
Don Hank


Episode 4

Next scene....

The next day.

I went to an uncompleted building, sat down on the half done window, bring out my expensive phone. When I turn it on no power.

James: holy fuck.

I brought out my power bank to charge my phone and drop it on the ground. That's when I decide to think about what am doing with my life.

James: I really need to visit Texas to see my foster parent. I wonder how they are doing.......

Immediately I hear a notification. I forgot about my life and picked up my phone, just then a group of 20 people came in, I thought they are here to smoke, or have their joint.

They all form a horizontal line In front of me.

James:( look up.) Oh hell no. You can't just barge into this place to kill someone just because he almost kill the son of your gang leader.

Before I continue they released their bullet uncontrollably until the Mag finish. They change Mag and continue shooting.

I stood still while the bullet bounce off, I hear another notification, I brought out my phone.

James: oh Wow, someone just like my story. This is.....

A bullet hit my phone.

I look up, they all stop shooting, I took a step forward they step backward, they start running, I began to appear in all the place and I gather them on a single spot. So I hold my chin and think of a weapon I can use.

Jame: ak47. I brought out AK.

They stood still, I change the AK to chopper gun, they were scared and all run for cover, I spray the bullet till none is left and no one die.

One of the men: has the bullet finish.

James: of cause there no more bullet why else will I stop.

They all stand up laughing not long I bring out bazuka.

James: no, no, It's too loud.

I change it to void gun (create a small black hole and suck anything in front of it, squeezing it out. The Gun is so big, they began to come out one by one dropping their gun and kneeling down.

#: it was Don hank that sent us and he did it because you are not making it easy to kill Dora....

James: The explorer. What is my business with Dora the explorer. I don't even watch cartoon. (adjusting the scope) Now hold still, this is going to take seconds, you won't know what hit ya.

One of them decide to run, I use my telekinesis to draw him back.

James: my friend go back. Where did you think you are going.

Oh yeah, thats my fifth power.

#: crying,) Dora, your boss. Because she is getting more sale than him and she is also out ranking him, so he decide to send her on a vacation.

James: (still adjusting the scope) Hmm hmm, A vacation to heaven, right? . Hey you move to the left and you to the right, hey shorty, bend more you are blocking the short guy behind you. Can't believe a short guy obstructing another short guy. Alright perfect. You guys are set for the best picture of the year.( I set the timer to two minute. ) Now smile for two minute.

#: sir please we will never try to hurt you again.

James: you promise?

All nod in agreement.

James: alright look at this gun here, I have never use it, this is my first time bringing it out, and it will break my heart and hurt me pretty bad if am not going to use it. Do you stI'll want me to use it or not.

All: We... We.. We don't know what to say.

James: then I don't have any choice than to use it.

#: sir we will follow your order from now on, we will always be with you. By your side till we die. Don't you want to know how it feels to have body guards. We will give you the best experience

James: hmm, that is also good, alright I forgive you and I will like you guys to be my...


James: oh shit, I forgot the timer. Oh well time to go, the cops will be here in two minute.

The gun disappeared and I also vanish.

On my way to the gang leader I pass by an alley, I notice something so I went back to it. There.

I saw three guys (plural) about to rape a girl (singular), One of the guys has red hair the second has blue hair and third..... Oh God... what kind of hair style is that. It's like a hair growing out of a disintegrated rat.

(Deep voice)

James: Stop. I command you to stop what you are doing, (I appear before them.)

The three guys: excuse me, you suppose to be what? Superman?

James: that actually make sense but, am stronger than him, faster than him, smarter than him, and more important am more handsome.

The red hair send a huge flame at me, as it touch my body, it disappear.

Red guy: what the.

Blue guy: leave him to me.

Spray some ice which freezing me up. After all the freezing, I walk out of it, dust my body.

Rat guy: send some lighting from the sky directly at me.

James: you just destroy my shirt.

All: who the Fuck are you.

Red hair: we are not done yet, combine powers.

They all combine their powers, shoot it directly at my heart. It was so dramatic, so entertaining, people began to notice and they keep showing up enjoying the show. Finally, they have made their shot.

James: oh my God, my heart, you freeze heat lightning my heart, am dying am dyi.....(sudden change) oh wait, am fine.

They all focus their gaze on my face.

James: see guys, there are things you should not do and do. First you should not rape this girl and second you should know who you are fighting, (I gently brought out my bazuka.) Say cheese.

Red guy: wait where did that come from.

James: you don't wanna know, now whether you stand still or not it's still going to hit you. Don't worry, you won't feel it, it's going to hit you pretty fast.

Blue guy: wait, wait. You think we wanted to rape her.

James: ummm yeeaaahhhh, exactly, is that not what is happening here. I mean it's sure looks like it.

Red guy : oh.....

James: shut up let the rat guy talk.

Rat guy: oh no, she is a bully, we are just warning her.

James: face the victim, is that true.

Victim: ah yeah, I mean it's not like this looser can do a thing to me. After what they did to my brother. Oh come on.

James: (I might be wrong, she admit that she is a bully. What a woman) (Face the guys.)

Red guy: his brother beat up my brother because blue brother beat his uncle, and his Dad uncle beat up rat guy brothers siblings which led to the fight between my moms step sister, and his step brothers brother, and his grandmothers uncle's siblings. Which led to our conflict war between our grand parent and his grand unlcle parent, and our great grand parent........

James: Stop, stop, stop. am confuse who should I blow up.

Blue guy: it's a family issue.

James: wow, you really have a complicated, disturbed and unstable family. A family I won't wish to have.

Victim: it's not that bad.

I keep my bazuka.

James: okay I've heard enough. I'll be on my way,

Victim: who are you

James: oh, (laughing) I will like to keep that to my self, I really don't wanna have a problem with your family.