
Big mistake



The city.

Commander: We know where he is. You should be prepared for anything, we don't know what's he capable of. Ellen has told us everything including his message, which shows his weakness. Right Ellen.


Commander: right Ellen.


Ellen is still thinking about the battle she had with James, he looks familiar.

Commander: ELLEN!!!!!!!

Ellen: yes sir.

Commander: whats your problem soldier?

Ellen: sir I think we should back out, this guy's is extraordinary, If we go there we will just trow our life away.

#: Am surprised. that guy must be special to make you feel this way, Elena the fearless.

Elena: listen to me commander, what happen that day, it's as if he stay in a single place, I could not see his movement, he move Like the wind When he took down Kelvin and fatso, he is just too much.

She salute.

Ellen: I will suggest to study him more before we take action.

Commander: we can't risk it, he already threatened me, we need to distract him now or catch him somehow, we have his weakness.

Dora in a glass cylinder, sleeping.

$: but sir, we can't use her as bait, she is very influential. Kidnapping her will raise alarm not to talk of using her as bait.

Commander: Don't worry we are not using her real body, we will create a clone. we can get him now, am sure of it.

$: what if he is tough to deal with, or stronger than all of us like Ellen said.

Everyone focus their gaze at the commander.

Commander: then get Razor ready, we need to test him anyway. Let's see if he is a freak as he call him self.

$: alright move out.



On my way to the bar, I realise the village is not as busy as before. People have really move out like they vacate, not that I care. I enter saw all body guards standing in a circle, leaving me in the middle.

James: scuff) alright, what's going on here.

Mayor: boy, I like you a lot. I want you to be like my son, but it's such a pity.

James: your son? I didn't know you have a son.

Mayor: I once had.

James: then where is he?

Mayor: well this is what is left of him. (Pointing to the blood on the floor. )

I scuff and keep my smile, walking to the slab. Talk to the bartender.

James: Give me two shot.

Bartender: I don't think this is time for.....

James: I say give me two shot, so, you give me two shot. Or you wish to join him. (Pointing to the blood stains.)

He serve two cup. I slide a cup to the mayor. Face him, He drop his, I drank mine. .

James: (Softly) Ahhh delicious. You need to be honest, I blew his head off, not his whole body, you have buried his body, and that what remained of him plus this stains here.

I keep my hands in my pocket. The mayor looked at me with disgust.

Mayor: Turn his gaze at the guards) make sure his body is destroyed to tiny pieces. Make it hard to recognise.

He walk out. I stare at him as he made his way out. When he left, I looked at the bodyguards and smile. Then to the bartender....

Bartender quickly run out....

They began to shoot for some minute, instantly the shot stopped.

Outside the bar.

When mayor realise the shot stop, he face the bar, smiling. I appear behind him, walk to his side.

James: They should be dead by now.

He looked at me.

Mayor: what the?

He rush into the bar, saw all the bodies, non could be recognise.

Mayor: How? They are top abnormals.

He walk back to me.

James: am sure you won't recognise their body. Just like you ordered.

Mayor: ( shaking) what the hell are you.

James: Well, I don't know but you can call me whatever you like....

I move close to him.

James: I should really kill you, you deserve it.

Mayor: please, don't kill me. I will give you anything.

James: you dried this land, You empty it's treasure and every good thing about it Including the women. You and your son ate all up.( If I let you live, I grab his shirt, pull him up, ) You'll do more. I grab his neck about to squeeze it. He yelled.

Mayor: someone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I feel a light breeze behind me...

James: smiled) I thought we had a truce, Elena why are you trying to force me. (Then I smell a familiar saint.) Dora?

Commander: got him.

I looked back, they are ten in numbers, Ellen's held Dora in her hand.

$: drop him.

I drop the mayor. I stare at them.

#: surrender now and be erased from this planet with ease...

I fix my gaze at Dora.

#: if you don't surrender we will force you by killing this woman.

I pull out a laser gun blast the mayors head. (like father like son) His head splash up. While his body fall to the ground, the gun disappeared.