
The three Siblings



When I woke up.

James: what the Fuck happened.

I turn my head to the left, Elena just wake up too. I stood up

James: You?

Elena stood up, rush to me, I ready my punch ready to hit her, she grab my hand pull me closer to her then hug me tight. Like she will never let go. Tears were running down her cheek.

James: what the, get off me this instant. Release me this instant.

Elena: nope. I'll never let you go. it's been so long. I missed you,


Am surprised, I can't get out, how powerful is she.

James: (struggling to get away from her) So long? Missed me? Girl, I have never seen you in my entire life,

Dora: if I had not stop that. Millions of people will be dead.

The voice

James: Dora? What are you doing here. ( in my mind, I thought she must have missed me so much that she just had to look for me, like Romeo and Juliet. So perfect)

Dora: Not exactly what you are thinking.

James: oh.

Ellena released me, ran to Dora and hug her.

Ellen: I've missed you so much Dora.

James: who is she

Ellena: Am your sister.

James: her?my sister? Lol, That's impossible, I don't have a younger sister.

Ellena: am your elder sister.

James: (stare at her for some sec.) I am still arguing about you being my younger sister, you just made it worse.

Dora: after the snow separate us, I Looked for you guys all over

Ellen: after what happen To us, I also try to look for all of you. But all in vain.

Dora: it been 1000 years, we've really grown. It's so hard to recognize you all. It's so wonderful.

Ellen: I really felt bad for James. I went back but I never found you again.

Dora: well all thanks to him we were saved. He risk his life for us. He is a hero...... my hero. (Stealing a glance at me.)

James: what the hell are you guys talking about

Elena: Am sorry James, don't you remember all these.

James: thank goodness, you notice am here and NO, no, I don't remember.

Dora: sorry, I just got So exited that we meet again. It's been my dream.

James: well I still have a lot dream, most of it have not been accomplished.

Dora: James, you forgot everything.

Ellen: must have been the Fall. How did you get out.

Jamed: if I could remember, you guys ask me if I remember anything And am really sure you remember my answer. Right.

Dora walk closer to me...

Dora: relax James.

James: what are doing...

She lay her Index finger on my Fore head and Then.......

James past memories,

Note( this is James memory. Exactly what he can remember.

2000 years ago.

A clan lived on a mysterious Island Filled with lots of mountains, the mountain top is full with snow, freakenly cold, The Island is so big, It represent a nation itself, no human can get there and non of us can leave, that's were we live our life's. The island set itself aside from the rest of the world, everything about it is different from the rest of the world, it's days, morning and night, it's time (a year on this island equal 50 years in outside world, if human stay for a year he will grow old by at the end. And lastly It weather. Everything about it is terrible. And beast clan can survive on it.

As at that time, the human and the abnormal are having a crises. Hate one another, we are responsible for making things right, we are to bring balance to the world and that's our purpose. Our race are called the Beast. We were giving this name because of how freaking powerful we are, we are human but we were so powerful, when we go berserk, nothing can stop us except If one of us stood up to fight and it's to the death, both will die, that's our weaknesses. And the other powerful clan. Like the devil, demon, and gods.

The more you train yourself the more the power you will possess.

So we isolate ourself and lived happily on the island. But it last long enough. In our clan, every 5000 years, 3 beast will be born to withhold the power of 3 element. Two will be as calm as their element, the other one will be brutal, dangerous and deadly. He will be fill with all negative things and can only understand destruction. They can be identify by the mark on their body. Chest for fire, head for water, shoulder for air.

We live on a mountain top as guard. I, Elena, and Dora were seen on a snowy land with lots of stones And rocks, , playing hide and seek. Soon mum came, called us for dinner, Dora was an orphan, Elena and I found her in a cave when we we went out for hunting. She was half naked and feeling extremely cold, I gave her my jacket, Elena gives her a cap to keep her hair from freezing, I am older than Dora, am just 350 years Old she is 300, we are like 7 and 6years old Human kid.

