
Dear Son

"Just to catch up, this powerful witch has been laying in waiting to pay you brothers for her tragic death all that time ago? And now, me and my unborn baby are in danger because of this?" Hailey asked the two brothers who confirmed her worries.

"On the plus side, we now know of her and will be cautious of her in the future. We need to watch her every move." Elijah said but it didn't ease Hayley even a little bit.

"I say we kill her and be done with her." Kol said but no one else backed him up.

"Do we have eyes on Marcel?" Katherine asked but no one answered. "Fine, give me the item representative of Hayley and the witch's binding. I know a witch." Katherine said but she really just wants to leave this house.

"I have an Idea, since I'm in danger why don't I move in with Katherine? She has powerful werewolves in her house not to mention, no uninvited guests can enter her home." Hayley said wanting to leave with Katherine.

"No, I can not trust anyone else with your safety but me." Klaus said shutting her down. Hayley shows her werewolf eyes clearly angry that she can't even make such a simple decision.

"You are barely here. That day, the woman just walked in here like she owns the place, and now I hear she is over a hundred years old?" Hailey showed her frustration.

"Sorry love, it's still a no." Hayley looked at Katharine only to find Elijah giving her a rope wrapped into a ball. She had been hoping that Katherine will help her convince Klaus to let her go with her.

"Alright, I'm going to go now. Hopefully I succeed so you can proceed with whatever plan you are not sharing with me." Katherine left and appears infront of the cabin.

"D, you have to be careful who you let in alright? I trust your judgement I just worry. The next couple of days are going to be very chaotic I need you as safe as can be."

"Why? What is happening in the next couple of days?" Davina asked calmly. Katherine has been giving her etiquette lessons.

"It will take care of the Original family once and for all. It worked before so it will work again." Marcel said in a low voice but Katherine heard him. She smiled to herself thinking 'You leave me out of your stupid plan, handle what Is coming on your own.' She internally scoffed at the Mikaelson siblings.

Marcel soon left the cabin and Katherine revealed herself to Davina. "You ready?" Katherine asked her.

"Yes, fairy godmother." Davina smiled at her. She had come a long way from that depressed girl who didn't even smile.

"You heard that?" Davina asked and Katherine nodded.

"It should serve as a good lesson to them for leaving me out in the cold. After this I am going to retreat and rest. I need to take care of myself. This entire time it's been one thing or another with that family. Go on." She told a seat and then gave Davina many other spells to use for practice while she is away.

Just as Katherine left the house Hayley collapsed but Klaus caught her on time. A while later, they found out the witch elder has injected Sofie with a cursed object to kill off the child. Nicklaus and Elijah phoned Katherine to ask if she will finish in time but Katherine did not answer her phone.

The siblings became even more determined to sever the connection between the two. However, at the moment they couldn't do anything but try to lower Hayley's temperature.

Four hours later the child witch finished the spell. Hayley and Sofie are no longer linked. This allowed the Mikaelson family to hunt for the witches and kill them off, at least the ones responsible for the attempt on Hayley's life.

Elijah and Klaus sat at the house drinking in silent celebration of their victory today. Hayley is safe and unlinked to the witch. "What's next?" Elijah asked Nicklaus who looked at the map on the way with suspicion.

Elijah followed his gaze and saw the three hugled bright dots moving fast on the highway. They are moving away from the city. "Where that hell does she think she is going?" Elijah said and sped away from there. Klaus laughed at this.

Katherine is seated on the back seat while May drives the car. "We could have informed the others, what's so important that we had to leave that very moment?" May asked her leader and friend only to receive the same eyeroll she had gotten before when she asked the same question.

May pressed the brakes hard and Katherine fell on the floor of the car because she was laying down. The door to the back seat opens and Elijah gets inside closing the door and helping her up into the seat next to him he then looked at Katherine who is still trying to recover from her fall.

"I also want to know what could possibly be so important that you had to leave that very moment?" Elijah looked at Katherine who lightly bit her lip but didn't answer him either. She laid down her head on him thighs and closed her eyes.

