
Leap of Faith

We landed a second later, the impact accompanied by the sound of cracking rock. Fable absorbed most of the impact, but it still shook me, and I clung to his neck for nearly a minute before R'lissea finally persuaded me to open my eyes again.

"That was awesome!" she cried as she leapt from his back. "Did you really travel through the whole of Blue Canyon like that?"

I landed hard and stumbled, the ground spinning beneath me. A silhouette loomed through my blurry vision, and a hand caught me.

"You alright?" Luke asked, steadying me.

His hand lingered on my shoulder a second longer than necessary before he allowed me to pull away. I lowered my head, as much to hide the faint tinge of red on my face as in gratitude.

I took a shaky breath, my hands curling into my skirt, gripping it tightly. "W-why did you leave me? You could have taken me with you."

Jessia shrugged, a faint grin on her face. "Maybe."