Elena and I were born with ability, fire and water, the surprise here is there is no mark to identify on my body, it just like gifted, and since my powers has been discovered my parent kept me indoors I can only go outside on the mountain I can't go down. Elena control water while I control fire. As we walk back home, I keep heating my body to keep me warm, I held Dora's hand to keep her warm, we both looked at each other then immediately look the other way, I was so carried by the thought of her beauty that I almost set her on fire. Elena does not have any problem with cold she can also turn water into ice. On the way we found a pack of wolfs, it was a brute fight, but we won. After 2 years (100 Years) we got to know that Dora has develop the ability of the third element (AIR) and there is a symbol on her shoulder. Since there is no mark on me, it is said that the third element has not been discovered yet.

Dora parent die when she was young, her sister was only one taking care of her, no other family just the two of them. She also explain to us how she wonder into the cave. A group of berserk beast came to their small town and there was someone leading them, he has a mark on his chest. He was the same man that killed his sister. She escape cause of her sister help, blowing her far away as her sister burn to death.

Turns out some human were able to get to the island with the help of some captured abnormal and they are causing havoc on the southern part of It. Dora escaped and run to the eastern part where we live. We both ask our parent to keep her, they agree and we have more in our family,

Mom and dad are hunters and a solders, they protect the base, our population is not that much unlike humans, a powerful race like us are not always that many.

The human rampage began as more and more territory are being taken over by them.

Mum, Dad, Elena, Dora, and I surround a fire at night. Every other beast has gone to bed. Mum is setting up dinner, dad is sharping his swords, Elena, Dora and I were talking about the human. Then

Dora: father, why are the humans hunting us.


Father: they are jealous of us.

Elena: But why? They have everything they want, why are they still on to us.

Mother: humans are greedy, they have all they need to survive but their desires is always hungry for more.

James: and what's that

Father: Our powers.

James: then why dont we give it to them so they can live us alone in peace. Maybe that will make them live in harmony.

Mother: we wish that can be true, but humans can be too greedy, they don't only want our powers, they also want our lives.

I became furious,

James: why will they want our lives, we did them nothing wrong. Instead we watch over them, protect them from their own conflicts, wars and all. They still want to hunt us down?

Father: that's a lesson my son. No matter what you do in this life whether you did good, help, or anything else, some not all but some will still want you to be drag down to the bottom. The best thing for you is to be prepared for anything anytime.

James: if it the life they want, they should come and get it. I promise my self, if they touch any of my family I will annihilate them all.

Father: calm down young man, I trust you. But first make sure you protect your siblings, then worry about others.

James: it's a promise father. And i promise you Dora I will protect you.

She look the other way as her cheek turn red.

Elena: how about me. won't you protect me.

James: all of you, including mum and dad. I will protect you all. It's a promise.

I hug all of them.

We all stand up pick up our bottle and cups, cheers up.

I have been vigilante since. I began to train hard, harder than my sisters.

After 300 years.

The humans are closer to us, we can be under attack anyMoment from now.


Am now 10 years old, 9 as Dora, Elena is 15. Our powers are activated but not powerful enough. Elena is the most powerful among us.


Elena and Dora are cleaning the compound preparing to sleep. Father and mother came out.

Mother: alright it's getting late.

She ask Dora and Elena to run inside and stay there.

Father: James, you should go in too.

James: but it's my week.

Father: don't worry I'll take it today.

James: but daaaad.

Father: ah ah, what did i tell you?

We stayed at the giant gate along with some others.

James: okay, it will be my turn tomorrow.

I looked at mum and smiled. But her face. She manage to smile, thats a fake smile. My Heart raced up.

Father: son, are you alright?

James: father,.what is going to happen. mother is not happy.

Father looked at mother. They both stare at each other and sigh.

Father: remember the promise you made the other day about protecting your family. Well it's about time you fulfill it. Don't worry, it's nothing. Go inside. You have to become stronger. There are things you need to know. When the time is right, we will tell you and if we are no more. Your sister will tell you..

James: but I don't wanna, I wanna stay with you.

Mother: my darling, you are the young bravest boy I've ever seen. Make sure you fulfill your promise. Now go in and join your sisters. They are waiting. I love you so much.

James: I lov........

Elena: come on James or we will start without you.

I rushed in.

Not long we all slept off.

Baaaang boooom baaaaaaang.