"May, you have your orders." She said and May drove the car. Katherine laid on Elijah's lap and ignored his burning gaze. He can see she is dismissing him but what can he do? He'll just tag along and see for himself what is going on. Today the family had a good win all thanks to her so he will not make things difficult for her. 

"May, go to the Sacred Hotel in the next stop. The target is there. There are three more cars coming with some of the pack which May had secretly called for backup without Katherines instructions.

When the car stopped they walked in while Katherine is still studying the glowing map inside the car. Elijah understood that Katherine is hunting someone in this map. Katherine put away the map and went to a room after ignoring a reception lady in the front desk. 

Elijah followed her with an attitude of watching a show. The rest of the pack used her momentary preoccupied state of mind to follow her in the distance. She knocked on the door, after waiting for a while the door opened and very surprised Caroline gasped looking at the person they had come to find.

"Katherine, How did you know we are here?" 

"Who else is in there with you?" Katherine tried to look behind Caroline.

"A woman called Nadia came to look for you and when she heard we are coming to find you she joined us. Don't blame us she didn't give us any choice." Caroline sad with a soft voice. Katherine became disappointed seeing Caroline. It meant the light she had seen probably belongs to Elena.

Seeing as the girl is busy saying nonsense, Katherine pushed her to the side and entered the large sitting room area and found a few people in there.

"Where is Elena?" Katherine asked with very little interest.

"Elena and Damon are trying to convince Silas to revive Bonnie from the dead. Bonnie is dead, did you know?" Caroline started rambling. She must be very nervous. Katherine looked at her with an blank face.

Caroline came down "Right, you don't care. Elena is back in mystic Falls. That's what I was trying to say." Caroline said.

Elijah got tired of standing outside and entered, took a seat and watched his darling wife grow more frustrated at Caroline.

"Then who amongst you is ...." She left and barged into a room with two people making out.

"Hey!" The girl said and the man stood up and started chanting. Katherine didn't move and leaned on the wall watching the man grow pale as the Pell he is changing becomes unstable and his nose started bleeding.

Elijah entered but Katherine pulled him outside. "Wait for me outside dear husband. Traveler spells are very nasty." Sheleft him outside and entered again and gave the couple a look.

"Did the two of you come to seek me out?" She asked lightly but none of the two spoke.

"Speak!" She commands with her eyes turning into her fox beast for a split second. She pointed at the man.

"Do you know me?"

"Katharina Patrova."

"Why did you reek of Malice against me? Traveler?" Katherine grabbed his throat an squeezed with her claws digging into his skin.

"Stop!" The woman said. "He is just helping me. I am the one looking for you Katherine." Katherine didn't let go but squeezed tighter. She looked at the man who seemed to be losing consciousness.

"Speak!" She grawls and he finally spoke.

"I have a mission." He gasped "To kill you." He said in between breathes.

"What?! You were just using me?" The woman became heart broken.

"Why?" Both Katherine and the woman asked the same time. He just looked at them.

"I don't question my orders." He answered lightly.

"A soldier, I can understand that. But I know you are lying. You know why you had to kill me and I'm gonna have a blissful time fishing it out of you." Katherine said tracing her metal claw from his neck to his chest leaving a bloody cut along the way.

"Oomph....It was to only have two doppelgangers. The Salvatore Stefan and that Elena." The man said fearing she will make good on her threat.

"I see. Thank you traveler." Katherine left them inside but the woman left after her pointing a gun at her. Katherine raised her hands in amusement.

"Five centuries of looking and I finally found you. What do you have to say for yourself?" Nadia said with eyes seemingly burning with hatred. Katherine thought about it and made a decision.

"Sorry?" She said but it lacked sincerity and depth.

"You killed my mother." She said in anger.

"And I don't deny it. Look, I'm sure your mother was a good person and .... probably didn't deserve what I did to her. But I can't unkill her. I am sorry for you."

"Sorry?! Do you have any idea the life I had to endure because you took her from me?" She held back her tears.

