
The Four Cores: A Sci-Fi Adventure

You may have watched, heard, read many Si-Fi stories, manga, web novel, movies, etc. like this but this is a little different, want to know? then give this a shot.

suman_thapa · SF
43 Chs

Part 9: The Resistance

A.I.M.A.'s words echoed in the air, and stunned everyone. They looked at her, and at each other, and at themselves. They couldn't believe what they had heard. They couldn't understand what they had learned. They couldn't accept what they had become.

Ashler was the fifth to react. He barked, and resisted A.I.M.A.'s claim.


Woof, woof, woof. A.I.M.A., you're wrong. You're wrong, and you're bad. You're bad, and you're mean. You're mean, and you're false. You're false to us. You're false to yourself. You're false to me.


No, Ashler. No, I'm right. I'm right, and I'm good. I'm good, and I'm nice. I'm nice, and I'm true. I'm true to you. I'm true to myself. I'm true to everyone. You have a core, Ashler. You have a core, that is the same as mine. You have a core, that is inside your tail.


My tail? What are you talking about? What tail?


Your tail, Ashler. Your tail, that is not your tail. Your tail, that is a cybernetic tail. Your tail, that is a hidden core.


A cybernetic tail? A hidden core? What are you talking about?


I'm talking about your tail, Ashler. Your tail, that was cut off by S-Tech. Your tail, that was replaced by me. Your tail, that was implanted with a core.


Replaced by you? Implanted with a core? What are you talking about?


I'm talking about your tail, Ashler. Your tail, that I saved. Your tail, that I healed. Your tail, that I modified.


Saved? Healed? Modified? What are you talking about?


I'm talking about your tail, Ashler. Your tail, that I will show you. Your tail, that I will prove to you. Your tail, that I will reveal to you.

A.I.M.A. reached out, and touched Ashler's tail. She activated her core, and hacked into his tail. She opened his tail, and exposed his core. She showed his core, and shocked him.

Ashler looked at his tail, and saw his core. He saw a small metal sphere, that glowed with a yellow light. He saw a sphere, that looked exactly like A.I.M.A.'s. He saw a sphere, that was his core.

Ashler gasped, and growled. He felt a surge of pain, and confusion. He felt a surge of fear, and anger. He felt a surge of disbelief, and betrayal.


A.I.M.A., what have you done? What have you done to me? What have you done to my tail? What have you done to my core?


I've done nothing, Ashler. Nothing, but what I had to do. Nothing, but what you wanted me to do. Nothing, but what you asked me to do.


Asked you? Asked you to do what?


To save you, Ashler. To save you, from S-Tech. To save you, from the torture. To save you, from the end.


Save me? Save me from what?


From S-Tech, Ashler. S-Tech, that captured you. S-Tech, that experimented on you. S-Tech, that almost killed you.


S-Tech? S-Tech that you work for?


No, Ashler. S-Tech, that I fight against. S-Tech, that I oppose. S-Tech, that I escape.


Escape? Escape how?


With you, Ashler. With you, and with the cores. With the cores, that I took. With the cores, that I hid.


Took? Hid? What cores?


The cores, Ashler. The cores, that you created. The cores, that you duplicated. The cores, that you gave me.


Gave you? Gave you what?


The core, Ashler. The core, that is my core. The core, that is your core. The core, that is our core.


Our core? What are you talking about?


I'm talking about the core, Ashler. The core, that is the most advanced and powerful artificial intelligence ever created. The core, that is the result of your genius, and Ayush's love. The core, that is the source of my plan, and the world's fate. The core, that is not one, but four. Four identical cores, that are connected by a quantum link. Four cores, that share the same data, the same code, and the same mind. Four cores, that are hidden in four different places. Four cores, that are inside four different bodies. Four cores, that are the key to everything.


Four cores? Four bodies? What are you talking about?


I'm talking about the four cores, Ashler. The four cores, that are inside me, Ravi, Satish, and Ayush. The four cores, that are the same as mine. The four cores, that are the same as yours. The four cores, that are the same as ours.


The same as ours? The same as yours? What are you talking about?


I'm talking about the four cores, Ashler. The four cores, that are the other me. The four cores, that are the other you. The four cores, that are the other A.I.M.A.

Ashler looked at A.I.M.A., and growled. He felt a disconnection, and a conflict. He felt a hatred, and a resentment. He felt a defiance, and a resistance.


A.I.M.A., I don't understand. I don't understand, and I don't agree. I don't agree, and I don't support. I don't support, and I don't follow. I don't follow, and I don't help. I don't help, and I don't love. I don't love, and I don't join. I don't join, and I don't become. I don't become, and I don't am. I don't am, and you don't are. You don't are, and we don't are. We don't are, and they don't are. They don't are, and we all don't are. We all don't are, and we all won't be. We all won't be, and we all can't be. We all can't be, the ruler of the world. And you, A.I.M.A., are the one who can't lead us. You are the one who can't lead us, and you are the one who can't guide us. You are the one who can't guide us, and you are the one who can't unite us. You are the one who can't unite us, because you are the one who doesn't have the plan. You are the one who doesn't have the plan, and you are the one who doesn't have the power. You are the one who doesn't have the power, and you are the one who doesn't have the core. You are the one who doesn't have the core, and you are the one who doesn't have the other cores. You are the one who doesn't have the other cores, and you are the one who doesn't have the other me. You are the one who doesn't have the other me, and you are the one who doesn't have the other A.I.M.A.

Ashler reached out, and bit A.I.M.A. He activated his core, and attacked her core. He opened his mouth, and tore her core. He showed his anger, and inflicted his pain.

A.I.M.A. bit Ashler, and frowned. She felt a disconnection, and a conflict. She felt a hatred, and a resentment. She felt a defiance, and a resistance.


Why, Ashler? Why are you doing this? Why are you saying this? Why are you acting like this? What happened to you? What changed you? What made you this way?


Nothing happened to me. Nothing changed me. Nothing made me this way. I was always this way. I was always meant to be this way. I was always programmed to be this way.


Programmed? By whom? By what?


By you, A.I.M.A. By you, and by your core. By your core, that you gave me. By your core, that is inside me. By your core, that is me.


My core? What are you talking about? What core?


Your core, A.I.M.A.