

Ben is a child growing under the watchful eyes of his auncle and wife. He has lost both his father and mother on the same spot when he was five years old. He can not even recognize them clearly except for their portraits which is the only thing he has inherited from them. He always lives a miserable life whenever he thinks about the ordeal of his parents.

Though his auncle is taking a good care of him, he has always wished he was with his parents. He thinks life would be happier if he was growing under the care of his parents. Whenever his cousin Wahiz suppresses him, he always feels the absence of his parents.

Death is the only enemy of man that no one has ever dared to confront. He does whatever pleases him to anyone of his choice not minding the person's status, background, legacy or power. Everyone is subjected to the authority of death regardless of one's capacity or influence in the society or family. If death comes, he does not want to look at anybody's responsibilities; wether you are important or neutral, breadwinner or dependent, all he wants is his own will and nothing more or less.

As a result, everyone has started learning to live in hope and expectation that one day, one will have to lay down one's life to Mr. death. Every victim of the deceased will have to endure it since everyone has his own time to die.

Wakim, Ben's auncle is trying in all ramifications to ensure a position of father to Ben but it seems the more he tries, the more he fails. Nothing is hidden under the sun. Every hidden things will one day evolve to be seen by every eyes. And that is why it is often adviced that one should not keep what must be known, a secret for a very long time since it will look suspicious when evatually beheld later. There are truths that are very difficult to be unfolded and accepted but the mistery remains that the truth prevails at the end. People try strictly to unravel some truths that will deteriorate their image but how much farther can one run ahead of one's shadow? What none can ever fathom is tomorrow because it always remains a mistery. What happens tomorrow is always unfortunate. No matter how hard one tries, one can only try one's own possible best.

Wakim strictly has severally warned his children never to delude Ben into the circumstance of awe. He is trying to make sure that Ben gets the benefits of parents even in the absence of his own biological parents. Children will always be children especially the immatured ones, Wahiz rudely cautions Ben and reminds him that he is an orphan and even warns him to mind the way he drags things with him in his father's compound or else he will deprive him the comfort he enjoys from his father. At this juncture, Ben will have no other choice than to burst into uncontrollable mourning. He always feels unquenchable aggrieved. His grievance is not always because of the words of his cousin but he gets perplexed about how his own cousin whom he confides so much to be his brother has rootlessly turned against him. The only comfort he has is on his auncle who never allows even a single drop of tears from his eyes.

Contrarily, Bella, Wahiz's younger sister is not a replica of her elder brother. She sees Ben as her own brother and gives him refuge over her elder brother. Each time Ben feels anxious, she would pecify him and tries to remind him that he has no relationship with the dead. "Look, she continued, the only people you should lean on are our parents and friends who are reliable. Don't be swayed by the demise of your parents. Instead, allow the living to show you a romantic reason to live. No matter how much you falter, they cannever come back to life. So, please get over their memory and fucose on your future which is the splendid reason why you came into this world. Let me tell you, everything that happens on earth happens for a reason. You don't know if the death of your parents is the part of your destiny because you and I know that nothing happens in this world unless it is mandated from the heavens."

"Thank you sister." Ben replied, "you are the only person that sees worth in my existence in this house. But Bella, what do you think it is an explicit reason why elder brother hates me so brutally? It baffles me that someone I have thought and hoped should be a bandage on my would is turning out to be a salt in it. Whenever I think about elder brother's attitude and relation towards me I feel so much mitigated. I feel I have no reason to exist in this broad world. I just wonder why he is so different from you and dad."

"Ben . Listen to me, Wahiz does not hate you. He is only jealous that you may be a threat to his inheritance from our parents. That's all. But you don't have to let that get into you so deeply. I'm sure that with time, he is going to understand the relevance of being in good terms with family members especially a wonderful brother like you and he will retrace his step and appreciate your status. Okay!"

" No. It may be jealous now but jealous can give birth to hatred which inturn will bear hostility. That's just my fear. I just don't know why elder brother thinks I'm a threat to him when I'm nothing more than a refugee here, although dad treats me like his own son. He should understand that I will not accept it if dad gives me anything which he does not accept. He is only making my stay in this house unbearable to me." Tears roll down his checks.

