
The Fractured Inheritance

"The Fractured Inheritance" follows the story of Nicholai Lawrence, a young man in his early twenties, who discovers that his dad is not actually dead, but works for a ruthless group of scientists who conduct tests on humans and breed monsters. After he and his lover, Natalya, are captured and turned into monsters themselves, Nicholai teams up with other victims of his father's experiments to stop the company's brutal practices. With the war won and the cure acquired, Nicholai faces a tough decision - whether to take the serum and free himself from his beast-like form, or stay cursed in order to bring Natalya back to the path of the light, as she still remains rogue due to the betrayal of her trust by Nicholai.

Prince_Emmanuel1 · SF
7 Chs

Job Hunting

Lost in the world of his own, Nicholai's alarm jerked him back to reality as it rang continuously for 5 minutes. He had set his alarm earlier than usual so as not to miss by any chance the interview he had today at a fancy restaurant. Jumping out of bed, he quickly ran downstairs to finish up the chores his Aunt, Larisa had gathered up for him. He was shocked when he saw a heap of clothes at the laundry house that he was expected to wash before leaving the house that day. He knew that washing all these clothes would make him miss the job interview he had in about 3 hours' time.

Asking his aunt for permission to wash them when he was back was out of question because all he would get would be shouts and insults. So, he decided to wash just a few, then hide the rest in his room, which he will wash up when he's back from the interview.

He was able to wash up in no time and quickly prepared for his interview. As he was about to leave the house, he heard his name.

"Nicholai! Where do you think you are going?" Larisa shouted.

"I...I have an interview to attend today at a restaurant in the city," Nicholai replied stammering.

"Wow, so you finally have chosen to be useful to yourself," she shot back, "Who do you expect to do all your chores these morning?" she scolded.

"I have washed the clothes that were at the laundry, and I will take care of the kitchen and garden once I am back," Nicholai replied helplessly.

"You must be very stupid for saying that," Larisa said, "Do you expect my kids to do your chores for you? You are becoming something else these days, and those little things of yours, I am going to cut them off soon. Better go back to the kitchen and finish up!" Larisa said finally, going back to her room.

Nicholai's heart sank as he thought about what to do. He had been waiting for this job opportunity for a long time. As he stood there, staring at the pile of clothes, he thought about his options. He could try to wash the clothes as fast as he could, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to finish them. He could try to ask his aunt for help, but he didn't want to burden her. He could also try to reschedule the interview, but he knew that there was a good chance that the job opportunity would be gone if he did.

In the end, Nicholai made a decision. He decided to go to the interview and deal with the consequences later. He knew that it was a risk, but he also knew that it was a risk that he had to take. He quickly got dressed and headed out the door, determined to make it to the interview on time. He was nervous as he walked to the restaurant, his heart pounding in his chest. He tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths and reminding himself that he was well-prepared for the interview.

The he was overjoyed at the prospect of finally landing a job in the city. He had been struggling to make ends meet since he started staying with his uncle family, and the thought of having a steady job and a place to call his own was a huge relief. However, his uncle's house was located on the outskirts of the city, and he knew that transportation would be a significant expense. But then, he was prepared for this challenge. Over the past week, he had taken on a few odd jobs, and he was able to save enough money to cover his transportation costs

As he sat in the taxi, leaving the countryside behind, he took one last look at the stunning views that surrounded him. The vast fields and rolling hills stretched out into the distance, with the occasional small village breaking up the landscape.

The air was fresh and cool, with a hint of pine and earth that filled his senses. The peacefulness of the countryside was a welcome contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city that awaited him.

As they approached the city, the countryside gave way to suburbs and industrial areas. The green fields were replaced by towering apartment blocks and factories, and the quietness was replaced by the sounds of traffic and industry.

But even as he entered the city, he couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the countryside he was leaving behind. The serene landscape and the connection to nature that it represents was something that he will miss as he navigates the busy streets of the city.

As the taxi moved deeper into the heart of the city, he could feel his excitement building. He looked forward to the energy and vibrancy that the city has to offer, but he will always carry with him the memories of the stunning countryside that he had left behind.

As he arrived in the city, the he was struck by the bustling energy and activity all around him. Novgorod was home to the country's deepest lake, Baikal, and the city recorded the world's lowest temperature outside the North and South poles.

As the taxi pulled up to the entrance of the Grand Imperial Hotel, his heart was pounding with excitement. He couldn't believe he was about to step into one of the most elegant and prestigious hotels in the world.

The doorman greeted him with a warm smile and helped him with his luggage as he got out of the taxi. As he walked through the revolving doors, he was immediately struck by the stunning beauty of the lobby. The crystal chandeliers sparkled overhead, and the marble floors gleamed underfoot. He felt like he had stepped into a palace, a world of elegance that was a world away from his everyday life.

He made his way to the front desk, where he was greeted by a friendly receptionist who asked how she could assist him. He told her that he was there to interview for a job, and she gave him a warm smile and directed him to the elevators.

As he stepped out of the elevator on the designated floor, he was greeted by a friendly face who ushered him to the interview room. The elegance and refinement of the hotel's decor continued into the interview room, with plush seating and stunning artwork adorning the walls.

As he walked through the lobby of the Grand Imperial Hotel, his heart raced with excitement. He had dreamed of working in a place like this for years, and now he had the opportunity to make that dream a reality.

The opulent decor and luxurious amenities were a feast for the senses. The crystal chandeliers sparkled overhead, and the marble floors gleamed underfoot. Everywhere he looked, he saw elegance and refinement, from the ornate furnishings to the lush floral arrangements.

As he made his way to the front desk to inquire about the job opening, he was struck by the professionalism and friendliness of the staff. They greeted him warmly and answered his questions with patience and enthusiasm, making him feel like a valued guest even before he was hired. He was directed to the second-floor hallway. After waiting for some minutes he was called in.