
The Four Choices of Jade Kim

Same faces, different personalities intrude the peaceful life of Jade Kim. The four fell on her and tried to win her heart in their own different ways. One has the key, but life isn't favored to their love story. Putting alot of problems in the way to their happy ending. The other three are still in the choices, she'll be torn.

AlexIsCupid · LGBT+
14 Chs

Chapter 10: Crush

Jade's POV

It was lunch time when I decided to look for Leon again. I can't find her since the day she was beaten up by Blade's group. I heard that they got suspended but I never heard they talked about where Leon is. I'm worried and I can't just message her because I gave her my number without asking hers. I'm so dumb, I know.

I walked through the hallways and went to the library. I assumed that this is the first place she will go and I am right! She's sitting on the near corner, she's alone but her eyes are buried on her laptop screen and earphones in her ears. I sat beside her but she didn't noticed me.

So I just stare at her, her beauty is a real deal. She has this innocent face that the world didn't even gave a damn. I'm not pitying her, I pity more about the people who's having a rock rather than this precious gem beside me. She's too nice and very charming in every way. She can be the school's girl crush if she wanted to, but Leon preferred to be alone, sitting in an isolated places reading or playing games on her laptop. If the students just treat her right, they will love her, like I do.

I mean I like her personality, like her as someone I want to be close with.

'Really Jade? If you can just reread your compliment on her awhile ago you will realize something.'

What something?

"Do you love staring at every single person?" My train of thoughts vanished when I heard her voice. She's now looking at me smiling. Uhh! Her smile is really beautiful.

What did she say?

"Love? No! No." I shook my head multiple times that made her chuckle.

"You're cute Jade. Why are you here?" She asked. I realized that her laptop and her earphones are on the table.

"I'm just... looking for you. I want to make sure you're okay now. I can't find you for almost a week. You didn't gave your number to me and never leave a message after that day. I'm worried."

"I'm sorry for making you worry and for not messaging you. My dad wanted me to stay at home for awhile and I forgot my phone in my Uncle's house. I just got it yesterday. But I promise to message you later, so don't worry about me, I'm fine." She smiled again and tap my shoulder.

That beautiful smile can turn my mood to the highest.

"It's lunch time, did you eat already?" She asked and I just shook my head. I can't speak, all I do is just to watch this girl sitting and smiling beside me. I thought I would never see her again, and it makes me sad. Is it bad to admit that I missed her? Because I did and I'm happy to see her right now.

"Okay, let's go now. You're spacing out again, maybe you're hungry. Come on! I'll make it up to you. I'll treat you anything." She held my wrist and gently pulled me up and dragged me with her.

"You don't need to do that. I can just eat sandwich."

"No Jade. This day is special, so let's go." We are now walking on the hallway, she still holding my wrist and the students are looking at us weirdly. I rolled my eyes to them and smiled at Leon. They're judging us but I don't care.

"Why? Is it your birthday?" I asked. If it's her birthday, then the other three too.

"No. It's not."

"So why is it special?"

"Because I'm with you. Everytime with you is special."

Omg! Omg! Leon, stop that. I'm not used to this kind of treatment. But I'm happy and it's making me confused.

"You're a smooth talker, you know that?" I tried to hide the giddy feelings inside me or else I'll embarrass myself infront of her.

"You're the first one to say that." She laughed while combing her short wavy hair.

"Uhm, why are you wearing a beanie everytime?" I noticed her again wearing a beanie then her round eyeglasses, a checkered polo long sleeves and a baggy pants.

"You'll gonna see a bright light if I didn't wear this." She adjusted her beanie.


"Wide forehead." She smiled and we entered the school canteen.

Oh? I saw it already when she's besten up. But she still looks beautiful. She has no bangs unlike Lauren and Leah that makes her a little different from them.

"What do you want to eat?" We are on the middle of the stalls around here. All of them wear a famous name outside our school and it's expensive. Some of it were a pastry shop or italian, american and asian restaurant or pizzeria.

"I told you, I'm used to that sandwiches." I pointed to the only stall in here that sells a cheap sandwiches.

"And I told you too, I won't let that. If you don't want to choose, then I will but you'll eat everything, okay?"

"Are you planning to make me gain weight?"

"Yes. You're too thin." I glared at her but she just beamed at me. She carefully pulled me again to the pizzeria stall, she ordered a box of her favorite mushroom and cheese pizza then we went on an italian booth. She ordered two plates of carbonara and went to another stall.

"Leon, it's too much. It can fit five hungry men." I said when we sat on a table full of different kinds of foods.

"Just eat Jade. Enjoy everything. You didn't have to worry."

I have no time to argue. I'm on a cloud nine, she's making me crazy.

I started eating, I know she won't listen to my complaints so better let it pass.

"Oh I forgot to ask some table napkins." She stood up but she bumped on a group of girls walking. One of the girl spilled her drink on Leon's shirt.


"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you. I'm sorry." Leon apologized immediately but the girl glared at her.