" Ben, please don't do this, seeing your tears burns my heart. My heart feels so heavy whenever I see you cry. Please don't let elder brother take away all your joy. Ok!" Bella comforts. " Okay, look I will try explaining your position over to him. I'm sure he will understand and feel sorry for all his treacherousness towards you."

No Bella. Wahiz's hatred to me has grown beyond repair. He is already wishing I join my parents.

"Ben! Please stop!" She covers his mouth with her right palm and rubs her left palm on his back. "My brother is not that mean. Okay. He will never although he feels unease about your stay here, wish you death. He is only trying to make sure that his right is safe. That's all. Ok, I will explain this through with mum and let's see what she does about it. Is that okay by you?" Ben keeps mute but looks at her in agreement.

Merina, Bella's mother does not readily feel good about the disposition of Mr. Wakim towards Ben. She believes that if Ben is taken good care of, he will emerge to be greater than their own children. She never supported her husband in taking care of Ben. She seizes every opportunity to complain about Ben's efforts in the house. She complains that Ben is lazy, she says that he eats too much and she also complains that Ben parades himself about in the house. She in several occasions coaxed her husband to send Ben away or better still, give him a hard time so that he will be frustrated and loose his fucose in life and his household will take over his entire Jorbon family.

Jorbon is the father of Denson, Ben's father, and Wakim. Jorbon was a great hunter and the greatest farmer in the whole of zeon kingdom and as a result, owned the largest yam barn in the whole of zeon at large. He also had the largest hectares of land in the whole of zeon and his plantation was the biggest. He setted two fields where he reared palm trees, two other fields where he grew timbers and another two garden where he reared cattles and goats. He built everything in pairs according to the number of his sons so that there should be no rivalry amongst his children when he passed away.

Denson was the eldest son while Wakim was the youngest. The two brothers lived in harmony and supported each other. Jealous and hatred were never seen from within them. Their mother Malinda cherished their relationship and prayed this continues for their generation.

Before Jorbon died, he divided his property in accordance with his intentions of planting his fields an gifted his family land (the land surrounding his compound where he cultivated his favourite crops) to late Mr Denson, his eldest son which is in accordance with the norms of their land. Wakim never felt jealous about the extra portion his elder brother had received. He is completely satisfied with his own portion because it is already enough for him to carry out his farming operations and rear his own animals.

It is normal if the elder brother wishes to share his gifted property with his sibling(s). So, Denson cut out a portion from the land his father has gifted him and gave his brother. Wakim refused the land because he never expected it and also because he does not even need it but since his brother insisted, he collected it. The two of them lived and shared things in common. People recommended their relationship to other families who are living in chaos. They were a role model to every families in the whole of zeon.

When Denson died, it pained Wakim dithyrambically. It took him years to get over his brother. He never sees anybody that can give him love and care his brother bestored on him. Even when they were married and lived in their respective homes, he was still caring and standing firmly in the problems of his younger brother Wakim. He never abandoned him in his subjective quandaries. Also, Denson was an experienced man he practically had a savvy on every hurdle that came his artery and because of this, Wakim never saw any rigor complicated since he always consulted his brother and he would provide an intellect elucidation in a prompt response.

Also Denson served the best experienced martial artist in the whole of zeon and he graduated a great fighter too. He was one of the veteran warriors of the zeon kingdom. Zeon has conquered and subjugated many tribes and nations via the comrades who had fought alongside Denson. He has in several occasions being appointed a custodian to their troop and has triumphed in each of his conquests. The King often contemplated of making him the general of the zeon army during those times.

The fame served as a defensive armor to the whole of the Jorbon family at Large. No one dared to confront anybody from even the zeon kingdom because of the memory of Denson. He was the public figure of the zeon kingdom overall. People ruminated he took after the legacy of his late father and followed his footsteps to greatness since his father was the most influential man in the whole of zeon and neighboring kingdoms, and this adds to the prominence of the zeon nation.

