
Bonus Chapter

Katherine walked in the darkness as usual. She stopped hoping for something different a long time ago. The only thing that is constant here is the cold, the occasional chilly breeze that would blow against the back of her neck.

Katherine Walker around at first but then got tired and wanted to make a bed using her fox tail but then she remembered that this beast was created to hunt and eat monsters but never a witch, a werewolf or a vampire.

She seats down and meditate on the many spells she has gathered in this world. Katherine had written down thousands of spells for the witch faction and for the inheritance she had left for her children.

She quickly casts a light enchantment creating many white balls that float all over the place lighting up the dark dimension. A peculiar sound came from a distance. It is confusing because she can hear it is coming from everywhere. Katherine quickly realizes these lights are drawing the many creatures in this place toward her.

She decided to run and leave the lights Katherine can see in the dark especially since she has the power over shadow. However, in this place it is somewhat restrained but her stolen witch powers are in perfect condition.

Now that she is inside the place, she needs to quickly leave and meet her babies. She devices a plan she will try her powers if non work, she will resort to magic.

She tried teleporting herself out but ended up in the middle of a large snake with a pair of wings on its back. The snake took one look at her and snorted coldly.

"Move along little cat, this is my territory."

"You can speak! Are you a Devine beast?" Katherine asked in surprise.

"I was human. A witch cursed me and then many centuries later some kind of mud beast found and ate me." The snake spoke while occasionally hissing. 

"May I study your curse?" Katherine asked.

The snake looked at her strangely. Its large reptile eyes gleaming with something. "Are you a witch?"

"No. I am an alchemist." Katherine said.

The two talked and Katherine made a fire with her power and brought out meat to roast. For a moment, Katherine forgot about her mission and decided to take a break. She took out the golden dew and drank it. In her sleep however, she is swallowed by the snake.

Katherine died peacefully and drunk. When she is revived by the skill she stole from Clark, she is surrounded by stomach acid, infuriated by this she light her body on fire incinerating the snake from inside. This reminded Katherine why she was advised to never befriend a snake kin in the heavenly realm.

Huffing, she took a bath. She examined the body of the snake and saw that its poison is still intact. She took out the tools from her space and started harvesting the materials, as a renowned thief in the heavenly realm, she had to learn many skills to survive. But she always said that alchemy is the most powerful arrow in her quiver.

After realizing the giant snake blood is very old and powerful, she decided to collect it. When she saw the remaining blood on the ground an idea came to her. This Malibvo may be fine with her magic since it is at a small scale but what if she drew a magic rune what will draw magic energy from the outside and flood this place with it?

She soon dismissed the idea since there is a chance of it just getting stronger from the influx of magic. There is another way for her to leave this place without the permission from it. She needs to think outside the box.

She soon remembers Katherine's birth family of non witches who excelled in blood magic. Looking at the ancient powerful blood on the ground, she soon got an Idea. Travelers are notorious for possession of other people's bodies.

For this to be successful, there is a spell to erase the other person's subconscious mind and take over. Katherine is planning to put this beast to sleep for good and maybe only then will she be able to bust out of here.

She uses her mental force to move the blood and put the spell on the ground after a long time. Then she arranged for another spell surrounding the first spell, this one is to draw in magic and power the first spell.

It is too big for her on her own, she would need to exhaust her own power which is not ideal when inside enemy territory. This is why she is using the method of gathering medic from the surrounding which will probably weaken the beast even more. 

She stood up and started chanting. Katherine is old enough to know that the very ground she walks on is contaminated by the consciousness of Malibvo. Therefore, her plan will work no matter the location. A minute after the runes lit up Katherine felt the space shake like there is an earthquake but she didn't mind because it means she has its attention.

"The formation is to take away your intelligence. Turning you into a mindless pit that you were always meant to be. Then I would take over control of this place. The fact that you are plotting to wear one of your sons and walk amongst the humans is reason enough for me to do this." A distant roar sounded, Katherine took it as the beast is angry. She internally smirked and continued talking.

"But the reason I am doing it is to get out of here. As soon as the last rune light up and enough magic has been gathered, you will cease to be. Take a good look because this is the last thing you will see. She started chatting but a portal opened up above her.

She smiled and erased the formation allowing the blowing wind to take her away.


"Is this necessary? We learn magic and combat from the most powerful individuals in the world. Or at least that is what they call themselves. Do we really need to move to a small town with a bunch of ignorant brats?" Erna asked her father with a rare look of defiance on her small face.

"The oldest is not wrong father, we are very talented in the ways of witchcraft and we can defend ourselves just fine against an original vampire, why should we subject ourselves to a life of mundane school life and with a bunch of supernatural children?" Hildrum asked with a frown.

"Well, you remember how you behaved in the normal school? I remember one person making a group of students see ghosts in a school trip." Elijah said looking at his youngest son who just shrugged. 

"They said I am lying about that place being haunted. Seeing is believing." Hildrum who likes to be called Rick short for Alrick his second name said unconcerned. 