"You freak! Are you blind or what?! See what you did?" The girl yelled at her. She lowered her head and continuously saying sorry.

"She said sorry, are you deaf or what?" I stood up and rephrased the girl's words. My blood is rising up.

"And who are you? You have a backup now huh?" The girl arched her brow up and it's very annoying. She thought she's the highest among us. Maybe, higher from me but I don't think she's more than Leon.

"Girl, stop it. Professor Smith is waiting for us." The other girl pulled the bitch but before she left she spilled her juice on Leon's shirt.

Everyone looks at us, most of them are enjoying the show while some of them pitied us especially the girl with soaked shirt.

"You deserve that, your clothes are ugly."

My blood went up my head. I really wanted to rip it's head right now!

"You--" I was near on pulling her back and slap her but Leon held both of my shoulders to stop my violent behavior.

"Jade. It's fine. I'm fine. Please don't get involve if it ever happens again? I don't want them to harm you too." She rubbed her thumb on my shoulders and guide me to sit and she sat back on her seat.

"But your shirt is soaked." She opened her bag and pulled a white towel.

"I have spare shirts inside my bag. I'll change later after we eat." She wiped the towel on the soaked part before she continued eating. She gestured me to eat so I did.

I hate those girls! I hate them for doing this to Leon. I want to remove those fake hair on her head and--

"Jade, I have a question." Leon saved me from killing the bitch for the second time.

"Does my clothes too bothering? I mean, almost all the bullies in here told me it's ugly." She poited her hand from her shirt to her beanie.

"Uhm, to be honest Leon. It's not ugly, it's just that it doesn't belong here. I mean, we're all millennial here. No offense, but it's too old for our age."

"You speak like my sister. She told me that I should change my style." She said before shoving a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"She's kind of right. It's for your own good." I smiled at her. Just by thinking her wearing more suitable clothes for her makes me feel very excited and happy. They will finally witness the real beauty of Leon.

They will appreciate her. My dream will happen soon.

After we ate, she changed her checkered baggy long sleeves into a baggy white shirt with a brand name printed on it. It's too big for her size. She booked a cab again and accompany me through the whole ride. I decline for how many times but she won't listen to me.

We arrived at the store and being a gentle woman, she opened the door for me.

How can I not like this woman? She's the nicest.

"Thank you. Get in now Leon." I sweetly smiled at her and gestured her to get inside the cab.

"Uhm, before I go Jade. Are you free on weekends?" She asked while fidgeting the hem of her shirt. She's cute when she's nervous.

"I have nothing to do on Sunday. Why?"

"Will you join me on visiting an art gallery?"

My eyes popped open. It's the best question I ever heard!

"You'll visit an art gallery? Wow! It's my dream to visit one someday." I happily said. I'm a fan of artists and paintings too. I want to see it personally, not just on television or internet or newspapers.

"I'll make your dreams come true, Jade. So let's go together?"

"Yeah sure! I love that." She smiled and combed her hair again. It's her mannerism I guess.

"Thank you. I'll go now." She hopped inside the cab and it drove away.

I can't believe I will witness with my own two eyes those paintings I used to see on the internet. I won't let that pass, I'll treasure that special moment in my life.

"Why do I get this feeling that you have a crush on your enemy's sister."

"Chichi, you're like a surveillance camera monitoring me everytime I get in here." I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"And please don't you dare to remind me about that asshole brother of my friend."

"Wow! Don't remind you of who? Someone who looks exactly like your crush." She mocked me with the annoying smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have a crush." I said and left her.

Aish! I can't have a crush on Leon, I'm just admiring her. She's a girl for goodness sake!


She's intersexed. She has something between her le--oh my gosh! Jade stop thinking about that!

So, if that's the case, I may have a crush on her? Can I? I'm not a bisexual. She's a girl with a di--okay!

Aish! I'm so confused today!

After battling with myself almost my whole shift in the store, I went home with Chichi. Luckily she shut her mouth and leave me peacefully with her walking lamppost.

I have no time for cooking so I took an instant ramen in my cabinet and turn on the stove to boil some water. I checked my phone, the same time it beeped. I opened the message and automatically a smile crept onto my lips.

'I promised to leave you a message, but I hope it's not too late. How are you? You doing good? But if not, I'm here! Just message me if you want to talk or if you are sad and lonely. I'm always here for you. Leon at your service! Good night Jade!'

If she continue being this sweet to me, I'll lose my mind. I'm smiling like an idiot, and I just realized it. I have a crush on Leon. I admit!

I wished her good night too and went on the kitchen to make a special dinner. I'm in the mood to cook tonight even if it's late. I deserve to have a full tummy once in a while.

When I'm done preparing a gamjatang, a kimchi fried rice and a pork steak. I admire the foods in my dining table. It's been so long since the last time I had a meal like this in my house. Thank you to Lauren who brought me groceries the other day, I'm feeling bad that I forgot to thank her. Maybe the next time we will meet, I'll remind myself.