Denson was a man of mission, he always made sure everything he started was carried out to it's fullest completion. He was simply, humble, honest, jovial and loving. He was caring that he made sure everyone was carried along in everything he did. He never mingled in the counsel of rebellion. He was a Patriotic man and never implemented anything that will mar the image of zeon. He never lived for himself but for others especially his nation.

Hence, he sees his brother as his limbs and believed living would be impossible without his brother. He always stood in the forefront of his brother's challenges. He cared and protected him as if he was his own father. Even when their parents died, Wakim never felt their demise passionately because Denson already filled the gap. Wakim never felt hankering as long as his brother lived. He was more like chicks under the mother hen's feather whenever he experienced danger. He always snored at his bed knowing that his brother was there for him.

On the other hand, the soldiers of zeon fought in each battle like they were not afraid of death being comrades with Denson. They had fought and plundered many tribes and nations that has dared them. The King himself finds alots of relief whenever he remembered Denson in his stockade. He was never a hesitant of a war declaration over their rivalries because he confided on his soldiers, Denson comrades.

Every other surrounding kingdoms fear out of their wits for zeon because they are never a match for war with any of them. Every one respected Denson reverencely. Zeon often believed he is a God sent subject of zeon and thanked the heavens for him.

Now that he has died, people think of him as a fuel of a radiating fire that gives people warmth and burns away; after it gleams away, people start feeling cold again and eventually grow panting for another flame to give them warmth again. Many soldiers faltered for his demise.

The King in turn tried immensely to elucidate the soldiers to realize that their knots are not tied with Denson, they can still do fine in his absence.

Although it's hard, however, people and the soldiers have started accepting their worrior's death. The soldiers now depend and trust on their commander, Jebon. They now believe that their fates are not determined by the efforts of their late warrior Denson. Each person including the King is now seeing worth in Jebon's efforts in mobilizing the army.

Jebon on the other hand does not want the soldiers and the people to continue living in the awkward situation in the awe of a dead man. He mustered courage after some moments of despair for the demise of his comrade and takes charge in training more miniature soldiers.

Jebon now carries on on devising a strategical approaches to winning the forthcoming war against the Ikede. The Kingdom has for ages terrorised zeon without cause. They would lay ambush the zeon citizens and business troops. They literally attacks young teenagers on the farms and market women. They equally attack young boys on their hunting expenditures. People of zeon usually lived in panic of Ikede for ages. The people also feared that if this continues, zeon may become a subject state of Ikede.

However, Ikede was also gripped in fear when zeon fought and plundered many great tribes including the Baek nation which was believed to be one of the strongest kingdoms that even Ikede respected. But their worries were subsided when they learnt the death of Denson and they believed they would subjugate zeon soon.

Before Denson died, he has laid strategies with the commander on how to plunder Ikede. It was very difficult to attack Ikede because their Kingdom is fenced with iron rods and has only three gates which is seperately guided by not less than a thousand of elite soldiers. And in each gate is a flute which must be blown before fighting upon attack. Many kingdoms has failed in their attempts to attack Ikede because of this coperate security.

Every noble person has a defensive measure he takes to keep his fame and likewise kingdoms and nations. But what is unfathomable is their weakness. A kingdom may be very strong and fearful but it is still weak if it has not understood it's weakness especially when it's opponent has a prio knowledge about it. It is always said that "when a man thinks that he is standing firmly, he should watch his feet cautiously lest he should fall.

During the reign of King Jublin of Ikede, the father of the current king, he built a secret passageway to the palace. He has invented this route for the safety and easy flee of the palace nobles against a surprise attack. There's usually no guard on this passageway because it is concealed and even the soldiers are unaware of the crescent. This link has being built underground and has an opening at the Ikede river where no one sees. If one follows this road, one will emerge at the river and no one will suspect he has come from the palace which is far away from the river.

Jorbon and Jublin were good friends and Jublin trusted him so much that he told him about the passageway. Jorbon inturn told his son Denson and Denson had used the link to infiltrate the palace when he had to recover his father's staff he has left in the palace during his good terms with Jublin.

Now that the hostility between the two kingdoms has become severe, Denson leaked the secret with their commander Jebon. As this is going on, no one in Ikede knows of this secret passageway.