
The Truth...



1st cop: (raise his voice) stand down now. You are under arrest.

James: what..... Do you hear what I say, some guys are in trouble, they are abnormal, they are been use as an experiment.

The abnomals. They began to shout help help. I turn around decide to bring them all up at once,

I use my telekinesis, I keep bring them out, and on the way. They were blown up.

(I cover my face cuz of the blood splash. I could not believe my eyes. Almost 60 people blown up to pieces and the corps are not doing anything about it.

The bulk guy and the elastic, the guy that trick me, and some guys came out of the hole.

Am now in between enemies.

James: So...... What the hell is going on

Commander of the defence corps: we are trying to make our own abnormal, your kind are threatening us.

He is not here, I can see a monitor and speaker, so he sees and hear me with that. Which means he lead his squad to death.

James: my kind? you think my kind want to extinct you human, if we want to do that we would have done that million of years ago.

Comander: That's right, it has happened years ago, we don't want it to repeat itself. Something big is coming and we are preventing it from happening.

James: by killing them? They have kid at home, wife's, mother, father, waiting for their sons and husband to come home, (tears forming) brothers waiting for their siblings to come home and have meals, play, have fun together. You kill them like insect. Like you don't care

Commander: you are just waisting your time. Either you surrender or you get killed.

James: I won't surrender, but before you kill me, I have to ask my last two questions. Please permit me, they are not request or favour.

Comander: go on.

James: Do you or do you not know me. (damn fucking serious).

Bulky: what kind of question is that.

James: commander I want you to answer.

Commander: nope I don't know you. Your last question

James: Do you or do you not believe in extraordinary power.

Commander: as per what I have seen in all my years, beyond that..... No.

James: Capturing me, is an offence, killing my people is another insult.

Bulky cut.

Bulky: am tired of this guy, allow me to...

He has not finished I already has his heart In my hand, they did not see me move. But I did.

Bulky falls, they were all wondering why he fell. I threw his heart in front of the commander. Commander eye open wide. A guy sat beside bulky crying.

Commander: How, you did not Move.

James: I did, you just didn't see me.

Commander: what type of type of race are you.

James: Why don't you take a guess.

One of the fake abnormal yell out behind me, running toward me. I hold him with my telekinesis and squeezes him, reshape to shapless thing. They were all surprised and scared.

Commander: okay, stop we will let this go. We see nothing, you see nothing.

$: no way. He dies today.

I look to the person direction.

It's the guy that was crying beside bulky,

He came at me with his useless speed, bringing out an iron and absorbing it. Trickster also joined him Turning to a beast, together at once, began to hit me, punch on my face and body, tearing it, commander also command his squad to shoot. And every one present in that area began to fight me wide open. When they beat me up for sometime, I stood still...

Comander: I thought you are strong, heck I was even afraid of you.

I stand up, heal up all the small bruise on me, then show my real self.

James: Is that all you got?...

They are coming again. I use my speed move through them, went straight to the monitor, touched it.

James: commander, I know where you are, am coming for you. Sooner or later and about them.

They all fall in pieces.

Commander: (He was just silent, not uttering a world.

Some back up cops arrive began to shoot. I fly up. So far, then gravity calls.

Cops: we need to get out.......

The land rumble turning the land inside out. burying them automatically. Soon chopper journalist chopper arrive covering everything on tape

When I Stand on the waste land, I saw them, they were all looking at me. More military chopper arrive in no time...

I speed out.

Went straight to Dora home. Blood is still over me. When I get there, I saw Dora siting in the living room while the TV is still on the news, the worst, my diary is in front of her.

Am expose.

I move closer. her eyes, they are red and filled with tears.

James: Dora I can explain.

Dora: Drop the keys, every keys, everything I bought for you. Including the money, then Get the hell out of my house.

Jamed: let me explain.

Dora: there is no need, I already knew what happened. There is no need for explanation.

James: but....

Dora: I can take care of myself I don't need a Worthless thrashy bastard following me around.

James: listen...

Dora: if you take one more step towards me, I'll kill myself.( she pick up a gun, point it to her head.)

That's one thing about Dora, when she mean something don't underestimate her. I can stop her with my speed. But I'll respect her decision.

Before I walk out, I look at her one more time and she did the same.

James: Have a nice life.

I walk into the house. Pick up the single clothe I have, wear it, drop everything on me. I speed out. The only thing she did not buy for me which I have, is my diary( to be honest I stole it). I picked it on my way out. When I reach out. I stop for some moment, walk for some time, while I walk, people began to call me freak, killer, bastard, useless, we don't need you. Not like I needed them. Suddenly people began to throw stuff at me, running after me. It call more attention.... A guy with strength came near me. He deliver a heavy blow( to him), he was rush to the hospital immediately, not that I touched him. just that he lay his useless fist on my face.

I dash out of the city, I stopped in the middle of the desert. Waiting for them.

As I sit, I think about Dora. Does she really hate me that much. I remember a music titled HATE ME. I keep singing it in my mind.

James: maybe that's how she feel about me now.

Soon,.i feel some breeze,

They've arrived. The savage cops.

I stood up, face them.

They are five in number. They have their name tag to their chest. One (Kelvin) has a huge body sharp teeth and claws, the second is a woman (Gloria), beautiful, long hair. The third, a handsome guy (Ben) with muscular

body, The fourth, (fatsos) fat, angry. Fifth (Elena), a girl, beautiful.

All with serious face.

Kelvin : you are an abomination that must be eradicated from this surface of the earth. How do you want your death, the easy way or the savage way.