
The frozen world:I stocked up on billions supplies

The world entered an ice age, the ice end came, 95% of the planet's human species all died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the man he had helped because of his kindness. Rebirth back to a month before the end of the ice, Zhang Yi awakening space powers, began crazy hoarding supplies! Lack of supplies? He hollowed out a $10 billion warehouse in a superstore! Uncomfortable in your stay? He built a super safe house worthy of Fortress Doom! The end comes, others are frozen into dogs, for a bite to eat will give up everything. But Zhang Yi is more comfortable than before the end of the world. Bai Lianhua: Zhang Yi, I promise to be your girlfriend as long as you let me into your house. Rich second generation: Zhang Yi, I would like to exchange all my money for a meal in your family! Beast neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share the material with us, not be so selfish! Looking at these past life betrayed their own people, Zhang Yi lying in the safe room, comfortable living the life of Xanadu general. Zhang Yi: What does it matter to me whether you die or not? I don't feed my stuff to the dogs!

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4 Five-star hotels order 500 table

Zhang Yi and two others pushed three carts of supplies back to their community.

Along the way, many neighbors saw this scene and couldn't help but discuss it.

Zhang Yi doesn't care about being discovered hoarding goods anymore.

After all, these two green tea (gossipers) already know about his shopping habits, and the news can no longer be hidden.

If he only wanted to survive, he could sell all his assets and run to a deserted place to build an indestructible fortress.

But in that case, how could he retaliate against his neighbors who had almost killed him? If he doesn't kill all those people, Zhang Yi's heart disease will never go away.

Therefore, one of his doomsday plans is to stay in this community and take revenge on all the people who have wronged him in another cruel way!

Of course, the premise of this plan is that the security company has the ability to build an impregnable shelter for him.

Otherwise, he still has to make a second-hand preparation, which is to build an underground shelter in a deserted place.

Zhang Yi looked at the neighbors around him, they were laughing and discussing the purpose of his buying so many supplies.

He even saw the scene where these neighbors tried to rush into his house to steal things during the apocalypse. He has experienced all of this firsthand.

However, he is not afraid because in this world, he will be prepared in advance.

He wants those people to see but not eat, and in the end, they can only be half-dead with anger.

Zhang Yi and Fang Yuqing live in an apartment building.

Because Zhang Yi works as a manager in Walmart's warehouse, his neighbors often ask him to help buy discounted items.

Therefore, everyone knows Zhang Yi.

Seeing that Zhang Yi and his two friends came back with so many things, a grandma who was taking her grandson out to play came over. She looked at the food and fresh beef and lamb in the shopping cart, and was tempted.

"Xiao Zhang, why did you bring back so many things? Did you get them from the warehouse?" "You won't use so much, why not share some with your neighbors?" This is Lin, who works in the property committee.

She often points fingers at her neighbors because she has some power in the community.

In the past, she often asked Zhang Yi to buy cheap discounted goods for her, and she had a character that loved to take advantage of small things.

In her previous life, she also got some food from Zhang Yi by being pushy. But when all the neighbors rushed to Zhang Yi's house to rob, she not only didn't stop them, but also showed more enthusiasm than young people.

Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining didn't want to provoke this woman, and quickly said, "These things were all bought by Zhang Yi, we just helped him deliver them back.

" Lin immediately looked at Zhang Yi with a smile and said, "Xiao Zhang, it looks like these are things from your warehouse. How about giving some to Lin?"

When she spoke, her grandson Little Tiger had climbed onto a shopping cart and reached out to grab a box of chocolate.

Although he was young, his eyes were very vicious. The imported chocolate in that box was sold for more than 200 yuan in the supermarket.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yi snatched the things back with one hand. Then he coldly said to Lin, "Sorry, I'm keeping these things for myself to eat!"

Anyway, the end of the world is coming soon, and he doesn't even bother to be polite now. Lin's face suddenly changed, "You..."

Seeing that Zhang Yi didn't give face to the community leader, she became very angry.

Especially her grandson Little Tiger, who cried and begged for chocolate after Zhang Yi took it away from him.

"The child doesn't know any better, why don't you give him a box of chocolate? I'll pay you back later." Lin said in a low voice.

Zhang Yi sneered, knowing that with mobile payments, it was very convenient to pay right then and there.

Lin's offer to pay later was obviously an attempt to cheat him. "I said this is for me to eat. If you want some, go buy it yourself at the supermarket!"

Zhang Yi coldly replied, then beckoned Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining to leave.

As they left, they could hear Lin cursing loudly behind them, but Zhang Yi ignored her.

Lin's son and daughter-in-law worked outside the home, so she was the only one at home taking care of her grandson.

Normally, the old lady only bought enough food for one day, so their supplies were the first to run out when doomsday arrived. In the past, Zhang Yi had helped them out of kindness, but in this life without his help, it would be a miracle if the immoral old lady and her mischievous grandson could survive for ten days.

