacob running on the right and Taylor rushing down the left. Kade rushes alongside Jacob guarding him while Brayden rushes against Taylor, as they run Taylor smiles "no way they put you on me again, have they learned nothing." Taylor says before turning on the jets and blowing off Brayden, Donald immediately notices him and throws a far past directly into Taylor hands, with nobody around him Taylor dashes to the end zone for an easy touchdown. Taylor's team claps while Noel's team all look around looking for someone to blame, Noel face palms and sighs while Taylor stands in the end-zone with the football in hand "this is gonna be too easy." Julian runs up to the ball as Jeon holds it down for him and boots it down the field for team Noel, the ball flies up into the air and towards Kade, the fastest player currently in the team followed closely by Jeon. As the ball approaches, Kade braces himself " alright, come on I've got this!" He says, the ball falls right into Kades hands and immediately he rushes down the field, "they've got our defensive back playing receiver, coach just handed us the win..." Taylor says standing on the sidelines with Jacob and Donald. Kade rushes down the field past the first twenty yard line as the linemen hold off the others. One of the attackers, Zeke, manages to slip past the defense and rushes towards Kade. Zeke lunges at Kade fast, he instinctually spins around Zeke completely avoiding him. The others look on surprised as Zeke slams into the ground and Kade rushes past. Louis and Markus, the two biggest players on the team, battle it out but in the end Louis manages to over power Markus pushing him to the ground directly in front of Kade causing him to come to a stop, with his path blocked Kade looks to his left, more attackers are coming his way, so he's forced to go right and face off with Louis "take a knee!" Noel exclaims but Kade decides to rush right in the direction of Louis. Louis stands waiting for Kade to charge him, Kade lowers his body and grips the ball "Raugh!" He exclaims as he slams his shoulder into Louises chest, Louis tanks the hit and grabs onto Kade as he slides back, Kade no longer in control, is shocked as Louis picks him up into the air, everyone shook including coach as Louis has Kade in his arms raising him up into the air. Louis swings down and slams Kades body into the ground, the force of his back slamming into the floor causing Kade to grunt in pain and release the ball sending it spiraling high into the air "get the ball, get the ball!" Noel screams, every single player on the field rushes for the ball flown high into the air, as it comes down, they all jump for it but the one with the highest vertical on the team, Jeon, manages to leap above all and snags the ball out of the air and slams down onto the ground "Yes!" Noel exclaims "take it home Jeon!" As Jeon slams into the ground he grits his teeth and takes off down the field near the side line "come on, stop him!" Taylor exclaims, Louis comes in out of no where and attempts to take him down, Louis lunges towards Jeon but he swiftly stops and leaps backwards causing Louis to fly past him unable to stop quick enough because of his weight. As Louis flies out of bounds Jeon continues running. He runs past the fifty yard line before he's met with more trouble, Zeke and Cooper two defensive players stand in his way both charging towards him, Jeon decides to run head first towards the two as they come charging in, Zeke comes in first and lunges his entire body towards Jeon, Jeon squats down and leaps high up into the air hurdling Zeke entirely, but Jeon didn't think far enough ahead as Cooper, who was right behind him, wraps his arms around Jeon mid air and swings him down slamming him into the ground, Jeon manages to hold onto the ball and the play ends at the forty yard line. Noels team stands ready at the forty yard line, everyone in position as Noel stands behind Markus "alright the score is 6 - 0 we're down but we're only forty yards away from the touchdown zone, I gotta play this smart no cocky bullshit, and no mistakes, i gotta tie up the game." "Down!" "Set!" "Hut!" Markus flings the ball back into Noels hands, the defense clashes, and the receivers in Kade and Brayden both run down the field "Jesus Kade and Brayden are both green, Kade shows a lot of promise but he's still lacking in experience, Noel looks over at coach Lamburn "he did this on purpose, giving me the two worse players on the team to test my quarterback skills, but I'm not mad, not only do I like a challenge but if I can come out on top besting a team with Taylor and Jacob with Kade and Brayden I'll get my respect and solidify my place as the starting quarterback for sure." Noel looks back down the field "that's my goal." Brayden fakes left, and pivots his foot right "got it!" Noel exclaims and throws a bullet pass towards Brayden. Ulysses moves left and is effectively faked out as Brayden moves right and immediately leaps up in the air and snags the ball out of the sky at the twenty yard line and quickly dashes over for the touchdown. Noels team clap and celebrate as they tie the game at 6 - 6, Jacob and Taylor both look tense "Noels quarterback skills and ability to make a play at the exact moment is scary, not only that but it'll never run out no matter how much he uses it, in order to beat him I need to think about some sort of weakness, something