
Met your match


Zane: fools. Now round them up, burn them. Make it quick we have three trophy to catch. The war has already began.

$: lord Zane, Give the order, let bring them here for you my lord.

Zane: no worries my pets, they will come for us.

James side.

Dora: Wow, you must be insanely strong.

Just then we could hear people screaming, chaos in the city. Black smoke seen from afar.

Elena: we need to check it out. I have a feeling, there is going to be war.

Dora: War? All of a sudden. Nobody talk about war.

Elena: that smoke reminds me of something. I pray it's not the devils.

Dora: You mean.....

Elena: I don't know yet, but if they find out about James, then we must make sure he has his power back. Or else the world is in danger.

James: what of the gods.

Elena: I don't believe they exist. They have forsaken us. Nobody has seen one. We don't know what they look like. A man who face one says they are powers themselves. Even though they exist I still won't give in to them. They are useless.

Dora: well, we don't have any choice. Do we? Let hurry up...

We all rush there,

In sight. We saw a whole army of devils flying around, killing both humans and abnormal. Elena was fill with rage.

Elena: stop them.

Dora and Elena rush them, I just stood still on the ground. I could not see well, my eyes is blur. I can't focus. I keep thinking, how can I come from an evil clan. Somthing is missing up, I can't be one of them and still kill them. It's where my father come from, my father clan wipe out my mother's clan. (I keep looking up and I spot a devil standing still, fold his arms, looking at me). No, something is wrong. This is not my story. Elena grunt, I looked at her. She is surrounded by them. I use my telekinesis to separate them from her. Immediately, I saw a memory, some people, they surround me chanting. I regain myself I increase the number and I was able to hold all of the devils with my telekinesis. The devil who seem to be their leader look surprised, unfold his arms.

He speed at me, hit my jaw with a damaging punch, my jaw is left open. Kicked me off the city. As the force pushed me, he follow, he want to punch me in mid air, I grab his hand slam him on the ground. Step on his head tore his hand of and his leg. He screamed, a huge flame burst out, he regenerate. His eyes are red. He pummeled me, punch me up, create a chain with flame, pull me back to the ground. He keep stomping on me. Then took a few step back.

I stood up, heal up, he grind his teeth. We both move at the same time. He is about to hit me, Elena draw him back up, Dora kicked him back to the ground, he bounce up, I speed under him bring out a bazuka, fire at him, he grab it like a stick send it to Elena. She slice it to pieces, we reformed, he is in the middle. We surround him.

Elena: So you are the lost fire element, am not surprise, it's said that you will be a disaster.

Zane: the great powerfull devil lord has open my eyes. You have nothing to prove your innocence. You will all be cleansed. Just with time.

Dora: traitor, you betray your own kind, turn yourself into devil. You are not one of them, you are a beast, always be. You can't be powerful more than you will.

Zane: hahahahaha!!!!!. See, that where you are wrong, All of you can't stop me. Not to talk of you Air (Dora) you are the weakest.

Dora keep silent

James: she is not weak. She was able to hold off the berserk beast, she is able to live among the dangerous men, without anyones help. She stop me and Elena in the middle of our fight. She watch our back all the time. Don't you dare call her weak.

Zane: but she never get herself into a real fight, she must be a coward who stand behind his mate to wade off the enemy and all she can do is blow enemies off with her air element. Just like..... her... sister.

I was about to move, Elena told me to stop, she point her finger at Dora.

Dora: it was you. That day. You killed my sister.

Zane: Oh yeah, you are the little rat that escape. Hahaha. If I could remember, you were screaming her name when she was dancing in my unquenchable flame. I hope you miss her cause She is still there....... As a sculpture.

Dora eyes change, she disappeared and appear beside Zane, deliver a devastating punch, for a moment there was an air bomb, sending Zane up, she fly after him, kicked him back down, then create a bow and arrow with wind, as she fires, wind blade were hitting Zane cutting his body, then the arrow struck his stomach. She grab Zane, pummeled his head then stomach in speed mode. The final punch send him into the ground, Dora did not stop, she keep pummeling him deep into the ground Like a well. ( guys, if you wanna dig a well call Dora she is natural) Elena and I peep into the hole we saw Zane fly out like he was tossed. Dora came out after that. As she hit the surface her body become weak. She is not stable and collapsed to the ground.

Zane stood up.

Zane: hehe, I was wrong, she last longer than her sister but with all that there is still no damage.

James: No. You are wrong, i'll advise you to do what ever you wish to do cause you have just 10min left.

Zane: what do you mean.

Elena: Dora is not after Physical body damage like you, she is killing you from the inside. With all the Energy she put into you. You will not last more than 10min.

Sudden blood drop from his nose and ears. He touch it and smile.

Zane: Well, before that, I will kill you all.

He ran toward me, before he could hit me, Elena appear freezing him up, she try to break the him to pieces but Zane melt his way out.

Zane: that was cold and close, I would have been shattered to the ground if am not fast enough.

James: Your are lucky, but next time, it won't be that easy....... Ahhsshhh. My head.

Elena: James are you okay. Now is not the time.

Another image appear.

Unknown: Go, save them, protect them. Let them know we exist, let them know we watch over them. Their belive is our strength.

By the time am back to myself. Elena and Dora held me up, I was sweating profusely.

James: what happened

What I realise.

All the devils are here. All of them are high ranks. They possessed different colour of flame on their head and shoulder.

I looked at elena and Dora, they are unconscious, There is bruise all over their body and they are not holding me up. they are chained together with me. The chain is made with lava, some huge creature hold it both left and right. I look around and it looks like we are in hell.

G: tell Lord jeen he is up.