"I am not sorry I killed her, I am sorry you had to suffer the consequences of my actions. I have done terrible things without a single thought and today I am confronted with one of the consequences. I will burn in hell form all my crimes....if that may comfort you I suggest you let go of your persuit for revenge against me. You are too weak." Katherine said not realizing her accent had changed to resemble that of Nadia's. Bulgarian.

"I don't care if I'm weak, you have to suffer for what you have done." Nadia said with a thick accent.

"Alright. How about I stand here, and you attack me with your best attack, I won't retaliate but defend. When you have vented your anger we can go our separate ways?" Katherine offered. Nadia shook her head.

"It won't work. You are my mother." Nadia said leaving Katherine dazed.

"What?" Katherine asked suspecting she heard wrong.

"And technically you did kill my mother." Nadia said looking at Katherine in the eyes.

"Why the hell are you a Vampire? You were supposed to live a fulfilling human life." Katherine ranting and started pacing. She suddenly turned sharply and look at Nadia with narrowed eyes.

"Who turned you? I want their name!" Katherine asked with anger.

"Turning was my choice, I wanted to find you." Nadia said in response to he demand.

"Katherine. Someone is here for you." Caroline came in time.

Katherine went to see who it is while her head buzzed. She looked at Caroline in anger. "Someone better be dying."

A while later.

"So, you found your child. How does it feel?" Elijah lout Katherine on his chest and ask lightly. Katherine sighed.

"I am still processing." Katherine said with a dazzed expression. She had been so anxious today she fell asleep on his chest making him smile.

Elijah had insisted they leave that hotel and go back home. Nadia left her boyfriend who had wanted to kill her mother back in the hotel and left with her mother's group.

Katherine told Elijah upon waking up that she will be staying home for a while to bond with her daughter. Elijah understood but cautioned her that this woman is already an adult, Katherine understood.

In the New Orleans.

The witches had failed at finding Davina when the king was down, Marcel had used Davina to try and find Mikael who is the only foe know to have ever driven Klaus away in fear.

Klaus had his family on his side, he had severed the link between Hayley and the witch. There is nothing keeping him away from claiming his kingdom. Marcel is still trying to find Mikael when Klaus walked in with a blood thirsty grin on him face.

Marcel had been ready for a showdown between them for a while now. Nicklaus is strong but how strong is he? Kol stood up on the roof of the place they once called home accompanied by Finn who seems bored by it all. Only Rebekah seemed worried. But the entire Mikaelson family had shown their stance. They are here to support their brother.

"Klaus. What brings you by?" Marcel asked with a straight back looking straight at his maker who is said to be the strongest creature without fear or any thoughts of backing down.

"Dear son. I'm here to kick you out of the house." Klaus said with a smile. He looked around seeing a large army surrounding him. "I do hope all of your people are here son, introduce me to all your friends. Please." Marcel got nervous seeing Klaus is not doing hat he expected him to do.

"I am not your son." Marcel said making Klaus frown.

"Yes, I remember you calling yourself a king. Even king's have fathers no? And I am yours." Klaus said looking at Marcel greeting his teeth.

"Now, I know what I am about to do is a little unconventional but you did betray me and took all that was mine making me very sad."

The rest of the Mikaelson siblings looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Sad? Even if Klaus is sad, he is not one to share it with the crowd.

"I know what you're thinking, but recently one of my enemies told me something. That I don't express the love that I have for my family enough. So when I lash out and punish them at some point, all they remember is the pain I have brought them without the feelings behind my actions. So Marcellus I'm going to tell you why you are going to suffer today."

"You survived, I mourned you. You didn't just survive you became stronger but instead of seeking out me, your father, the one who loves you, raised you and turned you, you decided to call yourself King and rule the place I had built brick by brick. I come back here and you don't even show an ounce of remorse for your actions. That hurt my feelings.....dear son." The place became heavy with tension.

Marcel became speechless. What is going on? Shouldn't Klaus try to make his people betray him for being weaker than an original? Marcel had planned on the moves Nicklaus is likely to pull and prepared himself.

"Mikel!" Klaus said and Mikel came out from the shadows and everyone is surprised they didn't feel him. "Why did you come?" Klaus asked and Mikel scratched his head in embarassment.