I can exploit and make his power useless." Kick off for Jacobs team, George holds the ball as Julian runs up and boots it far down the field toward Jacob "run like hell Jacob, get the touchdown!" Taylor exclaims, Jacob nods and looks forward ready for the ball as it comes flying down. As it does so electricity begins to surge around his body, Noel watches on able to see him powering up "I'm gonna zoom past everybody and give us the lead!" The ball soars downward and lands right into Jacobs hands, right as it does Jacob suddenly booms down the field zipping past everybody, Taylor watches on with a smirk on his face but as he himself realizes it's jacob he quickly stops and begins running. Jacob zips past defenders as he makes his way past the first thirty yard line "the zone, I gotta make it to the zone as quick as possible in order to conserve my power which means I gotta..." before Jacob can finish his sentence he's suddenly hit from the side by Markus so hard his body is sent flying up into the air. Electricity surges around Jacob as he's flown into the air, everyone around with shocked expressions in the moment that Jacob is caught off guard. Jacob flies and slams into the ground still holding onto the ball. Markus screams as he flexes and the other defenders come around him to celebrate, Jacob on the other hand is on the ground surprised "w-what, was I not paying attention?" He thinks, George and Donavan both come up to Jacobs aid "yo you good dude?" Donavan asks, Jacobs takes a moment to asses the situation and looks up "y-yea..." he says, Donavan and George both offer him a hand, Jacob reaches for their hand when suddenly he's stricken with a sharp pain in his shoulder "augh!" He exclaims pulling it back and holding onto it "Time out!" George calls out, coach Lamburn rushes over as everyone converges around Jacob sitting on the ground "shit Jacob you alright, I didn't mean to hurt you man!" Markus exclaims, coach kneels down "let me feel the arm" he says, Jacob takes off his helmet and his pads and allows coach Lamburn to feel his shoulder "nothings broken, thankfully, but its up to you whether or not you think you can play." Jacob looks around at his teammates, they all look on at him discouraged and defeated, "I can't let them down." Jacob thinks, he gets up off the grass and ignores the pain radiating down his arm "I can still play" Jacob announces, his team lights up and begin to cheer and huddle around Jacob, George's pats Jacob "atta boy!" He exclaims "for a second there I thought you'd pussy out." Taylor says "never that." Jacob responds Markus walks up to Jacob "hey Jacob I'm sorry man, no hard feelings right?" Jacob smiles "that was a good hit." He says, Markus smiles. First down, 40 yards away from the touch down, score tied 6 - 6 still the first quarter of the game, Jacobs team stands ready on the offensive while Noels team prepare to counter them. Noel analyzes the field "with Jacob hurt they'll rely less on him." Noel zooms in on Jacobs right shoulder "X-ray" he says suddenly giving him the ability to see past Jacobs pads and his jersey to see his bruised arm. A prompt appears saying "minor bruise" "perfect." He says "Down!" "Set!" "Hut!" Louis throws the ball back into Donald's hands and the players all take off, Taylor blasts down the field but to his surprise Kade manages to keep up with him, Taylor quickly stops and rushes to the left, Kade follows him perfectly, Taylor fakes right and continues rushing left in hope that would shake Kade but Kade is hot on his trail. Noel watches Taylor and Kade as they dance down the field Kade clamping down Taylor, "I was right to put Kade on Taylor, his overall abilities as a football player grossly outmatch Brayden's, no way he gets the ball." On the other hand, Jacob easily gets away from Brayden and runs open calling for the ball. Donald panics In the pocket as the linemen get closer and closer "shit, Taylor's getting completely shut down by Kade, but I can't give it to Jacob his arm just got bruised hard... shit what do I do.." Noel watches Donald intensely "yes, panic" he says. Donald runs out of time as one of the linemen manage to break through and charge straight for him "shit!" He exclaims, he is eyes shoot up and he sees Jacob wide open "come on Jacob!" He exclaims, he cocks back and flings the ball down the field right before he's tackled and dropped to the ground. The football is sent flying into the air everyone watches its movements closely as it flies towards the open Jacob. Noel, Taylor, Kade, Coach, and even Donald as he lays on the ground, their gazes all follow the football, Jacob looks back, Brayden is a good distance away, "I've got this." Jacob says, he comes to a stop as the ball begins to flies downward, leaps up into the air and as Jacob stretches out his entire arm to grab the ball he's stricken with a sharp pain from the bruise, "Augh!" He screams as the ball slams into his hand bouncing off and slamming into the ground, Jacob following shortly. Coach Lamburn blows the whistle "incomplete pass!" He exclaims followed by a loud blow of the whistle "first quarter is over five minute break!" He exclaims, Kade looks proud of himself, while Taylor looks furious and Jacob lays on the ground holding onto his shoulder, Noel watches all of it unfold from the sideline and a smirk rises on his face and his eyes suddenly glow a bright purple "we've won."