

Feeling the cold hills, it's beauty moved the icy wind, as he drags by, the force increased and unexpectedly or intentionally it got redirected and hurried into House NO.4 Red Oak drive opening Cassis's bedroom windows. The breeze touched his feet and a swift sensation ran from his toes to his head and made that sharp blue eyes open. He gazed at the window by turning left to the bed, the snow touching the land gently, as like a mom moving her fingers over the delicate body of her baby. Although this was a usual picture at the commencement of winter in Switzerland, Cassie got connected to the great art, nature works on.

Cassis rolled his blanket and rubbed his hands and kept it on the face, suddenly he remembered the project deadline which Professor Amanda provided. He caught the phone and rushed to the bathroom to get set for the day. Suddenly a message popped out on his phone.

"Hey Cassie, I will reach the Downtown library pretty soon. Get some brunch for me okay, my belly is exploding and in the rush, I was unable to prepare the breakfast"

"Hey dude that's fine, getting a box for the bestie is not a duty and I can smell French toast already, will reach it in the next 10 mins" he replied.

He grabbed some outfits and sorted his university journals, brought his iPad off the charging point and hurried downstairs. While driving down he noticed his sister Hayan's room is still locked. Sigh…. " A 3rd-year university student still experiencing the excellence of sleep and myself an age older, is working hard to keep the eyes open".

"Cassie! are you ready for the day", enquired mom from the laundry room. The aroma of cleansers made his nose clear, " Yes mom I am all down for breakfast and want to pack an extra box for jo". Mom came out of the laundry room and gazed at me with a generous smile. After dad's loss, mom fought a lot to meet the daily needs, an artillery man's lady will have any of his characters to withstand any unfavorable condition, that's her words to people who ask how is she bold?

"Is Hayan still in bed ?".I enquired.

"She sat till 3 in the daylight to support her new friend who is fresh to the college and they are brand-new to the town. She bonded with that girl so fast and is over settling her properly in academics" said mom in both excitement and concern about her.

"Oh that's great", I said with both pride and ego. Meantime, mom packed the brunch for jo and I finished the breakfast and got the car key to move. "Mom I am already late, he is waiting in the library for the last 20 mins, these professors give us hectic assignments like revenge to their teachers and we suffer from it", I said in a hurried voice and said bye and closed the door and headed to the library.

We spent 2 hours referring to tons of case-study volumes and closed the forensic final year project. My sights got troubling and the tiredness I felt was above the level, so I told Jo that we can proceed to the university cafeteria for a hot coffee. Since his abdomen was taken, he said he will just join me although he doesn't want to have a cup. While walking to the cafeteria I recognised we are too early for the day, since it just 7.30, due to heavy snowfall the roads are less populated and the disciples will only arrive from 9. The snow-filled streets and the icy winds which touched my lips made a small refreshment to my body as well as mind.

I opened the cafeteria door and my eyes got caught at a beauty resting straight in front, for a second I became a statute with millions of principles and emotions rushing through me. I entered and sat near to her table, quickly Jo went and spoke with her, from their conversation style I understood they are friends and her smile was divine. When Jo returned, I asked, "who is that girl, man?"

"Oh its Roxana Albert, you don't know her? I nodded as a sign of a negative response. He continued" She is a very famous guitar player, a transfer student to our university. She is a very intelligent girl" with utmost energy Jo said.

"That's cool, you know how much I love music and guitar, can you introduce me to her, my energy was double while asking this to him.

"Oh, man! I am heading to the washroom now and I want to reach the student service centre soon, so we can meet her later, Joe said in a rushing voice."

But suddenly a voice from my mind asked me "Why can't you go and meet that young lady, maybe that will make a good impression on her". Without a secondary thought, I proceeded to her table and said hi.

She took her sights from the pc and stared at me, her eyes revealed the strangeness she felt, but wrapping that she gave a sparkling smile and said "Hi! How can I help you?"

"Well, I am Cassis and I heard about your music talents from my friend, to be honest, I love music, I said in a soft voice.

"Oh there is nothing like that, I am just a beginner and Oops! I am sorry please take your seats" she said with a lot of happiness.

We sat and I don't know what all we spoke, I gazed at her sparkling eyes and the voice around me got crushed in its sharp radiation. In the end, I came back to reality when she touched my hands for a handshake and said bye".

The regular cafeteria which I usually visited became my favorite destination with this astonishing meet.

This is my first piece of art and I hope you alll will like it, comment down your opinions and comments about the writing and the flow of the story, so that i can improve in the future chapters

CHRIS_04creators' thoughts