"Look, you are young and your magic is incredibly powerful which is why you don't see the problem. But as you grow older, you will also grow stronger. You need to be around people who understand while you live a normal life." 

"You are all suppressing your power which is why you are angry all the time and then lashing out out of the blue. You need a place where there are others like you. Make friends and prank people who understand what is going on." Elijah said with a serious face.

He wants his children to be happy, lately they are getting too magical for him to handle on his own. Nadia condones their bad behavior sometimes which is why he needs a better environment for them. At the age of ten, the triplets went to the Salvatore school for the gifted.


Katherine teleported to the estate in Mystic falls. She doesn't know why she decided to come to this place. 

May opened the door and stared at her for the longest time before letting her inside. "Katherine!" Mikel stood up and checked her up and down noting the blood all over her clothes. He felt an overwhelming urge to hug her

"Don't worry it isn't my blood." Katherine assured him and then went to sleep. There were times she would sleep in that place but she prefers the feeling of sleeping here in her home.

The available pack members didn't dare make noise and just waited for her to wake up. When she did, it was already a day later. Katherine's nightmares are now even more rampant than before. It is probably the constant darkness surrounding her in the Malibvo.

Her decision to marry Elijah back then was foolish to say the least and she knows that now. She is better off building a robot that will never disappoint her if she ever feels like having a man by her side.

"Kat, can you tell us what happened?" Annabelle asked her with heartache. They were so worried.

Katherine told them what happened and assured them she is fine but in fact she is not fine. They told her that Elijah and his siblings can not meet each other without creating some sort of disaster and that he is raising the children all this time with their help and that of Nadia who is in a serious relationship with Enzo.

Katherine is actually struggling with the news that she has been inside that beast for nearly a decade and the fact that she couldn't fall asleep with the lights off, her sleep kept getting disturbed by bad dreams.

She went to her old boiler room and made a spirit cleansing medicine that is used to soak herself in. After taking a long bath, she felt much lighter than before. Knowing that she can not force someone to help her sleep anymore, she will have to have this medicinal bath everyday.

Knowing where the children are, she decided to become involved in this school and live amongst her cubs.

Walking into the school whose gates are not guarded, it came as a surprise that no one stops her as she makes her way to the inside. She sees a fast moving Alaric Saltzman. Following him she witnessed him training with a young girl and she can hold her own against a grown man.

"Amazing isn't it?" A beautiful woman whom Katherine heard approaching a while ago speaks.

"His aging body is slowing her progress." Katherine said, her words made the woman stunned.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I am Katherine." She said calmly.

"I am Emma."

"Charmed." Katherine said watching the fight. 

"May I help you with something Katherine?" The woman named Emma asked.

"You can show me to my room. I am here to oversee the training of the triplets." Katherine answered lightly.

"The Pierce triplets?" Emma asked.

"Yes." Although she is surprised that Elijah allowed the children to be called by her family name. 

"There is no need to oversee anything we are all very professional here at the Salvatore school." Emma said frowning. When Emma looked at Her face she seemed to be stunned and then confused and then suspicious. 

"Are you..?" She wanted to ask but didn't know if she will be imposing. 

"A Petrova doppelganger? Yes." She said with a nonchalance expression. 

"Anyways, like I was saying there is no need for supervision." Emma opted to return to topic when she found herself without a response to Katherine's introduction.

"That is for me to decide. Do you know I walked in through the front gate? Is it because this school is built in a small town that you feel so safe, you have no one guarding the gates?" Katherine asked Emma who doesn't have an answer.

"Those three are a very noble existence in my clan and I am here to make sure they are well taken care of." Katherine pressed. Emma kept silent deciding to let Alaric take care of it. Katherine moved around the place noticing Emma following her but a small distance away. She saw five children playing together.

Katherine stood still as if electrocuted on the spot. Three of the children are her own children. She can feel their blood, her Fox got excited and jumped out of her body while the three kids smaller foxed also came out to embrace each other. 

In the middle of a grass field where the preschool children gather to play games, a giant fox spirit with five multicolored large tails hugged three smaller fox spirits with the same illusory pink color.

The scene is very touching. Emma has watery eyes at this moment. She looked at Katherine who had walked towards the children squatted down and gave them a big hug.

Erna is the first to speak when the hug is over. "Who are you?"

"I am Katherine Pierce. But you can call me mom." She tried to smile.

"Are you our mom?" Andy asked looking at her with suspicion. His little eyes squinted making him look cute.

"I am." She admitted.

"Where did you go?" Hildrum or Alrick asked with a frown.

"It is a dark place. I will tell you about it after you have grown up." She explained.

"Why are you here now?" Erna asked her folding her small arms like an annoyed princess.

"I missed you my babies. That is why I came. Do you not want me?" She asked with a little sadness.

"Not if you are going to leave again." Andy said sternly.