Zhang Yi didn't want to have any trouble with dead bodies.

It wasn't that he was heartless, but after the end of the world arrived, it was difficult enough just to take care of oneself. Other people's lives and deaths naturally came second.

After pushing three carts of supplies back home, Zhang Yi let Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining leave. "Don't forget to treat us!" Fang Yuqing playfully winked at Zhang Yi, but he felt nauseous inside when he saw it.

He perfunctorily replied and the two women had originally planned to stay and search for clues about Zhang Yi's hidden wealth, but seeing that he wasn't in the mood to entertain them, they had to leave.

After they left, Zhang Yi opened his spatial pocket and stored all the items inside.

He wanted to observe whether these supplies would change if he stored them in his space.

After finishing this task, it was already very late.

Zhang Yi didn't rush to rest, but took out paper and pen to plan the next month's preparations in detail.

Although he was usually lazy, people could always tap into their potential when it came to survival.

"To live comfortably during the apocalypse, the first thing to do is to solve the food problem, which is easy," Zhang Yi wrote on his notebook and checked it off.

"Besides what I buy regularly, everything else can be taken from the warehouse. But we can't rush, we need to investigate first."

"And we need to collect it a few days before the apocalypse to avoid drawing attention. If we get caught, we won't last a few days in jail," he continued. Zhang Yi planned everything meticulously, knowing that preparation was key to survival.

"Next is heating. After the apocalypse, energy supply will be extremely scarce, and air conditioning will soon be unusable.

So, we need to use the simplest method. The fireplace is the best option!" Zhang Yi thought about how people in Europe used this method to survive the harsh winters.

"But for this, we need to renovate the house and add insulation," he added, thinking about how his house was broken into in his past life.

"We also need to make our home an impenetrable fortress."

Zhang Yi knew he needed to take precautions and protect himself from danger.

He considered hiring a security company to build a safe room, just like some of the top billionaires did in his past life.

"Then there are medicines. I must prevent myself from getting sick and not being able to treat it," he wrote down on his notebook.

He knew that Walmart had many common drugs that could treat minor illnesses, but he needed more than that to prepare for the long-lasting apocalypse.

Lastly, he thought about weapons.

People would fight for resources during the apocalypse, and having enough firepower was essential for survival.

Although he wasn't a skilled fighter, he knew that having the right weapons would give him an advantage.

"Knives, crowbars, and axes are easy to get. Bows, air guns, and compound bows are also available. But the most powerful weapon is the American katana, which can only be obtained through the black market," he wrote down.

Zhang Yi spent three hours perfecting his plan before taking a hot shower and sleeping in his comfortable bed.

He knew he had one month to prepare, and he was determined to survive the apocalypse.

The next morning, Zhang Yi got up from bed.

He didn't sleep well last night and woke up several times due to nightmares.

When he woke up, he found himself still lying in his warm and comfortable bed at home, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

The apocalypse had caused great damage to his soul. To avoid repeating the same mistakes, Zhang Yi became even more determined to make complete preparations!

After getting up, Zhang Yi made himself breakfast.

Then he opened the dimensional space and checked the changes in the items thrown inside. He was pleased to find that the meat, fruits, and vegetables he had put in overnight showed no signs of spoilage.

"My dimensional space is independent of this world, and maybe the rules of time change are different," he thought. "It's possible that time flows slower or even stops. This is great news!"

"Now I can put all kinds of things in it without any worries."

However, when Zhang Yi checked the fish he had put in, he found that they were all dead. They looked alive but didn't show any signs of spoilage. Zhang Yi rubbed his chin and understood some of the rules of using the dimensional space.

"Living things cannot survive in it for a long time. It seems that my idea of living in it myself is not practical."

This wasn't a big problem because the dimensional space was just a white void, which couldn't compare to the comfort of Zhang Yi's own home. As long as he could put things in it, it was good enough.

With this in mind, many things came to Zhang Yi's mind. If he could preserve fresh meat, fruits, and vegetables, what about cooked meals? Although Zhang Yi could cook himself, he was still far behind professional chefs. He would get tired of cooking for himself sooner or later.

So Zhang Yi immediately called the largest five-star hotel in Tianhai City.

"Hello, this is Hongfutianxia Hotel. How may I assist you?"

Zhang Yi immediately said, "I'm inviting guests to my home and need to prepare a three-day and three-night feast. So, I need to reserve 500 tables of food!"

The person on the other end of the phone was also surprised. 500 tables of food would take a long time to prepare, and they were a five-star hotel where the cheapest banquet would cost three to four thousand yuan per table. 500 tables would cost over one million yuan!

The waiter didn't dare to make decisions on his own and quickly said, "Please wait a moment. Let me ask our manager for approval."

After a while, another person took over the phone.

"Hello, sir. I'm Chen Dingfang, the manager of Hongfutianxia Hotel. May I know your name?"