"I wanted to see you in action. Don't chase me away. You are a legend in the werewolf community do you have any idea how many people would like to see this?" Mikel rambled. Klaus rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but you have to do something for me." Klaus said. Mikel hearing this had sparking eyes.

"Anything. You can count on me."

"Have your people kill any Vampire who leaves this place." Klaus said and turned to Marcel with a develiwh smirk.

Marcel panicked. "Hey man this is between you and me, alright let my guys go."

"I know this, but you brought them here Marcel, and besides, I can't kill you. You are my son and I do love you, so I will kill all of them to teach you a lesson. Take a good look at your people Marcel, this will be the last time you see any of them."

Klaus didn't wait for Marcel to speak and pulled out a heart. Marcel got angry and attacked. Klaus exchanged blows with him for a few rounds and then broke his neck. Marcel is then thrown far away from the fight.

Klaus made a power pose, the vampires knew they won't come out of this alive so they decided to fight till the end. Finn looked away while Kol laughed happily.

Rebekah couldn't bare to watch the scene and turned around. Some Vampires tried to leave but faced blood thirsty hybrids and a powerful Vicki Donavan who fed on them and killed them by the way. Even as they are filed with vervain she drank to her fill.

"She is so powerful, how did Katherine make her?" Kol looked at a bloodied Vicki with a smile on her face. She looks beautiful like this. He thought.

Hours went by and soon the sound died down. "Please, I will pledge my loyalty to you." Klaus stopped with a thoughtful expression and then he took out the girl's heart all the same. The smell of blood in the air became unbearable.

Elijah came in and became horrified at the scene.

Only about five Vampires are left and Klaus is toying with them. "Nicklaus!" Elijah sped to him and pushed him to the wall. "What are you doing?"

"Taking back our home." Klaus is in a state of bloodlust and is hitting Elijah even trying to bite him.

"What home? Look around you. This is no one's home. This.... is a graveyard." Elijah let him go and Klaus looked at what he's done.

"What of it? Graveyards make for terrific gardens." Klaus sounded unconcerned. Elijah looked at him with disgust. The five Vampires are bleeding profusely and have been bleeding for a long time. Elijah sped to them and compelled them to clean this place up.

"Every Vampire in the garden must also be killed. I want him to lose all his toys." Klaus went to clean himself up.

Diago is amongst the still breathing Vampires. The five Vampires cleaned the Abattoir compound of the dead bodies and the blood on the ground.

Klaus came back and called Mikel "I need you to wake them up and make them loyal to me, all of them. Can I trust you to do that?" Klaus looked at Mikel in the eyes. Mikel is surprised by the trust in the request.

"I thought you don't trust anyone?" Mikel whispered.

"I don't, but why would you care about my little army when you have the entire dead legion on your side? I don't trust you. I trust that you don't need to cross me." Klaus said.

"Alright, that was a cool speech. I'll do it." Mikel disappeared from his current position and appeared in the middle of the stack of bodies. He raised his hands with his eyes turning black. "Come forth."

The most bizarre scene happened. The Vampires who were dead a moment ago woke up one by one. Mikel sent them a command to be loyal to Nicklaus. She appeared next to Klaus and smiled a mischievous smile.

"Does this mean we are friends? Can I be considered your pal now?" Mikel asked a tired Nicklaus.

"Did you do the important part?" Klaus asked and Mikel nodded. Klaus took one of the vampires "Marcel has vervain in his system, why don't you go ahead and torture it out of him?" Klaus didn't compel the vampire.

The guy didn't even show discomfort and went ahead to cut the blood artaries from Marcel who had woken up but pretended to be asleep. Marcel groaned in pain but the guy didn't stop. Diago rushed in from inside the compound.

Seeing all the people who were dead a moment ago standing and moving fine as if all the violence was an illusion, Diago took another look to confirm. He saw the guy torturing his master and got mad.

"John what are you doing?" Diago went to stop him but is detained by Klaus. That's when Diago realized every single vampire who had previously died is now alive looking at his without happiness or anger, it's as if they have become strangers. Fear. Diago became very scared.