"No. I will be by your side for as long as I can. Is that okay?" She took them towards a spot by the garden and sat there with them.

"Is that your spirit fox?" The three watched as the fox spirits played around in the field. 

"Yes, she is very powerful. Just like yours." Katherine and the kids sat by the garden talking for a long time before Alaric Saltzman came and interrupted them.

A while later Katherine is seated in his office surrounded by Emma, Dorian and the head master Alaric Saltzman. They are asking many questions which annoyed Katherine.

"How do I know that you are indeed their mother? And what's with that look?" Alaric asked the one thing that has been bothering him ever since he laid eyes on her.

Katherine rolled her eyes looking at him. She stood up and walked towards him with her aura suddenly turning gloomy. "I was born with this face. Alaric Saltzman." Looking in the eyes that seem to be saying he'll die if he said something unpleasant, he shut his mouth. 

"Are you a Petrova doppelganger? We know there is one every 500 years it's just you look...." Dorian lost words.

"I was running from Klaus and was fortunate enough to get a blessing from a beast god. Who gave me a beast spirit, all I had to do was nurture its power and defeat my enemies." Katherine lied through her teeth.

"Where?" Dorian asked with an excited expression.

"She came to me." She answered.

"So did you go after Klaus?" Alaric asked.

"I did. But then I married his brother so there was a conflict of interest." Katherine shook her head.

"So, why have you come?" Alaric asked.

"I came to be close to my children. Is that a problem for you?" She asked him.

"Parents can absolutely visit...." Dorian started to say but is cut off by Katherine. 

"I am staying here."

"That ..." Emma looked thoughtful. "You are here to help them learn how to work with their fox spirit?" Emma asked her as if she has suddenly gained enlightenment.

"Yes. That is what I am here to do. It is not like you people can do it." Katherine decided to agree to this. 

"Alright then. I will schedule a period for your tutoring." Emma said hoping to find common ground.

"Once a day." Katherine offered.

"No. Three times a week." Emma said but Katherine gave her a look.

"You can only start after we have called and verified your identity with the children's adoptive father." Alaric said calling Elijah.

"Hello." She hasn't heard Elijah's voice for a long time before she left but she can not forget it.

"There is a woman named Katherine Pierce here claiming to be the triplets mother." The line went silent. After a while Elijah spoke. "Give her the phone."

Alaric did that, Katherine took the phone "Hello." She said.

"Why did you go there instead of going to the clan first?"

"Why ask questions whose answer is obvious? Just acknowledge me as the mother so they will stop interrogating me like a criminal and let me be with my children." Katherine said gloomily.

"Did you speak to the children already?"


"You should have talked to me first." He said with obvious displeasure.

"Excuse me?" Now her displeasure is obvious. Elijah just sighed "I am on my way. In the mean time don't approach the children it will just confuse them."

"Did you tell them I died?" Katherine is now suspicious. The anger in her tone make the people in the room hold their breaths. 

"Nothing like that just wait for me and try not to cause a scene." He said and she just chuckled.

"It's like you don't know me at all." She dropped the call. Looking at the people in the room she smiled kindly. "Show me to my room please."

Dorian shuddered and took a step back. "Why is that even scarier than when she wasn't smiling?" He whispered to Emma.

"Come with me." She is led to a spacious room that is supposed to be for a teacher. Katherine took out her own bed and fell asleep. She treasures sleep these days.

"If someone finds us we will be in danger."

"But aren't you curious? A fox spirit and aunt Elena's face?"

"Even so, this is wrong."

"Then you shouldn't have come." Katherine heard this argument outside her room and erected a space barrier that will make it impossible for anyone to touch her door and enter her room.

She then fell asleep right after. When she woke up it was the next day. Katherine used the bathroom in the room and got into a simple dress. She went out but came face to face with Elijah Mikaelson surrounded by three children.

"Can you sleep so soundly now?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Good morning everyone. Why aren't you in class?" She ignored him and asked her children.

"We are going home. Will you come with us?" Erna asked her mother looking down as if worried Katherine will disappear at any moment.

"Sure. When are you guys leaving?"

"As soon as you are ready." Elijah answered.

Katherine looked back and put her bed inside the dimension. The three children widened their eyes, the only one they have seen do this is Paige and their cool older sister Nadia.

They drove home. In the car the children kept testing her. Little Erna asked her who named them and where were they born.

When they finally arrived, she saw that their home in the back house in the resort where she had stayed after coming back from New Orleans.

They had dinner and went to sleep but Elijah took her into her old study.

"Why did you really come?"

"Excuse me?"

"You chose to disappear rather than staying. You abandoned us." The veins in this forehead became prominent the angrier he got. 

Katherine slapped him to the ground enraged by his words. "Watch your mouth Mikaelson or I will stuff it full of your insides." She looked pissed. Her eyes are like those of her spirit fox. "Listen to me Elijah Mikaelson I am here to raise my children whether you like it or not." She gave him a hard stare as he swiftly got up and stood on his feet.