One of the devil fly out.

James: what's this. What going on.

One the devil create a flame chain, whipe me together with Elena and Dora. Another came punch me numerously.

James: Stop hitting them.

He continue.


The two of them beat them and me more.

Suddenly a voice roar out.


I was breathing heavily. I look at Dora and Elena.

James: are you guys alright

They can't hear me they are out cold. And this bastard still torture them like that.

I bit my lips.

James: You better pray you are dead before I free myself, am sooo gonna Fuck you all up.

A guy from nowhere with mask on his face answered. His body is covered in red wool tape like a mummy.

Jeen: You should choose your words wisely.

James: For what stupid reason.

Jeen:( He looked at me. move with speed, hit my head into the wall).

Jeen: Who sent you.

He remove the wool.

Jeen: gods?

James: what?

Jeen: but why will they send a weak one. You are not strong enough to save your petty sisters, they are thinking of keeping the world from me with these.

He held my head with a lot of strength I can't bulge.

Jeen: they keep Screaming your name as we torture them. But you did not hear their call. You are useless.

I struggle to get free from the chains. But those creature held it tight.

Jeen: hehe, What do think you are doing. Looks like you wanna show me what you are made off.

He clenched his fist Very hard, hit my face, It sent me out of the room, I was rolling, hiting the rocks, and mountain wall. Breaking through everything. A giant statue stoped me. When I look up, he is infront of me.

James: How dare you. Who do you think you are!!!!!!

Jeen: You are not worthy.

James: You sure have a big mouth.

He remove his mask. He has a blue and red eye.

James: what the? You are....

Jeen: the hybrid? Yes. You guessed right.

James: No that's impossible. Am suppose to be....... Then what am I.

Jeen: You will remember once you are at the blink of death.

He hit me one more time, I break out of the mountain and the sun welcome me. I hit the ground. He stand in front of me. I stood up gradually. He rush me with punches while he talk.

Jeen: you are not suppose to be born. You are a mistake. The gods should not have send you here. ( he keep hiting me). They want you dead, it's bad luck you have to face me.

His last hit. I grab his hand. Deliver a devastating punch directly on his face. He was push back a little.

Jeen: well well, where did that come from. You gods are full with surprise.

I appear in front of him, gave him a destructive kick by his ear, it pushed him greatly. I run after him as he sumersult. I land another devastating punch. This bury him in the ground I jump on him, sent a lot of devastating punch on him, while I punch him, he smile. I stoped. I move away from him. He stood up.

Jeen: that was a good performance. You still don't get it.

He speed to me and grab my neck.

Jeen: You are weak.

Slam me on the ground, pick me up again, repeat it five times. I could not counter it. He is just toooo strong. He threw me up, jump after me. In mid air, he Really punched me while all my bone sound like it breaking. Then bounce me back to the ground. As I hit the ground he joined me and kicked me, I hit a mountain top. Every bone in my body is broken. Even with my amazing power I still can't heal, I can't even imagine anything. My mind is blank, I can only see him jumping up and landing beside me, crouch and.

Jeen: I never knew my parent. A couple found me at the lava river, keep me as their kid, build me up, but with all their effort to make me a great boy, I end up slaughtering them.i was left all alone, soon, when I figured am strong beyond anyone's imagination, I began terrorising people, destroying homes. It was then, the devils found me. Immediately they make me their king, I've always have what I want. And now I want this world. And nothing can stop me from taking it. Not even a gods child.

James: (still laying on the ground weak.) what.... Do.... Mean.... By... gods...child....

Jeen: it's up to you to find out.

James: you have gone through a lot. I understand why you kill them, they did not treat you well, they call you all sort of names, you must have been so patience with them. But you shouldn't let your anger get the best of you.

Jeen: what you mean I let my anger take the best of me. Do you know how fucking long I have been tolerating their nuisance. Beside am half devil and demon, what do you expect. I try to make them see how grateful I am, how merciful I can be but they just do what they feel like. And my parent, (scuff) how useless they are. Just dump their son beside a boiling rock and abandoned me. I bet they they are dead, cause if they are not, if I find them I'll kill them my self. So stop talking cause You know nothing.

James:You know, I don't know my parent either, I know how you feel. But they did it for some reason, no parent will ever leave his child. No matter what. The once who took me in and take care of me where murderd years ago. Those girl are the only family I havr left. (I try to stand up. But I could not)

Jeen: I'll let you live, if you have anything to offer me.

It's was then I fear death. I don't wanna die, I can't die now. Elena, Dora, they are still there, I can't defeat him, am not as powerful as I thought. If I go berserk, there is someone who can stop me. This is reality. No matter what you are good at, weather power, riches, health, life, skills, looks. You are only good at it in your mind, there is always that motherfucker who is stronger and better than you in everything. Than you imagine.

James:..... ...........

Jeen: That's what I thought. Now die.

James: Wait.

He stopped.

James: What if I can prove to you that your parent are not what you think they.

Jeen: How can you do that. There is no way you can prove that.

James: I'll find a way.

Jeens: (stops for a moment) hmm.... Okay, alright, you have three days.


James: (still laying on the ground, I grab his leg before he fly) on one condition.

Jeen: what?

James: I'll do as you ask on one condition.

Jeen: (step on my head) you are not in the right place to make conditions.

James: Alright, a favour.

Jeen: A gods asking a devil a favour. Well what is it.

James:........... (Silent)

Jeen: whoa, it is something I said.

James: just please, don't hurt them.

Jeen: hmmmm. (he took of his leg,) hmm what ever.

He left flying away. I thought of grabbing him in mid air and squeeze him with my telekinesis. I fade out.