Seeing his reaction, Klaus smiled. "Welcome to my rule, go back and finish your duties don't forget to clean out the garden as well, I need everyone to contribute and scrape this compound clean of all the filth. Go now." All of the vampires left to find something to do.

Klaus, Mikel, and his siblings left the compound and headed to the place where Hayley had been left by herself. When they got there, they couldn't find Hayley. A new kind of dread settled deep down inside the pit of their stomachs.

Just as the recently come down Nick is about to lose his mind in anguish, Elijah went to retrieve the map and found her location. An abondened building within the city. The interesting part is that there is another light coming their way. One whose power riviles that of Nicklaus.

"Nicklaus you need to rest. Leave him to us. Rebekah go get Hayley and take her to Katherine. Finn, you have to pick a side." Elijah looked at Finn who looked at Kol. It is obvious he will choose whatever Kol choose to do. Elijah is surprised but accept it, he then turn to look at Kol.

"You know me brother, I love games. Let's go greet our father." Kol showed his vampire face.

Finn put his hand on his shoulder and smiled at his little brother. He looked at Elijah and sighed.

"I blame you lot for how violent our youngest has turned. Let's go then." Elijah smiles seeing his family together like he has always wanted.

"I am not staying at home twirling my thumbs while you all go enjoy a good fight. I just need blood and I'm good to go. This is the first time Mikael will go against all of us I'm excited." Klaus took blood bags and drained them. Soon the person came through the front door.

He can not believe it, his family came together and they are going to help his face his enemies together without the threat of a dagger. He is taking this moment to be emotional before going to appreciate them. He is about to say something when then the big bad comes through the door.

Seeing his children all look at him with anger he came closer. "I take it your sister is laying somewhere in a box?" Mikael looked at them all

"Klaus." He said with hate.

"Mikael." Klaus said with a measured amount of fear in his eyes. He had seen Rebekah disappear in Katherine's territory through the map. He knows Hayley is safe.

"I brought help." Rebekah said coming in behind Mikael.

"Rebekah." Mikael looked at his daughter. He was wrong to think we was dragged but now he is even angrier seeing her ignore him like this.

"Who is this filth you call help?" Mikael asked with amusement.

"So, this is papa Monster. He does seem like an angry Viking." Vicki came in and stood next to Elijah. "Thank you for coming but .." before Elijah finished Vicki finished for him.

"This is a family matter." She looked at him with a smile. "Why do you think we came? We might not be your family...but we follow Mikel." Vicki said shutting down Elijah.

"Sweet. I always found your ability to surround yourself with peasants charming, Elijah. But they will die here today, just like that filthy group all those years ago." Mikael smirked seeing Elijah's anger.

"Nick. When are we going to celebrate your Vic....Tory? What is going on? Who's the angry looking guy? An old friend of yours?" Mikel looked at the tense atmosphere.

"What are you guys doing here? Ooo are we having a party?" Mikel who can't seem to read the room continued walking towards Nick but Mikael got impatient and spend trying to pull out his heart. Mikel dodged lightly and then ran to hide behind Nicklaus.

"Your friends are violent mate." Mikel said showing only his head from behind Nicklaus. Mikel gave something to Nicklaus, upon seeing it, everyone became speechless.

Mikael checked his jacket only to find that it is now empty where he had put his stake. He looked at Mikel and grawls. Mikel hid behind Nicklaus "So scary. Seriously, who is this scary looking dude?"

"His name is Mikaelson." Nicklaus said making Mikel take out of his head from Klaus's back with a surprised expression.

"He is here for dinner?" The clueless Mikel asked making Kol laugh.

"Who are you? How dare you steal from me?!" Mikael looked livid.

"You tried to steal my beating heart from my chest, I just did it better." Mikel rolled his eyes.

"Klaus, come here and die boy! Else that mutt carrying your spon will die miserably. I could smell the stench of your abominable blood in her. Choose, you die or she dies." Mikael smirked at Nicklaus.

"This is between us, today I will finally beat you. No more running, dear father." Klaus said.