
The future is female

Story of a young woman born in a community where women are subordinate to their husbands, girls not allowed to go to school and live happily. But all that changes when a girl is born from a family of a cruel man. She dies but is reborn in form of her daughter who carries on her legacy showing the world that a woman can change the world as well

Zedhustler · 若者
133 Chs

Back together

At mid noon, the whole family is seated in living room quiet and worried as to why Matteo called for the meeting. Matteo asks the house servant to call Nisha. The servant goes to Matteo's room and summons Nisha who questions why her husband requests for her presence urgently,

Servant: "madam Nisha? your presence is urgently needed downstairs"

Nisha: "what do you mean?"

Servant: "Matteo sir asked me to summon you now"

Nisha: "okay am behind you"

Nisha comes downstairs walking behind the house servant. She seats beside her husband and joins in on the silence. A man dressed in a black suit enters the mansion,greets the family and Matteo steps in to introduce the strange man, "everyone, this is Mr Triparti my lawyer, his here to finalise mine and Nisha's divorce"

Nisha's eye drops a tear but quickly wipes it,the family are overcome with confusion and surprise from what Matty just said,

Tony:"my son,are you alright? why would you make such a decision out of nowhere"

Mitra:"think about this my son please"

Salma: "oh my child,think this through"

Mira:"exactly, what will people think when they come to hear of this "

Matteo breaks the silence after everyone gives their opinion, "enough! all of you, all you do is care about what the community says,but what about me,my happiness. Yes we all make mistakes in life and the worst mistake I made my whole life is marrying the wrong woman. Today I've decided to end that,I will correct that mistake by ending this marriage"

Matteo collects the divorce papers from the lawyer and signs them asking Nisha to do it in return. Nisha refuses to sign the papers and starts atoning for her sins," I am not signing these papers whatsoever, I made a mistake Matty, I shouldn't have tried to steal the orphanage money I won't do it again am sorry, forgive me "

Talking about the incident reminds Matteo of how his trust was broken and loses his temper, he grabs a gun from one of the guards and points it at Nisha threatening to kill her if she doesn't sign the papers, "I am asking you kindly,for the last time,sign the papers or there will be blood"

Nisha is still adamant about not signing the papers. Matteo throws the gun to the floor and starts choking Nisha, " sign the papers,I don't need you in my life anymore!you are a terror, you have ruined my family, my relationship with my sister has been dragged through the mud and its all your fault... you have two options Nisha, you either sign the papers or you die right now! "

The family desperately try to get Matteo off of Nisha but they fail to. In fear for her life, Nisha agrees to sign the papers, she quickly grabs the pen from the lawyer and signs the papers. This seems to be a miracle and a dream come true at the same time for Agni. As soon as Nisha signs,Matty goes up to his room, packs Nisha's bags, brings them downstairs and asks her to leave the house. Mitra tries to talk to her son but he refuses to listen, he throws the bags out,he also drags a crying and pleading Nisha out of the house, strictly commands the guards to take Nisha out of the yard and not to ever let her in again or risk losing their jobs. When Matteo gets back to his family, he goes straight to Agni, goes on his knees starts crying and starts apologising, " Agni? I don't know where to start,forgive me,you tried your very best to warn me about the kind of girl I was about to go into but I paid a deaf ear ,I even severed all ties with you, how stupid of me,please little sister take me back it need you again, does push me away when I need you have mercy,I was doing it for what I thought was love,but it was infatuation, I even rushed into a marriage that wouldn't last,forgive me,am so sorry,you have every right not to forgive me though"

Agni helps Matty off the floor and gives him a tight slap on his left cheek,when he tries to ask why she did that, Agni slaps him again but this time on his right cheek,she then gives him a big hug and embraces him, " you silly boy,what makes you think that I won't forgive you my brother, it was my duty to protect you, which I did "

Matteo: "I failed as a brother despite my promises,I was supposed to throw a party in celebration of your first love so now I'll throw one for you"

Agni: "don't worry when the time is right,I will asks you to do it"

The cousins make up and forgive each other. Abbey leaves the scene out of shame. Agni and Matteo find some time to chat together, Agni confesses the while truth about her marriage. They decide to work together and deal with abbot and the family. The family seem to be happy except Mitra ,they even have dinner together. They all go to their bedrooms to have a rest after a whole afternoon of drama. When they get to the bedroom, Abbey confronts Agni about the move she made, " you are so smart Agni, really I must say,but this war is far from over,just wait till tomorrow, a whole new drama will begin"

Agni: " I am fully trained so come what may,I am ready,bring it on"

Meanwhile, something conspires between Becky and Matteo. Becky goes to Matteo's room to support him after what happened,she finds him drinking out his life,Becky takes the bottle away from Matty. He starts to pour out his sadness in a drunken state,"am such a fool,I thought she was kind hearted,I was blinded by her beauty...but you know what?you are different from her, you are beauty and caring I wish I made you my wife instead"

Becky: "am being honest with you now,I like you too,I've liked you since we were in college,I've fallen in love with you even more"

Matteo and Becky get closer to each other and the unmentionable happens.