
The Fox's Lament

what happens when you fall in love with a mystical being?

Ryanna_Jasmine · ファンタジー
36 Chs

Chapter 11

Kingsley groaned as he opened his eyes to adjust to his new environment. He stared up at the violet skies which held no moon or sun, nor did it have any clouds or birds in sight. Ezra walked towards him, looking like the sudden change of scenery didn't bother him.

"I hope you're not hurt; I'm not used to travelling with other beings." Ezra said and helped Kingsley up.

"Where are we?" Kingsley asked and Ezra sighed before answering him.

"In a realm where waters don't flow and skies don't exist, where creatures of folktale and myth co-exist. It's the Kingdom of Kitsune. I'm sorry, I get carried away about this place, I only hope that it goes back to the way it used to be." The sadness in the man's eyes was evident and illuminated from all sides of him, an aura Kingsley couldn't quite comprehend. He understood it quite well, he shouldn't feel how he currently did.

Having the feeling of bliss, knowing he may be able to see her again. To hold and tell her, that he couldn't live without her any longer, that she had unrightfully become such a big part of his life and her leaving caused him so much emptiness. She could have forgotten about him by now.

"That's unlikely human. Very unlikely." Ezra said and began to walk towards civilization. Kingsley's eyes widened. But he wouldn't ask, he was dealing with a kind he may never understand. He followed him down to the gold platted roads, and gasped at how beautiful it all was.

"Is this the world she wouldn't tell me about?" Kingsley said, suddenly feeling saddened.

"I'm sure she had her reasons, human. His highness awaits your presence."

"His highness? What for?" Kingsley asked perplexed and Ezra tilted his head towards the gigantic twin buildings up what seemed like hills or mountains. One shone like the sun and had such energy Kingsley felt immediately drawn to. Next to it was one that had markings of what seemed like a moon deity. Beautiful, and blazed like moon's rays.

"You will soon find out human." Ezra said and continued their walk towards the palace. When he approached the gates, Kingsley only had to put a foot inside, all the staff and servants present went on their knees, their faces on the ground. Ezra ushered him in, past the strange events. Inside, was an even bigger mystery.

"This place has history, it's where the first sibling rivalry ever took place and the sun and moon deities decided to build a palace to commemorate the event. Inside, paintings move, telling of our past, statues never still, but protect its people creating a barrier that had protected our people for millennia. Unfortunately, we are left vulnerable to an attack, because we didn't have our deities, now, that's about to change." Kingsley listened and looked around, at first spooked by what he saw. Indeed, the paintings did move, but one in particular told a fascinating tale.

A woman in vast fields with hair that had the bright red blaze of fire, she had golden eyes, and full beautiful lips. She was smiling to a man who approached her. She looked so happy, but what was more is that he had seen that smile before. One full of love, sincerity and yet anguish. The man kissed her and picked her up in his arms, before, the scene changed.

Now the woman was in a room, at the corner, holding a blanket to her chest, her face was bloodied, and her face was showing how scared she was. The man from before held up a scythe and without mercy killed her, right through the throat. Kingsley jumped back and breathed heavily. The last thing he saw was a girl standing by the door, a little girl who hadn't deserved to witness any of it. Nikita.

"Human, you're burning up what have you seen?" Ezra said shaking Kingsley back to the real world. Kingsley looked up at him, lacking words he shook his head and shrugged. His breath shook, were they Nikita's parents, if so was that her mother?

"We need to move." Kingsley said and they approached the throne room's entrance, he entered and all who were in it stood up, but Ezra held his arm in a tight grip and whispered in his ear.

"If you want to see the princess again, do not follow a single word the emperor tells you. For both your sakes, Kingsley." Kings nodded and they continued to walk down the purple aid out carpet. The King smiled and rose as Kingsley bowed before him.

"Finally, we meet face to face. Human." The King said and Kingsley flinched, he had such a booming voice.

"We do, your majesty. May I gladly know why you requested my presence." Kingsley said and lifted his head. He knew he should have respect, but how when anger boiled in him like this? He's the man the painting told of, the murderer and the one who banished Nikita from her home. The bastard.

"What intensions did you have with the future leader of our Kingdom, laying a finger on a royal can cause your death. But we can improvise, if you do me something in return...I oppose of my daughter's marriage to the sun deity, she's far too young for this. I want you to convince her otherwise. Will that be too difficult she should not make the link before you have stopped it all, understood?"

"Yes, your highness." But where was Nikita herself?

"Ezra, excellent job as always I will make sure you are highly rewarded, state your price before the break of silver dawn." Ezra just bowed and led Kingsley away to the guest quarters, stating the King never gave such favors to no one and he quickly left before he could transform. Transformations he had only seen Nikita undergo once.

When he was alone, he realized just how much his heart ached, his body too. This had all been overwhelming. He laid down at the bed provided and in no time, he found his eyes had shut drifting off peacefully to an everlasting slumber.